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Boogiemen and nitelights...
What was scary to you as a child, what were you most afraid of...monster under the bed or in the closet, thunderstorms, boogieman, or afraid of the dark? Afraid of clowns, bugs, certain nightmares..?
July 12, 2007, 21:29 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boogiemen and nitelights...
Spiders, always was scared of spiders.
That is until one day i was screamin about one and my brother came in and killed it. he told me that's how ya fix that.
Been fine since.
July 12, 2007, 21:33 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boogiemen and nitelights...
My older brother use to sleep walk just about every night, that would freak me out sometimes, he'd just get up, wander around the house, opening and closing doors and drawers...and eating carrots,
July 12, 2007, 22:06 |
61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Boogiemen and nitelights...
Did your older brother used to watch, "Bugs Bunny" as a kid?...
July 13, 2007, 05:40 |
59 / male elgin, Illinois, US
Re: Boogiemen and nitelights...
thunderstorms and nightmares
July 13, 2007, 05:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boogiemen and nitelights...
When I was a kid my grandparents bed had a huge bedspread that went to the floor
When the thunder and lightening would start I was under that bed back in the corner in the dark
July 13, 2007, 07:26 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boogiemen and nitelights...
Clowns! I hated those stupid, f***in' CLOWNS!!
July 13, 2007, 08:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boogiemen and nitelights...
My older brother used to babysit me on a Saturday night, he used to say i could sit and watch telly with him until late. Then he would put a Boris Karloff film on and scare the life out of me and send me to bed!!!
I had a thing about my dolls being out at night, so i would lock them in the wardrobe until the morning.
I would also never sleep unless the wardrobe door was shut tight
July 13, 2007, 09:44 |
81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: Boogiemen and nitelights...
seeing myself in a mirror in the dark...i screamed out loud ! still have trouble with that !! weird , huh ?
July 13, 2007, 11:36 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boogiemen and nitelights...
i always thought i saw people standing in my room at night.... so growing up i couldnt have any clothes hanging out where i could see them if i happened to get up at night and see them, because it'd look like a person.
probably where my "better not wake me by touching me" reflex came from.
occasionally i'll still wake up and see something hanging on the back of the door etc and have that split second panic feeling like back then but only long enough to let me realize i can kick that dress' ass now!
July 13, 2007, 12:16 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Boogiemen and nitelights...
Most defiantly Spiders, used to stand still and scream or cry till someone came to rescue me from that evil little bug that was miles away from harming me......lol think I drove my mother crazy......
Good point bout those dolls tho HBG, I never did like to have them out staring at me while I was trying to sleep, but I was always concerned if I locked them up or hid them that just maybe when we are all asleep they come to life, then I'd be in for it and they'd get me for that you know.......
LMAO the imagination of a child.........
July 13, 2007, 16:40 |