User no longer registered.
In your locality, what's the worst crime problems you have?
In my tiny rural town, it's speeders, DWI's, and teenage vandalism and theft. A few years ago, meth labs were the biggest problem, but the new laws have been great for eradicating them.
September 7, 2007, 09:10 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Crime
Someone stole the copper wiring from the baseball fields at Fielder Park a while back. We're located by a main thoroughfare where the speed limit drops to 50 through our town, so I guess I would have to say speeding.
September 7, 2007, 09:17 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Crime
We're pretty much the same as you Chazzy. Mostly the stupid teenage stuff. We do get some of the gang bangers in from the cities, but since there is nothing to do here, they usually leave in short order.
September 7, 2007, 10:20 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Crime
Litterbugs! I can't stand 'em!!!
I bitched a kid out once for throwin' a whataburger cup in my yard. He didn't know I was looking out the screen door.... BUSTED! He picked it up
September 7, 2007, 10:22 |
81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: Crime
although it has stopped now, a few years ago the popular "kid thing" to do was knocking over headstones in the local cemetery !just dont understand why ANYONE would get any kind of thrill vandalizing that way....
September 7, 2007, 10:51 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Crime
QUOTE (dave2big @ September 7, 2007, 10:51)
Oh, I know what you mean. That happened here many years ago to a cemetery that has been in this town since it was founded. Maybe even older than the town itself. It's heart breaking
September 7, 2007, 11:07 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Crime
Teenage yobs around here seem to think it's funny to throw eggs at the drivers of passing cars and buses!!...
How friggin' stupid is that?
September 7, 2007, 11:12 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Crime
Far as I can say off hand.. is speeding, a lot of drinking and driving (have had a number of young high schoolers and such die from crashes)... and probably some stealing. About all I can think of for the moment.
Oh, I also make sure my car is locked at all times, had my purse stolen once and a year later these people that lived in the next set of apartments found my purse in their garage and the only thing missing was my $68 dollars that i knew was going to be gone if I ever found it again.
September 7, 2007, 11:13 |
64 / male OHIO, Ohio, US
Re: Crime
Dope, dope and did I mention Dope!?! Meth, coke and weed. Just can't seem to get the dopers out of our little rural area. Cops are trying but hey, went you can turn a buck pushing instead of doing honest work why should they? Gee why do honest work. (hope you can tell sarcastic) heard one actually told a cop could make over a hundred a day selling weed to other kids so why work and have someone tell him what to do and when. by the way same kid now sitting in jail(prison bit_h...cute guy..bet he is popular)
September 7, 2007, 11:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Crime
Wow..what quiet neighborhoods! We have quite a mixture here in the tri-state area ranging from 10-11yr old boys raping a 5yr old girl, an outrageous number of registered sex offenders in our little town alone..hehe and most are very well to do..goody two shoes. Across the river we have our very own little Detroit with a minimum of one shooting each nite not to mention the stabbings and the meth lab and the drug busts..Huntington Wv's claim to fame with the Marshall football program is slowing losing notoriety with the huge amounts of heroin and cocaine that flow thru the area on a regular basis. And of course we can't forget 4 1/2 alley..the hang out for the hookers and johns..but as all the fine church folks know would not be happening if the state didn't offer gambling. And as for the little tip of Ky that borders us we have a fine upstanding young man on the FBI's most wanted list. As for our little quiet neighborhood nestled on the banks of the Ohio..most in our section have signs.."We carry guns 3 days a week...you figure out which days it may be" We are very fortunate to have a marvelous network of neighbors so all of our kids and grandkids are never out of anyone's sight at any given time so they can still enjoy the freedom of just being kids.
September 7, 2007, 11:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Crime
The organized Neighborhood Watch groups are great....and just good neighbors that keep an eye on things are too.
What really, really bothers me is the "Stop Snitching" campaigns going on in some areas...they even wear t-shirts to constantly intimidate citizens from reporting anything...how sick is that?
September 7, 2007, 11:35 |
76 / male port st lucie, Florida, US
Re: Re: Crime
QUOTE (StillHotnSexy2 @ September 7, 2007, 11:19)Wow..what quiet neighborhoods! We have quite a mixture here in the tri-state area ranging from 10-11yr old boys raping a 5yr old girl, an outrageous number of registered sex offenders in our little town alone..hehe and most are very well to do..goody two shoes. Across the river we have our very own little Detroit with a minimum of one shooting each nite not to mention the stabbings and the meth lab and the drug busts..Huntington Wv's claim to fame with the Marshall football program is slowing losing notoriety with the huge amounts of heroin and cocaine that flow thru the area on a regular basis. And of course we can't forget 4 1/2 alley..the hang out for the hookers and johns..but as all the fine church folks know would not be happening if the state didn't offer gambling. And as for the little tip of Ky that borders us we have a fine upstanding young man on the FBI's most wanted list. As for our little quiet neighborhood nestled on the banks of the Ohio..most in our section have signs.."We carry guns 3 days a week...you figure out which days it may be" We are very fortunate to have a marvelous network of neighbors so all of our kids and grandkids are never out of anyone's sight at any given time so they can still enjoy the freedom of just being kids.
I was thinking same thing , quiet neighborhoods. Before moving to Florida I thought Boston area was bad. I am 40 miles out side West Palm beach(pretty exclusive area) and it has worst crime i ever saw , Drugs, shootings, every night on the news. Before I left 2 weeks ago in one week there were 2 gang rapes, the gangs were early teens and the victims mid 30's ladies. Blows my mind how bad it is. Of course in Fl. anyone can legally carry a gun , not just own one. it's freakin crazy !!!!!!
September 7, 2007, 14:08 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Crime
You could always come to the "Garden Spot" of Pennsylvania where we have triple homicides, regular bouts of drive by shootings, all the drug trafficking you could ask for, and the typical pranks and initiations offered by well established gangs. Yepper, Lancaster County has joined the big world of crime. Now, all we have to find is some judicial balls to provide some of the good ole fashioned punishment.
Ya gotta love it................
September 7, 2007, 15:16 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Crime
Well, dammit...around here Meth lab busts are way up there...It's been real good for so long, hardly any busts the past year or so, but the last several months...it's especially sad when a bust involves parents cooking the shit in their house with their children right there...
May 23, 2008, 21:37 |
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