57 / male Manhattan, New York, US
Webnaughty Republic,I come bearing an inquiry of import..
Sexual hygiene is a must in my view..very much so.It is with this premise in mind that I pose the following inquiry:
During sex(ladies,this is especially for you),would you allow your male partner to transition from anal sex to vaginal sex with you
without cleaning or washing his penis first?There are health issues that spring from this conduct.You may be surprised to find that the
anus(because of its use and formation)is a well-
spring of contaminants??(remember,it is used to
purge bodily waste and other impurities).
Just curious.I thought I would run this one up the "flag-pole"(lol) and see who salutes..
Feel free to register commentary.
Peace and Blessings,
October 12, 2004, 07:11 |
User no longer registered.
Absolutly not. If its been there its not going anywhere else until its been showered again. Those ass to mouth videos just kill me..expecially the ones where one girl is doing it after its been in the others girls ass. Gross!
October 12, 2004, 19:10 |
User no longer registered.
Technically, it's all sterile. It may be gross, but it is sterile, so little harm is likely to occur.
However, like CG GROSS! If you want to do both, do the front and topsides first please.
October 12, 2004, 20:35 |
57 / male Manhattan, New York, US
Hate to differ with you KB,but that is simply not the case.Review of recent and varied medical
journals provide insight that it is not a truly sterile environment at all.The anus is a breeding ground for certain viral contaminants.
There is even data to support that there are "unknown" deviant viral strains that can still occur because of the nature of this "exit
only" device.I personally love having anal with a woman.But only with care given to its approach.
The old wives tales and "studies" going back a few decades or millenia have to give way to the new actual occurrences of viral contamination
traced back to this unclean sexual conduct.
Peace and Blessings,
October 13, 2004, 06:48 |
User no longer registered.
the anus and rectum carry many diseases that live quite benignly in your lower digestive tract, but which can be harmful in your mouth or stomach. Performing anilingus is a very risky behavior for a variety of bacterial infections.
So, while these bacteria do belong in the anus, they do not belong in the mouth or vagina, and care should be taken to wash prior to additional sexual activities following anal sex .
October 13, 2004, 19:39 |