User no longer registered.
I hope we can do this without getting all political about it, please..
But...do you ever boycott any product or service because of the person, people, or company that produces or endorses it, and not because of the product in itself?
October 5, 2007, 08:06 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boycotting
The only thing I can think of here is....I don't think I would ever buy Paris's or Brittney's perfume...the less I see of those two, the better...
October 5, 2007, 09:03 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Boycotting
I refuse to use fastlane self-service checkouts at the supermarket, I doubt any of us actually enjoy that pointless chitchat with the till operator, but at least lets keep them in a job.
October 5, 2007, 09:43 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boycotting
If it ain't a pleasant experience, why go back for more????
October 5, 2007, 11:19 |
76 / male port st lucie, Florida, US
Re: Re: Boycotting
QUOTE (Liberalwife @ October 5, 2007, 09:43)I refuse to use fastlane self-service checkouts at the supermarket, I doubt any of us actually enjoy that pointless chitchat with the till operator, but at least lets keep them in a job.
I so agree, before you know it there won't be check out clerks and does anyone believe we'll see the savings in the price of goods, highly unlikely. Just another way of keeping people poor and rich richer.
October 5, 2007, 13:36 |
81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: Boycotting
because i am a smoker (not smart, but my right) i absolutely refuse to even visit the city of Lincoln,Nebraska ! ALL of their businesses (even the bars!!) have gone non-smoking !although i will always love my Cornhuskers, that city will never see as much as a single dime of the little bit of moneyi have. wont rant or rave, just the way i feel.................
October 6, 2007, 09:12 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boycotting
I have a friend who won't eat in any place that don't allow smoking He says he don't have to smoke there but it is the principle of the thing They have no right taking any one rights away
October 6, 2007, 09:25 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boycotting
I love antiques and browsing all the local shops here...all but one.
For decades now, this one shop is known for befriending the elderly residents in the county, getting in the door to look around their homes, then convincing them to sell their things for a minimun of their value so they can mark up a huge profit for resale in their shop....
Gawd, how do some people sleep at night?
October 6, 2007, 09:31 |
76 / male port st lucie, Florida, US
Re: Re: Boycotting
QUOTE (tiger5350 @ October 6, 2007, 09:25)I have a friend who won't eat in any place that don't allow smoking He says he don't have to smoke there but it is the principle of the thing They have no right taking any one rights away
Non smokers have a right to not smell it though. I do believe though that there should be a separate room for a smoker. Smokers do have rights also.
If someone wants to open a bar or restaurant for smoking they should be able to and if non smokers don't like it , go somewhere else. The do gooders and Big Brother have gone tooooo far
October 6, 2007, 09:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boycotting
We've found in the past that a smoking vs non smoking discussion can get a little too frisky....
As long as it's kept to a respectful debate level all is good
October 6, 2007, 09:45 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boycotting
Smoking vs non smoking?............This is A touchy subject,Where to draw the line without infringing on anybodies right to do what they want?
As for boycotting......Polotics. (well politicians anyways). All of them born to tell you lies and half truths,give with one hand and take away with the other 
Drives me nuts!!
October 6, 2007, 10:20 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Boycotting
QUOTE (pookhabear @ October 6, 2007, 09:34) QUOTE (tiger5350 @ October 6, 2007, 09:25)I have a friend who won't eat in any place that don't allow smoking He says he don't have to smoke there but it is the principle of the thing They have no right taking any one rights away
Non smokers have a right to not smell it though. I do believe though that there should be a separate room for a smoker. Smokers do have rights also.
If someone wants to open a bar or restaurant for smoking they should be able to and if non smokers don't like it , go somewhere else. The do gooders and Big Brother have gone tooooo far
There was a totally smoking restuarant in Pa
The sign said Smoking and Nonsmoking welcome but please don't complain if some one smokes in here
October 6, 2007, 16:03 |
76 / male port st lucie, Florida, US
Re: Boycotting
That's the way it should be, equal rights, I think it's called. many places in Florida are smoking. if it smells crappy and they don't keep the air filtration going. I don't go there, very simple but I don't have the right to tell someone else they can't.
October 6, 2007, 16:23 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boycotting
We have a place near by that is nationally known for their caramel apples, "Happy Apples"....I use to love them especially this time of year, but last year they got busted TWICE for hiring a certain type of worker that I'll be ever so vague about in order to avoid any major political implications.....
I'll never buy them again...
October 7, 2007, 09:25 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boycotting
Anything made in frickin' CHINA!!! I wanna live to see tomorrow....
I got the funniest e mail the other day... It was titled, "another Chinese recall." It showed a kid going down a slide and at the bottom it was a cheese grater...
Somethin' fishy about the whole thing
October 9, 2007, 09:32 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boycotting
i've never boycotted anything... but i dont use the self check outs either. i dont plan on it anytime soon unless the store starts sending me a paycheck... or they implement an automatic % off of the purchase or something.
October 9, 2007, 20:32 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boycotting
Got the "Another Chinese Recall" photo Moon! Thanks! Forwarded it on to a few...
October 10, 2007, 10:21 |
70 / male Southern Oklahoma, Oklahoma, US
Re: Boycotting
You wanna boycott something here's one I just heard about, don't know if it's true or not someone else can figure it out. But it don't surprise me. The new One Dollar Coin (US) does not have "In God We Trust" emprinted on the coin.
October 10, 2007, 11:38 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boycotting
Got this from the urbanlegends site...
Darn interesting!
Comments: (Updated) According to the U.S. Mint, an unknown number of new one-dollar George Washington coins (at least 50,000 of them, by one estimate) were erroneously struck without the motto "In God We Trust" and found their way into the batch of 300 million issued on February 15, 2007. A rumor (see above) began circulating soon afterward to the effect that the religious slogan, which has been a standard inscription on U.S. coins since 1938 and the national motto since 1956, was intentionally omitted from the entire run of one-dollar coins. The rumor is false, though it remains unclear whether it was inspired by the minting error or the fact that the newly designed coin, properly manufactured, bears the inscription "In God We Trust" on its outer edge instead of its face, per the Presidential $1 Coin Act of 2005:
October 10, 2007, 12:17 |