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Oh yeh, that wasn't the cause......
The medical lab that investigated the pro wrestler CHRIS BENOIT's body for any any chemical cause for his murdering his wife, son and then hanging himself, has issued their final report. It stated that his body showed an over-abundance of an artificial testosterone, that probably led to his rage and thus his murderous rampage. Of course the wrestling association (WWE) that he was a part of is denying that the steroids that BENOIT was on could not have caused the wrestler to do what he did. WTF? Talk about whistling past the grave yard.....Cover your ass is more like it!!! All the wrestling associations are circling the wagons on this situation because they've turned a blind eye to the abuse that has been rampant in their own ranks. They do not give a sh*t about the long term health risks to their employees (wrestlers) as long as the show goes on!!!
July 18, 2007, 05:44 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Oh yeh, that wasn't the cause......
and IMHO, Vince is the worst offender.
July 18, 2007, 08:46 |
55 / male any, Tennessee, US
Re: Oh yeah, that wasn't the cause......
I have been around weight lifting/bodybuilding for 20 years. I have always stayed away from the steroids.I have not and would never take them. With that said I have been offered them numerous times. I have friends that have taken them and they still continue taking them. Steroids affect the mind and body. Roid rage is a common thing among people who take them . Dramatic mood swings etc. The government is tightening the noose around the supply of illegal steroids. Lets hope there are no more horror stories like this.
July 18, 2007, 10:16 |
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Oh yeh, that wasn't the cause......