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Fifty Mistakes Men Make When Having Sex (part 1)
Just in case you thought the route to sexual bliss was straightforward, here's a list of things to avoid. They're all pretty much guaranteed passion killers for a woman - and if your check list contains more than ten of these, you've got some serious work to do on your sexual etiquette!
1 Going straight for the naughty bits
You've got to be sensitive to the fact that a woman is more likely to be irritated than aroused when a man dives for her breasts and vulva after a few minutes' perfunctory kissing. While you might get to feel the goods, you're not going to be invited back.
2 Not knowing how to kiss sensitively
Passionate or sensitive, firm or gentle, good kissing is an art form which lubricates the wheels of sex and gets everyone in the mood for more intimacy . Learn how to kiss, and do it well. That doesn't mean sticking your tongue in her mouth and wiggling it around like you're trying to floss her teeth.
3 Being too rough when you touch her erogenous zones
Men like a firmer touch than women, especially when it comes to our penises. So if you touch her clitoris with as much force as you apply to your penis when you masturbate, she's most likely to howl with pain - and then kick you out of bed. Remember: the clitoris has twice as many nerve endings as the penis, in a much smaller area. Treat it with respect. It's the only organ in the human body that has no function other than to provide pleasure.
4 Not stroking and caressing her
A woman's second biggest sex organ is her skin. (The first is her mind.) You can make your touch on any part of her body into a sexy caress, but you have to focus on what you're doing and put some sexual energy into your fingers while you caress her. That means not thinking about the baseball game while you're giving her a sensuous massage .
5 Locking onto her nipples like a suckling child
Yes, we know it's fun for you. To her it just feels like she's got a teething infant hanging off her breast. Lick and kiss around her whole breast before you go for the nipple, then flick your tongue gently across the nipple and around the areolae. If she likes what you're doing, you'll know by her moans of pleasure.
6 Biting on her earlobe because you think it's sexy
She may not agree with you. In which case it will just be irritating for her, not a prelude to her turning into the sex goddess you thought you were summoning up.
7 Leaving a hickey on her neck like a teenage badge of honor
If you're over sixteen, this is a no-no. If you need to know why, you're obviously under sixteen.
8 Not shaving before sex
When you're in the throes of passion, having your beard stubble brushing back and forth across her face isn't so sexy, but at least it'll produce a red rash she can remember you by.
9 Not washing your pits and bits before you have sex
If there's one thing that turns women off, it's a lover whose personal hygiene isn't up to scratch. Even though men have a higher smell threshold than women, keeping yourself clean - especially in the more intimate corners of your anatomy (like under your foreskin) - is not just a matter of courtesy, it's a ticket back to the bedroom.
10 Forgetting she has a sensuous body waiting to be stroked
Pretty much the same point we already made up above, but worth remembering: touch doesn't just have to be in the bedroom, a prelude to sex. In fact, if you touch her a lot in a loving way during the day, she'll be ready to melt into your arms by bedtime.
11 Trying to get your fingers in her underwear before she's ready
This is the mark of a gauche teenage lover who wants to get to fourth base just so he feels more accomplished as a lover. Take your time, let things evolve naturally, and apply a little sensuous touch on the fabric covering her vulva before you dive under the elastic. The hint of what's to come is often more erotic than diving straight in there.
12 Dropping the condom on the floor
Must we say why this isn't the most popular move post sex? Dispose of the condom tidily in a tissue - put it in the bin rather than down the toilet, or it's likely to float there for some time to come as a reminder of your sexual encounter .
September 30, 2007, 08:37 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Fifty Mistakes Men Make When Having Sex (part 1)
3 Being too rough when you touch her erogenous zones
Men like a firmer touch than women, especially when it comes to our penises. So if you touch her clitoris with as much force as you apply to your penis when you masturbate, she's most likely to howl with pain - and then kick you out of bed. Remember: the clitoris has twice as many nerve endings as the penis, in a much smaller area. Treat it with respect. It's the only organ in the human body that has no function other than to provide pleasure.
This lady responds better to a soft gentle touch and caress than hard and rough
September 30, 2007, 13:21 |
76 / male port st lucie, Florida, US
Re: Fifty Mistakes Men Make When Having Sex (part 1)
It's the only organ in the human body that has no function other than to provide pleasure.
mmmm never really thought of it that way
September 30, 2007, 15:20 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Fifty Mistakes Men Make When Having Sex (part 1)
Disclaimer: BTW....I just copied and pasted the article as it was originall written, I don't agree with all of it...
October 1, 2007, 10:15 |
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Fifty Mistakes Men Make When Having Sex (part 1)