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The banning of certain breeds....
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » The banning of certain breeds....


 User no longer registered.
The banning of certain breeds....
Lately, it's been dog fighting that's been at the forefront of this issue.
But we are all pretty much aware of the tragedy and havoc caused to and by certain breeds of dogs that are genetically aggressive and capable of killing and maiming humans and that they are the primary breeds used in such sick activities like dogfighting and drug house guarding, So...Pit bulls, Rottweilers, etc...the breeds that are not only genetically more aggressive in nature, but too often end up being owned by the type that will exploit the aggressiveness....should these breeds be banned?
 August 25, 2007, 19:10

 User no longer registered.
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
No dog is born mean or agressive Puppies are trained that way
If people wouldn't train their dogs to be that way there could not be dog fights other than two dogs argueing over their turf or defending themselves which is natural

I knew a woman who had two pit bulls that were big babies
She showed them love and care and affection

So don't blame the dogs for what owners train into them

With the right training any dog will be come aggressive and mean
Also dogs treated mean become so
They are just reacting to what they are shown
If you were tied up and treated mean and nasty every day for years you would also become mean

Our dogs were treated as one of the family
They were shown lots of love and attention and we never had a mean dog

If any one is going to own a dog they should treat a dog right and they will end up with a loving dog no matter what the breed

Now there is my two cents worth I hope what I said hasn't offended any one cause that was not my intention

 August 25, 2007, 23:39

 70 / male
 Southern Oklahoma, Oklahoma, US
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
I agree Tiger, it's the owners that make their dogs mean. Some breeds are naturally aggressive and don't need the encouragement to fight.
I am a firm believer that an animal is going to act as it's trained. But for the animals that are already trained to be overly aggressive is not one that can be retrained and unfortunately "dealt" with. And the owner be charged.
 August 26, 2007, 03:05

 User no longer registered.
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
Of course, some of it is in the homelife, owners, and training.

But a pretty big part of it is the breeding, some are bred for work like border collies, some are bred to be retrievers, some are bred to be aggressive, etc...

I've taken in lots of abused and abandoned animals, some can be rehabilitated completely, some only partially and some should never, ever be with small children or other animals.
 August 26, 2007, 08:46

 User no longer registered.
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
As puppies all breeds are gentle I think and if shown love and attention they can stay that way It is when they get older and no proper attention given they turn mean or aggressive

I so dislike people who don't know how to treat an animal right and turn them mean and hateful that they want to fight for no reason

 August 26, 2007, 09:57

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
A new can of worms.....

I tend to agree with Chazzy, and yet I will agree with Tiger. You both are right, to a point. First let us remember where all dogs originated from, WOLVES. I've seen pit bulls that have been the greatest of dogs around kids, and I've seen small toy poodles be holy hell around kids. When it comes to kid vs dog, no matter what breed, the kid will always loose. I don't what the original purpose was for breeding pit bulls or rottweilers, the two dog types that have caused the most outcries. I've owned or been raise with 5 different breeds of dogs. German Shepard, Poodle, Kuvase, Wolf, and the mix breed. All of these dogs were fantastic around kids. But, I've had to put down dogs of the same breeds, that have terrorized kids and the neighborhoods where they lived. You just never know the true temperament of a dog until its too late. Kids should never be left alone around dogs, as kids are not able to read what a dog a thinking or how it is going to act.
But eliminate a breed of dog, because of the actions of a few, no I don't think so. But the owners do have the responsibility of knowing what temperament their dog has, and to protect themselves and neighborhood.

OK I'm off my soap box.
 August 26, 2007, 11:54

 User no longer registered.
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
this is a lot like the gun issue.... cant really blame an entire breed for the bullshit training of the ones that get the publicity. (like how you only hear about the freaks that go crazy and shoot up a school)

hate to say it but laws arent gonna stop these problems as the people that are the problems are not going to have enough moral judgment to abide by them anyhow. thats my 2 coppers and i'm done here... on to the fun stuff.
 August 26, 2007, 12:26

 42 / male
 New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
Yes, there are some genes that work to heighten aggressive tendencies, but saying outright that these breedings makes the dog overly aggressive is wrong. Its an argument that Biologists have been having for years, Nature Vs. Nurture. If a breed has become genetically aggressive, than it makes no difference who has trained them, they will be aggressive no matter what and will be unable to be trained to not be aggressive to their owner. A nature version of aggression is an almost constant rage.

A lot of criminals have been trying to use genetics to defend what they did. They're saying that they had no control over themselves because of their genetics. No matter how out of control you get during an aggressive moment, you still had a choice to walk away from the situation, preventing any possible crime.
 August 26, 2007, 12:47

 User no longer registered.
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
the breed that should be banned???
the breed known as MAN...the type who train and abuse these types of dogs.
i'm not a big dog lover to begin with, but it's a tragedy to see what these dog go through.
i heard this on the radio the other day....
75% of reported dog bites in the US are committed by pit bulls...but 95% of deaths caused by dog attacks are committed by rottweilers...
 August 26, 2007, 13:13

 User no longer registered.
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
Lowlifes that are attracted to "killer dogs" and dogfights are attracted to just a few breeds, I would think that banning these breeds could really cut down on dog fighting and dog attacks...especially in the area of dog attacks and maulings, anyone owning these "illegal" breeds would most certainly be reported and dealt with.
Of course, I'm an animal lover, whether they are wild or domestic and regardless of their breed and the consequences that "illegal" animals would suffer due to any new laws also sickens me.
 August 26, 2007, 20:24

 User no longer registered.
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
right, and ANYONE who is involved, in ANY way (like a certain football player)...should deal with the consequences. i think that the NFL did the right thing by suspending Mr. Vick. even though he hasn't been officially charged with anything yet.
when will these "so called" sports players learn that they are NOT above the law?
 August 26, 2007, 23:26

 81 / male
 somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
just a thought on this subject.....i agree with tiger that puppies are gentle and fun. however, chazzy has a valid point,these dogs are bred to fight and kill. my buddy that has such bad arthritis was adopted by a pit bull. this dog was a stone-killer. other dogs,cats,and any other animal had no chance if it ran away,or fought back. he would occasionally amuse himself by knocking a dog down,rolling it and then letting it get back up. if the dog made ANY attempt to fight....he simply killed it ! after the dog figured out that i was not a threat to his master, i was accepted by him completely. he would lay beside me on the front porch as gentle as a lamb.i still miss being around this dog, as he became a friend to me as well......,
 August 27, 2007, 09:28

 User no longer registered.
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
I would love to chime in on this topic but there's not enough time in the world.......
 August 27, 2007, 10:09

 User no longer registered.
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
Ok, I'll write just a little bit on the subject.

A lot of the "natural aggression" has to do with breeding. If you have two dogs who are aggressive by nature, they're more than likely to have pups that grow up to be aggressive. I'm not saying that every pup in the litter will be that way.... some, definitely.

As for what these dogs were bred for? Pit bulls, aka American Pit Bull Terriers were bred for bull baiting. The owners would insure that the bloodlines did not continue if the dogs were in any way aggressive toward humans. They were not bred to be aggressive toward humans. No dog is bred to be aggressive toward humans, period! Pit Bulls and some other breeds are aggressive toward other dogs... but as some of y'all put it, if raised PROPERLY! in the right environment with the right training, they can be taught to get along well with other dogs.

As for kids? You should never leave a child alone with ANY adult dog, period! I don't care if it's a mastiff or a chihuahua!

My brother has an English Mastiff... if anyone saw this dog they'd think, 'Oh my gosh, that dog would be bad for anyone with kids." They were bred for guarding castles and are gentle giants.

I'm just sick and tired of all the misconceptions of certain breeds..... Did you know that a study found that the most likely breed to turn on their human is the Dalmatian? How's that for a shocker!

I know what y'all are thinkin'.... "oh boy, she's not done.." lol I'm not. I'll probably post more on this later.
 August 27, 2007, 10:26

 User no longer registered.
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
And.... it's like FLP put it... wolves bein' in the blood line, all dogs have an aggressive nature in some way, shape or form.
 August 27, 2007, 10:28

 76 / male
 port st lucie, Florida, US
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
What give us the right to ban any breed, are we god. Maybe we should ban the owners whio breed them to fight, aka Michael Vick. Punishment for people who breed animals to fight and kill, should be to put them in a room with a hungry mistreated dog.
People who do it are the lowest of low and need to be treated as such
 August 27, 2007, 14:38

 56 / female
 daytona, Florida, US
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
I had a dog that was part Rottie and part Chow. Cinnamon in colr and the sweetest pup I knew. The my landlord changed the rules and to keep him (this was before I met Warren), I'd have had to pay another $150 a month. I had no choice and had to put him up for adoption. A friend of mine knew who he went to and checked on him for me once, he is now a guard dog for a farm. No longer the sweet pup that I raised, but a nasty mean guard dog. It broke my heart. It was his training, after he left me, not his breed.

I don't like Pit Bulls. But I do like Rotties. One is as likely to turn as the other. I firmly believe it is in the training.
That said, I wouldn't have a Pit Bull, but if you want one, that's your prerogative. Just don't expect me to get near it. Biased? Maybe, but why take the chance?

I did know that about Dalmations and I was surprised by it. Funny, you never hear about those attacks, do you?

We have a German Shepherd mix now, he is a sweetie, but he knows where home is and is a good boy. He barks until he knows who's coming in and once he knows, is as likely to lick you to death as not, lol.

 August 27, 2007, 15:05

 User no longer registered.
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
Banning would just mean making it illegal to own these breeds, the breeds would still exist.

I don't think it could or should be done at all.

Lowlifes don't give a fuck about laws or what's legal and what's not anyway.

Just the thought of the fate of "illegal" dogs would be makes me sick.

There's a problem with cockfighting, but no way to make owning roosters illegal. I think that all efforts should be put forth to the lowlifes that are attracted to these breeds, and any training that exploits their natural aggressive tendancies be seen as animal abuse.

Dog maulings? Some pets are great pets even with the other animals and children of the household but will follow a "pack hunting" instinct when out running loose.

I have taken in many abused and dumped animals, and sometimes an animal is way too timid and I do have to give some very mild aggression training to them. They are too timid and stronger animals will kinda pick on them. With cats, it's a roll of paper towels, they grab the roll tear at it with their teeth, rip it up with their back claws, it's just a play exercise but it builds up their confidence...with timid dogs or puppies, it's tug-of-war games.
 August 27, 2007, 16:24

 User no longer registered.
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
Another thing that goes wrong with people and dogs is that they don't establish a pack leader. It's just like with kids. You have to teach them early who's boss. And when the kids are old enough, you have to supervise them and teach them how to handle dogs. As soon as a kid is at an appropriate age, the dogs in your household need to be taught that they are "below" them in the pack, as well... not just below the adults. That's another thing that can cause a child/dog relationship to go wrong. If they're not taught that they will always think they have the upper hand when it comes to the kids.
 August 28, 2007, 09:06

 User no longer registered.
Re: The banning of certain breeds....
Ah, MH knows what she talking about! I have a very large dog, and I'm often shocked that children we sometimes encounter on a walk don't know how to approach a dog, and the parents seem clueless too....

You cannot ever allow your small children to run up screaming at any dog!!! They need to know how to approach them. Any dog will bite or react when they are startled and "threantened".
 August 30, 2007, 10:05

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » The banning of certain breeds....

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