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HIgh School Stereotypes..
What would best describe you when you where in school?
Were you the prom queen/king, jock, cheerleader, egghead/bookworm, band geek, freak/goth, stoner, class clown, etc...?
July 23, 2007, 22:08 |
53 / male millville, New Jersey, US
Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
I do believe we were called: "druggies" haha...
July 23, 2007, 23:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
Hmmm...I was very athletic and my best friends were all cheerleaders...I never really had an interest in being one because all of the guys made fun of how muscular my legs were and I wouldn't have been caught dead in one of those short skirts...now I'm thankful for those muscular legs because at 41 they look pretty good...LOL.
I was part of the party crowd too, we were a pretty close knit group, very diverse, growing up in a very small town we watched out for each other...the classes before and after us never had what we did...my time growing up was amazing and not many people are as blessed as we were...we didn't really have "mean girls" or "jerky jocks" to contend with. Cheerleaders, druggies, jocks, we all hung out and drank and had fun...
July 23, 2007, 23:55 |
User no longer registered.
Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
When i was at school we didn't have the same groups as the American schools, you were either in a group of goodlooking boys/girls or you were boffins(Always were well behaved), or just in between.
I was a nightmare at school, a little rebal, lol, i was in a group of 14 girls, we did rule the school though
We looked after anyone who was bullied, and sorted the bullies out, and if any of the younger kids were on their own at lunchtime, we would ask them to sit with us. There was a group of boys a year above us, they were really fit, they used to sit with us. Oh to be at school again!!!
It was so much more fun as a pupil, not as much fun being a teacher
July 24, 2007, 05:27 |
User no longer registered.
Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
Goody two shoes with a one detention all through high school. Honor roll student. I was more of the quiet, shy, mind my own business kind of sort back then.
July 24, 2007, 05:42 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
I was a nerd, lmao. No way around it. But I wasn't the get straight a's type. I was shy, had my nose in a book all the time, and wasn't pretty enough to hang out with the popular kids.
Hung out with my friends, and funnily enough, it was the so-called 'popular, good' kids who were the druggies, not my group, who were mostly what I'd call 'misfits.'
July 24, 2007, 06:30 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
I was a combo of rebel & jock, but wrestling & class clown was what I did best, which I believe lead to my Air Force carrer
July 24, 2007, 07:41 |
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Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
Everyone thought I was a goody two shoes also, like BC I had one very close friends a few other friends and was very quiet. . . . their perception of me changed a little I think when I got pg my senior year!!
July 24, 2007, 10:20 |
61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 23, 2007, 22:08)What would best describe you when you where in school?
Were you the prom queen/king, jock, cheerleader, egghead/bookworm, band geek, freak/goth, stoner, class clown, etc...?
Let's see...didn't go to the prom, jocks hated me because of that instance where I beat one of them up, cheerleaders were mainly made up of my sisters, I barely passed high school and the closest I ever got to the school library was the time I entered it from the back and shuffled my feet to the front desk and touched my girlfriend in the ear giving her the shock of her life and ran out, our school was so small that if you wanted to be in the orchestra you had to march in band, I couldn't march a straight line if my life depended on it, black was my favorite color, but not that much of a favorite, don't even ask me how many brain cells I burned away for those five years, and I demanded a recall on the class clown votes, but nothing ever happened...
July 25, 2007, 01:16 |
User no longer registered.
Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
Our school was so small back then that everybody knew each other. There were never any knock down, drag out fights between any groups. I was friends with everyone and known as the "peace maker."
July 25, 2007, 08:26 |
57 / female In the Sun, Arizona, US
Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
I was a band geek, nerd. Honor roll and everything --- quiet and stayed to myself and a few friends.
July 28, 2007, 20:49 |
66 / female Richmond, Missouri, US
Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
I was a band geek too, but was pretty onery too.
July 28, 2007, 20:52 |
61 / couple Boise, Idaho, US
Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
July 29, 2007, 03:13 |
81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
total outsider without friends. i came from a country school, and the only people i knew were two cousins that i didnt really get along with all that well. all in all, a lonely three years. in my senior year, i found that i enjoyed running track,and managed to make a few friends that way.
July 29, 2007, 04:09 |
55 / male any, Tennessee, US
Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
Honor roll,(nice) jock, class clown and voted most handsome my senior year. I had friends that covered every group possible.
August 2, 2007, 09:12 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
I went to public school from third grade to 10Th, which happened to be a small school....(It's funny, my son's fifth grade teacher this past year happen to be my third grade teacher when I went to that school)...I was a soccer player and yes, I was a cheerleader, however I was someone who happen to be a part of the "guy" click......I never really did get along with the "girls" As much as I was a cheerleader, I was also very much a tomboy, and the guys just loved that.
Went to private school in 11Th grade, there were 200 people in the entire school 5Th to 12Th, and 56 in my graduating class with only 7 girls...... At this school I was considered a jock being that if we did sports we didn't have to do gym, not to mention the school was an all boys school up until two years before I came in, so I played soccer, basketball (at 5' and happen to be one of the better players) and softball. My best friend was more Gothic, and the entire school was known for drugs.....(I guess that's what you get when you go to private school).....Although the first time I "smoked" wasn't until college.....
I guess I was a mix of a goody two shoes, tomboy, and a bit of a trouble maker if that makes sense.....
August 2, 2007, 10:21 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ July 25, 2007, 08:26) I was friends with everyone and known as the "peace maker."
No surprise there!
August 2, 2007, 10:23 |
User no longer registered.
Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
i was voted "most shy in my class". anyone who really knows that i tend to be shy in large groups of people. but my REAL friends have a hard time believing that i was that quiet.
after you get to know the "real" me...it's like i won't shut the heck up...ok, i wasn't really shy, i just didn't have anything to say....
August 3, 2007, 16:34 |
61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
In an underground school pole, I was voted most likely, "To be lurking in a dark alley"...I still don't see it...Shh, someone's coming...
August 4, 2007, 03:52 |
36 / male devon, England, UK
Re: HIgh School Stereotypes..
I would be the class clown.
When i left i got voted kindest and most marriable... WOO!
August 4, 2007, 12:50 |