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Proud Momma
Well, my daughter went to her first district band competition on Saturday. She was so nervous her hands were shaking. I was waiting outside in the hallway with the other kids that were waiting their turn. I was sooooooo scared for her. Afterward, she came out and said, "I totally sucked, mom!" I knew she didn't play nearly as good as she can but she didn't suck.
Anyhow, they posted the standings. They're put in either of two categories. Symphonic and concert band. The first being better. Out of 18 trombone players from I don't know how many junior high schools, she ranked 6 in symphonic! I knew she'd make it into the top ten but I had no idea she'd do that good. There were only two 7th graders ranking in the top 6... the other ranked 5. The other two players from her school are in 8th grade and ranked in the concert band.
I told her that if she can get over her fear she'd rank in the top 3 next year, if not 1st. This is her second year playing the trombone and I think she has a bright future ahead in music. I'm soooooooo proud!
So there's my story... sorry, had to share it with someone or else I'd explode!
November 5, 2007, 10:32 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Proud Momma
Ah...that girl of yours...she comes from good stock!!
November 5, 2007, 10:48 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Proud Momma
No wonder you are so proud, Moon. That is a fantastic achievement.
November 5, 2007, 15:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Proud Momma
You deserve to share good news like that, what a little star. I love hearing about the children, you are a brilliant mum.
November 5, 2007, 15:29 |
76 / male port st lucie, Florida, US
Re: Proud Momma
I smiled the whole time reading your story. AWESOME , both of you.
November 5, 2007, 17:05 |
70 / male Southern Oklahoma, Oklahoma, US
Re: Proud Momma
Congratulations!!! to your daughter and you deserve some credit as well..
November 6, 2007, 00:36 |
81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: Proud Momma
Congrats Moon ! give that lil girl a big hug from another lil girls grampa !!!!!
November 6, 2007, 07:13 |
64 / male OHIO, Ohio, US
Re: Proud Momma
Congrats!! It's great when the kids do great in what they do. Tell to keep up the good work.
November 6, 2007, 17:13 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Proud Momma
November 6, 2007, 20:05 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Proud Momma
Thank y'all so much!
It being her first year, it's mine too.. and I had no idea what happens next. I assumed it was just a tital they held for the year. I found out that all of the district finalists will be playing in a concert together Saturday night. They're leaving early in the morning to practice together. I can't wait!!!
November 7, 2007, 09:56 |
76 / male port st lucie, Florida, US
Re: Proud Momma
November 7, 2007, 10:11 |
66 / female Richmond, Missouri, US
Re: Proud Momma
It is so totally awesome when your kids start to bloom in areas. Congrats!
November 7, 2007, 11:59 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Proud Momma
The concert was great! Each of the three bands played 3 songs. We didn't get home until after 11 but it was worth it!
The high school band director gave my daughter an assignment yesterday that kind of shocked her. He asked her to come up with a new design for the high school regiment uniforms. She said she doesn't deserve this honor... pfft! That girl's got talent when it comes to drawing.. and I have no earthly idea where the hell it came from 'cause it sure isn't from me!
November 14, 2007, 09:59 |
76 / male port st lucie, Florida, US
Re: Proud Momma
Nooo ? You only teach her to spread her wings and try everything so it does come from you in a very big way. Atta girl both of you
November 14, 2007, 10:31 |
60 / couple Hot and Balmy, England, UK
Re: Proud Momma
What an achievement, well done, she must be so proud of herself
November 14, 2007, 15:01 |