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I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...


 42 / male
 New Britain, Connecticut, US
I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
For a site that's designed for us to meet new people , we end up seeing the same people everyday with very few newbies joining in on our forum topics and our chats. I think the people that are signing up are expecting to only communicate with the people they meet here via the private messaging system, but that narrows down their possibilities to only VIP Members.

I'm not saying we should change the system, I think its setup great. I just think its annoying that people refuse to join us in the forums or the chat rooms, but they spend a lot of time signed into the site. What are they doing here all the time? They're not talking to anyone and there really isn't that much else to do to explain the amount of time they spend logged on but not communicating.

If you haven't posted something in a while, drop us a line, we'd love to hear from you. I know I'm not the only one that feels this way!
 July 8, 2007, 21:10

 User no longer registered.
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
I agree mooant
I love going in here and talking to friends
You can almost always find some one to talk to

take care
 July 8, 2007, 21:23

 User no longer registered.
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
I'm all for noobs, noob participation...as much as possible, and try to spend a good chunk of my time online encouraging it, just like so many others here...

I don't think that many are leaving, there's no mass exodus or anything, and I see more coming than going.

Many that do leave are seeking instant gratification, they join a site, send out mass messages, and then quit the site if they don't get flooded with replies right away.
Then they're off to try another site.

I would love to see allot more people active everywhere on the site.
 July 8, 2007, 21:31

 User no longer registered.
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
...and allot of people kill some time with the erotic stories and free daily videos while they browse the profiles.

Allot of people we haven't seen in awhile, are just busy with summer, their kids are home and out of school, it's vacation time, it's time to be outside, the traffic jumps during winter months and drops some during spring and summer.
 July 8, 2007, 21:34

 57 / female
 South of that..., Georgia, US
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
...also, best I can tell, if you log in and then don't click the "logout" link when you leave, WN thinks you're here for a long time after you're gone. So some of those people who look like they're lurking around doing nothing, might have moved on to a different website already.

And by the way, I'm a free member too, and yet I found lots of ways to stay "entertained" for several weeks here before I got brave enough to actually speak up in chat.

It's true that some of our more active and visible friends have recently decided to say goodbye, and we'll miss them. But at the same time several very fun and interesting people have recently joined us. That's the way the cycle works. Don't give up on us!
 July 8, 2007, 23:03

 52 / male
 aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Re: Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
  QUOTE (AmberZed @ July 8, 2007, 23:03)
...also, best I can tell, if you log in and then don't click the "logout" link when you leave, WN thinks you're here for a long time after you're gone. So some of those people who look like they're lurking around doing nothing, might have moved on to a different website already.

And by the way, I'm a free member too, and yet I found lots of ways to stay "entertained" for several weeks here before I got brave enough to actually speak up in chat.

It's true that some of our more active and visible friends have recently decided to say goodbye, and we'll miss them. But at the same time several very fun and interesting people have recently joined us. That's the way the cycle works. Don't give up on us!

how could we give up with a pair of legs like that on show
 July 8, 2007, 23:16

 User no longer registered.
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
Some that have been here 3 plus years or a long time, will occasionally take a break. A few will delete their profile while taking a break, some will keep their profile, but the return rate on this site is way up there,.

There are some that make and delete a profile just about every weekend, and only want a profile up when they are going to be online.

If anyone is thinking about leaving the site, and there's anything I can do to make them happier here, I'm happy to give it my very best try. Just send me a PM...you're very entitled to say anything to me you want in a PM, even if you're pissed at me ...we'll talk it out.
 July 8, 2007, 23:22

 User no longer registered.
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
One thing i notice is how many people look at the topics prepared to how many have replied, so there are lots of members who don't have their say. So come on everyone, lets all have our say in the threads and the more who join us the more new friends you will make.
 July 9, 2007, 05:24

 66 / female
 Richmond, Missouri, US
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
I enjoy getting to meet new people too. Always so exciting to see new people come on board! Right now I really miss getting to send the featured profiles a congrats and hi since we aren't VIP right now. But I'm saving up my money so I can change that!
 July 9, 2007, 08:05

 User no longer registered.
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
As I recall Chazzy stated that if the folks who have been here contacted members to join the chat or the forms. It was a great way to get new folks in the forums and chat!!
 July 9, 2007, 10:36

 User no longer registered.
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
I personally contact da crap outta people here! I enjoy it very much...but there are some that have been members for years, they are online allot and frequently...and I know lots of us have sent them messages over the years, but no one has even rarely,if ever gotten a reply or response of any kind from them...so I understand what Mooant is saying, wondering what they do here being online so much but not interacting with anyone...and I have no idea what they do!
I can contact 20 people at a sitting that are on the "Who's online" list and less than half at best will reply or respond.
 July 9, 2007, 23:46

 User no longer registered.
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
I have too about one out of ten will say hi
 July 10, 2007, 00:48

 User no longer registered.
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
Well bulr...I guess some of 'em come here for the porn vids!

REAL, I do that too, let the featured members know they are on the front page! Some of them would never know that they were featured without a message!

I try to send a message to anyone who has made their first post or two...let'em know we'd love to see more from them.

 July 10, 2007, 00:59

 50 / female
 Boston, Massachusetts, US
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
I am one of those old but infrequent visitors. Webnaughty was an infant when I came to the site and I suppose some of the early nights were some of the hottest. *remembers the caffeine, chocolate and vibrator webcam spectacular*

I have never known what the silent visitors are doing - I assume they are browsing profiles, reading stories, lurking in the forum or simply viewing the bonus porn.

I probably will always stop in here from time to time. The faces are always new and the tone is always different. Only a few have been here throughout and seeing the oldies is just as much fun as meeting a newbie.

Anyway - it's time for me to go on another holiday. You never leave WebNaughty - not once you have truly joined the community.
 July 12, 2007, 16:00

 61 / male
 Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
I think I have an answer to the long log in time... Some folks, and I know this is a wide practice, leave their computers on 24/7. These same people don't see anything wrong with just opening another tab, when searching for other sites. They don't log out until their computer is cluttered with unused sites or a viral warning comes up.

Even still, some folks have their computer set to activate when a particular person logs in to the server. You know those folks, because they seem to appear to have a sixth sense about every time you log in. There is one other possibility... They are secret police, set to catch you in a sting operation. If that's the case, you should count your lucky stars they're not responding to your inquiries...
 July 13, 2007, 05:36

 User no longer registered.
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
There are some days when I leave my computer on for most of the day, days when I need to research allot of things, or have an on going email exchange.....sometimes I leave my WN window open for the entire day, so I'm logged in but may not be at my desk at the moment....I'm not all sure about that secret police thing though...it's a legal site, anything that just slightly smacks of "illegal" is taken care quickly...so not much for any secret police to amuse themselves with here.

I do understand that an "ex" will maybe try to create a personna here and mess with a person...but that is usually dealt with also, if it's discovered or reported.
 July 14, 2007, 11:57

 80 / male
 A whoop and a hollar from Dallas, Texas, US
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
OMG, the thought police! I will be in serious trouble soon if that's the case. Mr Orwell, who are we at war with, who is the real enemy? Or do we just need to get out the tinfoil hats so they can't read our minds? I'm so happy not to care and never to be serious....would you like a flower? Love, Peace and Ban the bomb to everyone.....isn't it 1967? Don't we all wish it was?
 July 15, 2007, 05:22

 65 / female
 McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
I admit I haven't been around much lately but I do stop in from time to time. These are great friends here. You have to actually join in on the conversations though in order to realize that. The problem right now though is it's summer. It's hard to be inside when it's nice outside. And we're going to be "homeymooning" for a long, long time!!
 July 19, 2007, 21:39

 User no longer registered.
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
It's great to see you stopping by, wildflower!! Sounds like things are goin' well for y'all Have a great honeymoon and be safe!!! Love to y'all
 July 20, 2007, 09:11

 User no longer registered.
Re: I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...
I do like (and miss) the fun chats in the regular chat room.
Of course I miss all the regulars, but someone here has to work. And now that I cannot work from home, hence less appearances, I'd like to take the time to say "Hi!" to all.
 July 20, 2007, 14:26

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » I Understand Why People Are Leaving WN...

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