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Internet photo sharing...
How about it....are you pretty "willy nilly" with erotic or naked nudie photos of yourself, or do you like to be a bit discriminate or cautious with who you share your photos with?
Do you have allot of photos posted on allot of personals
and/or photo rating sites? Do you show some concern with being recognized by cropping your face out of photos, or blurring distinguishing marks like tattoos?
Have you ever shared photos via email or instant messenger?
Do you feel you need to trust who you share them with?
Have you ever been surprised to find some private photos somewhere on the Internet where you did not post them yourself?
October 18, 2007, 20:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Internet photo sharing...
i'm fairly shy about sharing nudie photos with just anyone (meaning the pics that can positively ID me).
i've shared photos through email etc etc etc.... and yes i've been directed to photos of myself in places i did not put them. especially a while ago on another dating type site (pg forums) where i had my pics stolen and showing on other profiles.
all in all i'm a lot more descrete about sharing any pics now.
October 18, 2007, 21:08 |
70 / male Southern Oklahoma, Oklahoma, US
Re: Internet photo sharing...
It's not just nude photos I am VERY cautious about share any photo of myself, period.
October 19, 2007, 03:58 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Internet photo sharing...
I do not feel comfortable showing some pictures such as some that might easily identify that it's me. I had an experience (still to this day that really disappoints me that I did such a thing...) that somehow I decided to go ahead and send pictures I had with this particular person through a messenger we chatted on. Anyways, to make a long story short, it was off of another site, and BCB had gotten an email to check out this profile and somehow my picture was on there when I had never put up pictures on that site and it was from a login that no one else knew I had. How that ever happened is beyond me.
October 20, 2007, 14:16 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Internet photo sharing...
I heard a comment on a news segment the other day that once something goes on the Internet, it will always be there.
Completely believable.
So even if you delete everything you've ever posted, chances are someone has already saved it to a computer, shared it with others and someone has re-uploaded it somewhere else.
October 21, 2007, 06:42 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Internet photo sharing...
The only places that we have any photo's on the web, of the naughty type, is with Absix's sites. I have other photo's on a networking site.
October 21, 2007, 11:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Internet photo sharing...
That's why I don't share more than a foot or a lip...LOL...most of what you get from me is just attitude...
October 21, 2007, 12:53 |
38 / male FWB, Florida, US
Re: Internet photo sharing...
Yeah I've had a pretty sobering experience with that Chazzy. I found quite a few pics posted up on another site. This guy definitely wasn't me and he definitely was abusing them profusely. Needless to say he is banned now and I haven't seen too many resurface after that.
October 21, 2007, 13:07 |
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Internet photo sharing...