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Where do you like to go
Where do you enjoy going on the world wide Internet on a regular and/ or daily basis for reference, research, personal amusement,(music, news, hobbies, jokes, poetry, games, computer info, cars, cooking, medical, shopping) etc.? Since I love music... using some downloading sites like Limewire, I can't get enough. Do you think at times you get obsessed with using the Internet, not realizing just how much time you consume on the Internet, I know I do, but I am much better these days
October 17, 2007, 13:13 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Where do you like to go
I have my morning coffee everyday with WN, of course, but also CNN and my local news station's webpage, I just prefer to click and read what I want instead of sitting through a bunch of stuff I don't, like I would catching the news on tv.
For humor, I check out Foamy the Squirrel's flash cartoon page.
For research and reference, I'm a big googler, I've been trying out Ask once in awhile too.
I kinda miss my quiet afternoons in a library though, but for research and reference, it just can't compare with the internet.
October 21, 2007, 09:12 |
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Re: Where do you like to go
April 17, 2008, 04:11 |
64 / male Heart of Illinois, Illinois, US
Re: Where do you like to go
Slate Magazine slate for social and political commentary(dont always agree with them). Try Wikipedia for casual curiosity type research. Be careful though, its user generated and the content is sometimes quetionable. As if anything you find on the web could possibly be less than the absolute truth.
July 26, 2008, 13:27 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Where do you like to go
I go to E-bay alot and webnaughty almost every day to see if I have any messages,and a dating site
July 27, 2008, 00:30 |