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Cosmic ordering
There is a big thing over here at the moment about getting what you want just by asking the universe. I am not a sceptic to most alternative beliefs, but i have heard stories that it works and stories that it is a load of rubbish.
There are lots of books on sale telling you how it has worked for them, and how it can work for you!!!
What do you think of cosmic ordering, does it works or is just a load of rubbish????
August 15, 2007, 12:52 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Cosmic ordering
Wonder if they'll send me a catalog.
August 15, 2007, 13:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Cosmic ordering
Yep, the big deal over here is a book called "The Secret"...I haven't read it, but from the reviews and such on it, it's all about being a positive energy yourself, will attract positive energy to you.
I do believe in something like that....you know the old saying..."Misery loves company"...and that positive thinking people are much less affected by negativity because they have the optimistic outlook to handle negativity without it making such an adverse affect on them and I do believe that worrying, anger, and other negative thinking and emotions can even have a negative effect on us physically.
I think happy positive people move ahead and rise above negativity, and negative thinking people tend to "stew" or lie stagnant in their negativity.
It does make sense...imagine a room full of people, who do you want to gravitate to? Who do you want to gravitate to you? Happy optimists or people wallowing in hate, anger, jealousy and other such petty things?
August 15, 2007, 15:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Cosmic ordering
Wouldn't this be like-----praying?
August 15, 2007, 16:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Cosmic ordering
QUOTE (JCSOS @ August 15, 2007, 16:09)Wouldn't this be like-----praying?
You don't pray, you just ask in a positive way for what you want, and it isn't to any gods, just to the universe
August 16, 2007, 06:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Cosmic ordering
QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ August 16, 2007, 06:07) QUOTE (JCSOS @ August 15, 2007, 16:09)Wouldn't this be like-----praying?
You don't pray, you just ask in a positive way for what you want, and it isn't to any gods, just to the universe
Oh, ok.
August 16, 2007, 07:18 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Cosmic ordering
Seems pretty simple to me....the ole Golden Rule thing. Treat people the way you want to be treated and go from there. Smile and get a smile in return, kind thing.
Whatcha think???????????????
August 16, 2007, 07:49 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Cosmic ordering
Oh, thank heavens for Cosmic Ordering, NOW my world is complete!!
I agree with what Hobscotch said, that and a good positive attitude and ya' can't go wrong.
August 16, 2007, 09:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Cosmic ordering
For jcsos
I have a degree in dealing with stress and all problems related with it, and one of the main reasons is negative thoughts, so i help people turn them into positive ones. Positive thought is a powerful thing.
I have to say, some of my friends tried the cosmic ordering about a month ago, and they asked for things they couldn't change, and all of them got what they asked for.
August 16, 2007, 14:21 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Cosmic ordering
The world is full of "poison" ....and I just believe we are responsible for carrying our own antidotes...that could very well mean living the "golden rule", having a positive attitude or asking the universe
August 16, 2007, 17:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Cosmic ordering
QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ August 16, 2007, 14:21)For jcsos
I have a degree in dealing with stress and all problems related with it, and one of the main reasons is negative thoughts, so i help people turn them into positive ones. Positive thought is a powerful thing.
I have to say, some of my friends tried the cosmic ordering about a month ago, and they asked for things they couldn't change, and all of them got what they asked for.
Thanks for the huggs. I'm just thinking that it still comes down to belief in oneself, though another path.
August 16, 2007, 19:24 |
70 / male Southern Oklahoma, Oklahoma, US
Re: Cosmic ordering
In that case I'd like an order of Chazzy with a side of LiberalWife and for dessert I'll have MoonHowler covered with Juilianna (pie) 3some .gif">
August 17, 2007, 03:59 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Cosmic ordering
Although I believe in allot of things, I'm not buying into the entire cosmic ordering thing...I mean if it really did work, I would think that more lost children would return home, that some diseases would no longer be terminal, natural disasters would have no fatalities, the lotteries would have far more big winners, etc...
I've read and heard how the "secret" is suppose to do things for you like give you all green lights and no traffic jams when you commute and stuff like that....it's just that stuff like that I don't care much about, a few minutes in traffic here and there...doesn't really matter.
August 17, 2007, 04:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Cosmic ordering
Wouldn't it be amazing if cosmic ordering worked on righting all the bad stuff in life!!!
August 17, 2007, 04:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Cosmic ordering
QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ August 15, 2007, 12:52)There is a big thing over here at the moment about getting what you want just by asking the universe. I am not a sceptic to most alternative beliefs, but i have heard stories that it works and stories that it is a load of rubbish.
There are lots of books on sale telling you how it has worked for them, and how it can work for you!!!
What do you think of cosmic ordering, does it works or is just a load of rubbish????
Try reading 'The Master Key' if you can find a copy. It worked for me (and apparently for Bill Gates too).
It's all about training the subconscious to bring you the things you want, but not at the expense of others.
August 17, 2007, 05:22 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Cosmic ordering
Extract from the Master Key (available as an eBook)
18. It is sometimes an inspiration to hear from someone who has actually put these
principles to the test, someone who has demonstrated them in their own life. A
letter from Frederick Andrews offers the following insight:
19. I was about thirteen years old when Dr. T. W. Marsee, since passed over, said
to my mother: "There is no possible chance, Mrs. Andrews. I lost my little boy the
same way, after doing everything for him that it was possible to do. I have made a
special study of these cases, and I know there is no possible chance for him to get
20. She turned to him and said: "Doctor, what would you do if he were your boy?"
and he answered, "I would fight, fight, as long as there is a breath of life to fight
21. That was the beginning of a long drawn-out battle, with many ups and downs,
the doctors all agreeing that there was no chance for a cure, though they
encouraged and cheered us the best they could.
22. But at last the victory came, and I have grown from a little, crooked, twisted,
cripple, going about on my hands and knees, to a strong, straight, well formed
23. Now, I know you want the formula, and I will give it to you as briefly and
quickly as I can.
24. I built up an affirmation for myself, taking the qualities I most needed, and
affirming for myself over and over again, "I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful,
loving, harmonious and happy." I kept up this affirmation, always the same, never
varying, till I could wake up in the night and find myself repeating, "I am whole,
perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy." It was the last thing on
my lips at night and the first thing in the morning.
25. Not only did I affirm it for myself, but for others that I knew needed it. I want
to emphasize this point. Whatever you desire for yourself, affirm it for others, and
it will help you both. We reap what we sow. If we send out thoughts of love and
health, they return to us like bread cast upon the waters; but if we send out
thoughts of fear, worry, jealousy, anger, hate, etc., we will reap the results in our
own lives.
26. It used to be said that man is completely built over every seven years, but
some scientists now declare that we build ourselves over entirely every eleven
months; so we are really only eleven months old. If we build the defects back into
our bodies year after year, we have no one to blame but ourselves.
27. Man is the sum total of his own thoughts; so the question is, how are we going
to entertain only the good thoughts and reject the evil ones? At first we can't keep
the evil thoughts from coming, but we can keep from entertaining them. The only
way to do this is to forget them -- which means, get something for them. This is
where the ready-made affirmation comes into play.
28. When a thought of anger, jealousy, fear or worry creeps in, just start your
affirmation going. The way to fight darkness is with light -- the way to fight cold
is with heat -- the way to overcome evils is with good. For myself, I never could
find any help in denials. Affirm the good, and the bad will vanish. - Frederick
Elias Andrews
August 17, 2007, 09:40 |
60 / couple Hot and Balmy, England, UK
Re: Cosmic ordering
Have tried this myself and yes I would say it works. But it has to be something that is very close to your heart and something you want more than anything else.
I asked for three things and gave a date by when I wanted them and two came about. I dont know if its coincidence or mind over matter. I do know from past experience the power of the human mind, and how it can change things.
August 17, 2007, 16:36 |