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Those who have a child(ren)
To those whose been through this...
What would you do...
A. Go back to work
B. Stay home w/ no job
C. Stay home with a part time job (something like MaryKay, Lia Sophia type of job.. not too demanding of your time... you know... the lady type jobs)
D. Other...(insert ideas)
Just wondered.
August 18, 2007, 19:17 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Those who have a child(ren)
That is a hard question.
If you can afford to stay home it is great. I was able to stay home till my kids started school. Because everything or most of what i would have made would have gone to daycare. I started working when they were in school full time.
August 18, 2007, 19:22 |
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Re: Those who have a child(ren)
I stayed home with my oldest and didn't really think I was great at it, I didn't do well with the "which diaper do you use" mommies. I loved my child but I'm a person that needs to be challenged mentally...not by a two year old.
When my two little ones came along I had the best of all situations. My mom was their Nanny so I knew they were well cared for at all times. I have an incredibly flexible work schedule and love my job. I work between thirty or so hours a week and my boss lets me come and go as I need to. I think I'm a better Mom because at the end of the day they aren't the reason I want to pull my hair out.
I think any woman's decision to stay home or work should be weighed heavily. If you are the type of woman that can dive in and be a full time mom without feeling like you've lost yourself then by all means stay home. If you need adult interaction on a daily basis you may want to think about it.
I have the best of all worlds in being a Mom. My children are loved, self assured, silly, and fun. I made the choice to work because I knew I wasn't "cut" from the same cloth as some of my friends who are incredible stay at home moms. You have to be on 24/7 with the kids, if you can do it, go for it!!!
Personality has so much to do with being a woman that can stay home...
August 18, 2007, 22:49 |
57 / male wild and wonderful, West Virginia, US
Re: Those who have a child(ren)
I spent my night awake with my son, then went to work.
August 18, 2007, 22:53 |
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Re: Those who have a child(ren)
I stayed at home until my youngest went to pre-school, and i got a job there and have worked in the boys schools ever since, it wasn't intentional it just worked out that way.
It's good being in their school as i have the same holidays and i'm there in the mornings and after school. Infact 9 times out of 10 they travel to and from school with me.
August 19, 2007, 05:44 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: Those who have a child(ren)
I personally have stayed home through out my child bearing years.....
I have been a stay at home mom for the past 10 years, and now my youngest is just about ready to go to kindergarten....
I believe if its financially possible, there should be no other choice but to be at home with them for as long as you can.......Just doesn't pay to do it any other way....
August 19, 2007, 11:23 |
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Re: Those who have a child(ren)
I'm very lucky to be able to be with my boys before/after school, all their holidays and non school days. I'm also lucky to be in their school so i can watch over them without making it to obvious. They both like me being in the school, so that makes being there worth while
August 19, 2007, 12:30 |
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Re: Those who have a child(ren)
If you can afford to stay home...all the power to you..but with the finical aspect of raising kids these days..it is hard to be a stay home parent...
August 19, 2007, 12:39 |
60 / couple Hot and Balmy, England, UK
Re: Those who have a child(ren)
I am one of the lucky ones I suppose, or not, its all according how you look at it.
My children came along quite late in life, after 12 years of marriage. It was not a decision I consciously made to stay at home, it was just something I did automatically. My victorian fathers input on my growing up I suppose.
Well I have been a stay at home mum for 9 years now, and my youngest starts infants school soon and I have got a job starting a month after she goes to school. I can work 10 till 2, which means I can take them and pick them up and its only a term time job, so I'll be at home with them in the holidays.
Financially, yes its been a hard struggle, but as an older mum I am able to put their needs before our own and concentrate on them. It is hard financially and you have to sacrifice almost everything to be able to cope but as they get older then you can find yourself, your Independence and a little extra cash slowly and before you know it, they'll be gone, as children are only leant to us for a short while, its been great enjoying their early years....
August 19, 2007, 15:49 |
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Re: Those who have a child(ren)
i'm a firm believer that one of the actual parents should be at home for the first years... doesnt mean 100% stay at home parenting for one of them though. i know i'd need to get out of the house at least once or twice a week, i'd expect the same of anyone that wants to stay sane. a part time job or volunteering etc. one day a week or so would be a good thing.
thats about all i'm gonna say on the subject for now... hate to put my foot in my mouth before i know what my "official" opinion is on this one.
August 19, 2007, 19:03 |
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Re: Those who have a child(ren)
Sadly peoples circumstances change and the stay at home parent may have to go out to work.
August 19, 2007, 19:18 |
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Re: Those who have a child(ren)
when i was still married, i worked nights and she worked days. saved a bundle on daycare costs, but...
i think thats part of the reason we got divorced...
not enuff time together with each other...
August 19, 2007, 22:46 |
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Re: Re: Those who have a child(ren)
QUOTE (boredcountryboy @ August 19, 2007, 19:03)i'm a firm believer that one of the actual parents should be at home for the first years... doesnt mean 100% stay at home parenting for one of them though. i know i'd need to get out of the house at least once or twice a week, i'd expect the same of anyone that wants to stay sane. a part time job or volunteering etc. one day a week or so would be a good thing.
thats about all i'm gonna say on the subject for now... hate to put my foot in my mouth before i know what my "official" opinion is on this one.
Believe me, if my mom hadn't been around to be the Nanny to my children I would have thought long and hard about staying home vs. working. That and a flexible schedule has allowed me to have a couple of really wonderful little people...
August 19, 2007, 23:17 |
50 / female Boston, Massachusetts, US
Re: Those who have a child(ren)
I spend most days home with the children, but I am in a somewhat different position than most people and can do my work from home 8 of 10 days.
I have a nanny who sits with them for the time I have to spend at the barn.
August 24, 2007, 15:03 |
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Re: Those who have a child(ren)
Definitely a parent should be with the kids until they are old enough for pre-K. That way there social skills can develop.
Then, hi-ho, hi-ho, off to work you go.
August 25, 2007, 15:29 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Those who have a child(ren)
Sorry to hijack this thread but if you want to read a hilarious parent story, go to ebay and put 130144061675 in the search bar. I laughed so hard I cried!
August 27, 2007, 11:06 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Those who have a child(ren)
It was hilarious, Thank you, Moon!
August 27, 2007, 15:18 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Those who have a child(ren)
I had no choice but to work. I now have one grown and another that is a junior in HS. They are both very good kids with strong work ethics. I am proud of them. I also am the type that cooks from scratch - it is important to me to make good food for my family. I think that there are pro's and con's to both and each family needs to do what is right for them. The kids will be fine as long as they are loved and given the support and attention that they long for.
August 28, 2007, 13:31 |