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Being a "magnet"
Do you sometimes feel like you must be a magnet for certain kinds or types of people?
Do you often wonder "Why do I get all the wackos?" ...or on the positive side, usually attracting "your type" ?
July 22, 2007, 19:30 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Being a "magnet"
I find that I tend to collect silly, "up" personality type of friends. I guess you could say most of my friends have the "g" gene...g is for goofy. We sit and giggle and have a great time, never know what the other is going to say...I guess you could say I'm blessed.
July 22, 2007, 22:31 |
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Re: Being a "magnet"
When I use to go out every weekend, it seems I always attracted the bass player in the live band...and if there is a man in the place on parole for murder or manslaughter...he'll find his way to me...I hate it when a big drunk doode starts a conversation with "slur somthin' somethin' slur...but it really was self defense"
July 22, 2007, 23:05 |
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Re: Re: Being a "magnet"
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 22, 2007, 23:05)When I use to go out every weekend, it seems I always attracted the bass player in the live band...and if there is a man in the place on parole for murder or manslaughter...he'll find his way to me...I hate it when a big drunk doode starts a conversation with "slur somthin' somethin' slur...but it really was self defense"
LMAO...Oh, My Chazzy...the bass player thing I was so diggin'...the manslaughter thing...well...
July 22, 2007, 23:25 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Being a "magnet"
yeah..I feel the same! Bass player, that's cool...the paroled murderers....that's so not cool...
July 22, 2007, 23:38 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Being a "magnet"
I tend to attract really needy people. My husband recognizes this right away. I on the other hand tend to take a while before I get exhausted and then wonder what to do.
July 23, 2007, 01:07 |
61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Re: Being a "magnet"
QUOTE (Juilianna @ July 22, 2007, 22:31)I find that I tend to collect silly, "up" personality type of friends. I guess you could say most of my friends have the "g" gene...g is for goofy. We sit and giggle and have a great time, never know what the other is going to say...I guess you could say I'm blessed.
Wait, hold the phone...I think I represent that remark!...
July 23, 2007, 05:11 |
53 / male millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Being a "magnet"
QUOTE (CKTC @ July 23, 2007, 01:07)I tend to attract really needy people. My husband recognizes this right away. I on the other hand tend to take a while before I get exhausted and then wonder what to do.
Bass players tend toward this type of anti-social behavior...it is called: Guitar envy...the less numeric strings, tends to work on their constitution...over time weakening their resolve...fostering a need for criminal activity...or sometimes, in rare cases...they just buy an 8 string bass...
So.....your THAT girl, huh?
p.s....I'm pisces...I AM a weirdo magnet...by providence.
July 23, 2007, 07:27 |
66 / female Richmond, Missouri, US
Re: Being a "magnet"
I'm a definite people magnet. I also attract needy people as CK said, and my hubs keeps me in balance with that. Heck I would give away the clothes off my back to anyone if I thought they really needed them!
July 23, 2007, 08:11 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Being a "magnet"
i am a magnet for married men and ones overseas
July 23, 2007, 08:13 |