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Agree or Disagree
As from today in the UK all smoking in public places will be banned, pubs, restaurants work places ect.
Do you think this is a good thing or not???
I have to say i agree with it, i know it's all about choice, but the health issues should be considered to those who choose not to smoke.
It is good news also as i don't want my meal ruined by someone smoking or a risk to my boys in public places.
I took my boys into a wimpy restaurant the other day, and i had to leave, as the smoke was terrible.
July 1, 2007, 07:36 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Agree or Disagree
Wow, you guys are a bit behind us in the US. Most of the states have already done exactly that. The bar-type businesses suffered for a month or so, and then sprang back to life when the smokers got over their refusal to go to bars that followed the law and the ones that didn't were shut down.
I don't understand why people smoke in the first place. There are no benefits to it like the illicit drugs, and it has so many health related issues. The people that get their fix only feel the need because of their body becoming addicted to that crap. If they had never smoked before and had a cigarette, they would feel nothing other than it's harmful effects. Of course, it will never become completely illegal considering the multi billion dollar industry in the US...
July 1, 2007, 07:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
The US has had and continues to add similar laws. I don't always agree with them. Not because I smoke, but because there are ways to completely seperate the areas. New York has had this law in effect for many years. They simply partiion off part of the business and add seperate HVAC.
Much of this is done as part of "clean air acts" and to raise cigarette taxes in a feable attempt to get people to quit. In South Dakota, they raised the taxes and made it illeagal to smoke in most restaurants. Please note that this can be circumvented by getting a liquer license. Typical SD on that--as long as they make money on it.
California has at least one town [Baker} that even has made it illegal to smoke in your own yard. Also there have been drivers that have gotten tickets for smoking in a work place. [the truck].
NYC. The at first limited the ban so a person could smoke in some places. Bars I think. Then after they completely banned it, the city kept getting complaints because the smokers were on the sidewalk. Unintentionally blocking it. Then of course it was said, that something had to be done about that.--hehe
Ohio, enacted a law that bans drivers domiciled in that state from smoking in the trucks. Talk about personal opinion becomming law. T
Mooant, you are 100% correct on that!! That's what this country has become. As long as the governments get money, they don't much care how laws effect others.
July 1, 2007, 08:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
I smoke but would never do it in a place where people eat
I can wait til I go outside to smoke
As for not being able to smoke in a bar Come on
People drink and want a smoke so my solution is make maybe one bar in town non smoking and let the rest of them smoke
just my opinion
take care
July 1, 2007, 08:12 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
Three things we now have in common,,
I am positively ALL for it,,,I just wish they would enforce it with jail time, I hate cigarettes, and everything about them, and they do involve all of us, we all have to pay for everything that involves poor health practices in our insurance and health costs.
It is a terrible thing that the body has to suffer for what the mind cannot comprehend. Talk about aging gracefully, well I got news for you smokers, cigarettes will put wrinkles on you faster than anything besides battery acid, because it stops your body from absorbing all the vitamins and nutrients that keep your skin and body tissues soft and supple, That is the reason why the first no smoking ad chose a photo of a wrinkled woman's face with a cancer stick dangling from her floppy lips. If you are prone to wrinkles, I guaranty a bad diet and cigarettes will put your feet in the fast lane to speed up the process. Did I ever tell you how much I hate cigarettes
July 1, 2007, 08:13 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Agree or Disagree
oh, there is an exception in my area. You can still smoke in private clubs.
July 1, 2007, 08:21 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
I think cigarette smokers are the most inconsiderate people there are, it is not the smoking alone itself that makes their lives so disgusting, but also when their nicotine level is low they are such jerks to be around with their attitudes and craving madness for a fix. Did I ever tell you how much I hate cigarettes
July 1, 2007, 08:29 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Agree or Disagree
QUOTE (hothands @ July 1, 2007, 08:29)I think cigarette smokers are the most inconsiderate people there are, it is not the smoking alone itself that makes their lives so disgusting, but also when their nicotine level is low they are such jerks to be around with their attitudes and craving madness for a fix. Did I ever tell you how much I hate cigarettes
I started smoking at about 18 out of boredom. Not a good choice I know. However, I have always been hyperactive and smoking has helped me be not as hyper. I would at least like to cut down, but it's dificult where I sit 90% of my time. I don't smoke if I am busy physically, nor do I when I am in a persons home that doesn't smoke.
July 1, 2007, 09:56 |
61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Agree or Disagree
This whole thread is and potentially a ticking time bomb. We smoker's and ex-smoker's can't get our opinions out and make any sense, without mentioning a word that is strictly taboo in these forums! Instead we must sit quietly and take more of this abuse than we have already been subject to in the past. I can guarantee you two things from here on out. One, my blood pressure will never be this high about this subject again. Two, I will never respond to another thread about smoking issues in these forums ever again!!!...So, enjoy bashing all the smokers you can, because what comes around goes around. Just ask the motorbike people. they know what I'm talking about. (Helmet Law)...
July 1, 2007, 14:00 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Agree or Disagree
it is a disgusting habit and most people that smoke are pretty stupid and lazy about it. They know that many people don't like smoking nearby where they are, but they do it anyways. By smoking in the area, they're forcing everyone in the area to smoke with them. Guess what, some people like me are allergic to the smoke. It gives me massive migraines and I have to leave just because someone needed to get their fix. That is stupid bullshit that someone is forcing me to leave for something that has no benefit to mankind and should never have been invented in the first place. Just name one beneficial thing that smoking has on the human body and I can name twenty bad things that it does. Just like all those medication commercials, when you listen to the side effects, you can't help but thinking that the cure is worse than the disease. I can't wait until these useless things are banned from this country.
July 1, 2007, 14:14 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Agree or Disagree
QUOTE (Mooant @ July 1, 2007, 14:14)it is a disgusting habit and most people that smoke are pretty stupid and lazy about it. They know that many people don't like smoking nearby where they are, but they do it anyways. By smoking in the area, they're forcing everyone in the area to smoke with them. Guess what, some people like me are allergic to the smoke. It gives me massive migraines and I have to leave just because someone needed to get their fix. That is stupid bullshit that someone is forcing me to leave for something that has no benefit to mankind and should never have been invented in the first place. Just name one beneficial thing that smoking has on the human body and I can name twenty bad things that it does. Just like all those medication commercials, when you listen to the side effects, you can't help but thinking that the cure is worse than the disease. I can't wait until these useless things are banned from this country.
I agree with you one 1000% on this issue.
I do not mean to pick on anyone here or be personal, but I have even told my wife the same as I have said here.
That is the biggest reason we fight all the time and she sleeps in her own room, I cannot stand sleeping next to an exhaled breath of burnt tobacco ashs it is like putting your nose into an ash tray,,,,
July 1, 2007, 14:28 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Agree or Disagree
I'm a non-smoker, always have been. But I do think that this law is a bit of an infringement on human rights. (As long as smokers are considerate its not a problem for me.)
Smoking is still permitted here in the Houses of Parliament AND jail.....now, how friggin crazy is that ??
July 2, 2007, 04:21 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
Sorry GG that you don't agree with this thread, but it is something that has just happened in the UK and i was curious how others felt.
It isn't a good habit to get into but i know so many want to give up, and with all the help avaliable it is so much easier to do that.
I just want to say, i don't want this to be a thread to upset or have a dig at any smokers, it's just it can harm so many people who don't smoke, and that is what's unfair.
I did think it would be a good idea to have seperate rooms for non and smokers, but, then it puts the staff who have to work at risk.
I spend most of my time protecting my boys from harm, and it is the same with them being around smokers.
Again let me say, i don't want this to be a personal attack on any smokers, and sorry if you feel it is.
I do agree that smokers have rights, but they know the risks to their health, so that is their choice, but a non smokers also has the choice not to put them selves at risk.
It is a tough debate as both have rights.
July 2, 2007, 04:43 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Agree or Disagree
HB, you keep on posting girl!! Forums are all about discussion and opinion. If people choose to take the topic real personal, then that's their lookout.
No need to apologise to anybody hun....Ya' way too nice to offend anyone.
July 2, 2007, 04:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
Thank you, i would send you a kiss, but my java has removed itself from my computer, lol xxx
July 2, 2007, 04:58 |
56 / male London, England, UK
Re: Agree or Disagree
You have just opened an important discussion, can't see how anyone would take it personally.
It is a great idea to ban smoking in public places, we all no the harm it does to our health, and I'm sure no-one would want to inflict that danger on others.
July 2, 2007, 06:28 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
I gave up two years ago after 15 years of smoking. I had to do it, as the smell on my clothes and in my hair, was horrible. Boyfriends hated kissing me after I'd smoked and when i could smell it on others, i knew that's what i smelt like, and i had to stop.
I agree with the ban, i would always sit in non smoking parts of restaurants as i can't stand people smoking around me when you are trying to enjoy a good meal, and i was a smoker.
I wouldn't see this thread as a personal attack on me if i still smoked, it is something that is a big thing in the UK at the moment, as the ban has just come into force.
Good luck to anyone trying or thinking of giving up
July 2, 2007, 06:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Agree or Disagree
QUOTE (prettyplze @ July 2, 2007, 06:46)I gave up two years ago after 15 years of smoking. I had to do it, as the smell on my clothes and in my hair, was horrible. Boyfriends hated kissing me after I'd smoked and when i could smell it on others, i knew that's what i smelt like, and i had to stop.
I agree with the ban, i would always sit in non smoking parts of restaurants as i can't stand people smoking around me when you are trying to enjoy a good meal, and i was a smoker.
I wouldn't see this thread as a personal attack on me if i still smoked, it is something that is a big thing in the UK at the moment, as the ban has just come into force.
Good luck to anyone trying or thinking of giving up
Exellent reply prettyplze.
July 2, 2007, 07:05 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Agree or Disagree
~~JCSOS--California has at least one town [Baker} that even has made it illegal to smoke in your own yard. Also there have been drivers that have gotten tickets for smoking in a work place. [the truck].
Now, I disagree with this.
I am a smoker, have been a long time (Yes, I know I should quit, but I am not rude about it, I can wait till I go outside), this is the one and only time I will comment on it.
I could give it up. Have done so in the past, however (and this is bad) I can no longer do it by myself when someone else does it around me. If I smell it, I want it. Is that weak of me? probably. but it is my one vice. I don't drink to excess, I don't do illegal drugs, the only other thing I do is drink coffee.
I don't have a problem with a restaurant I can't smoke in. I don't want to smell it while I'm eating. No problem there.
Here in Fl, you can smoke in a bar, if they have under a certain percentage of food sales. But to not be able to in my own car or yard? No. That is infringing. You don't like me to smoke in my car? Don't ride with me.
Not angry, not ranting, each is entitled to their own opinion and views. I don't force mine on someone else, all I ask is they don't force theirs on me.
I take extra care of my skin because I do smoke and am aware of the ramifications, I take vitamins and be sure that I get what I need to compensate as much as humanly possible.
July 2, 2007, 07:25 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Agree or Disagree
QUOTE (pepper @ July 2, 2007, 07:25)~~JCSOS--California has at least one town [Baker} that even has made it illegal to smoke in your own yard. Also there have been drivers that have gotten tickets for smoking in a work place. [the truck].
Now, I disagree with this.
I am a smoker, have been a long time (Yes, I know I should quit, but I am not rude about it, I can wait till I go outside), this is the one and only time I will comment on it.
I could give it up. Have done so in the past, however (and this is bad) I can no longer do it by myself when someone else does it around me. If I smell it, I want it. Is that weak of me? probably. but it is my one vice. I don't drink to excess, I don't do illegal drugs, the only other thing I do is drink coffee.
I don't have a problem with a restaurant I can't smoke in. I don't want to smell it while I'm eating. No problem there.
Here in Fl, you can smoke in a bar, if they have under a certain percentage of food sales. But to not be able to in my own car or yard? No. That is infringing. You don't like me to smoke in my car? Don't ride with me.
Not angry, not ranting, each is entitled to their own opinion and views. I don't force mine on someone else, all I ask is they don't force theirs on me.
I take extra care of my skin because I do smoke and am aware of the ramifications, I take vitamins and be sure that I get what I need to compensate as much as humanly possible.
I do agree with you Pepper, someone should be allowed to smoke at home, in the garden and their car.
Do have to say, i was shocked to learn, you drink........... COFFEE!!!
Fancy a cuppa
July 2, 2007, 07:37 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Re: Re: Agree or Disagree
QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ July 2, 2007, 07:37)
If you pourin' darlin, I'll be right there!
July 2, 2007, 07:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Agree or Disagree
QUOTE (pepper @ July 2, 2007, 07:39)
Coffee makers plugged and ready to go
July 2, 2007, 07:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
Im also a smoker and am VERY considerate of non smokers. I smoke in my own home, but when I have non smokers over, I go outside. In NY, you cant smoke in restaurants or bars, so I rarely go out anymore. One place I used to go to would be 3 deep at the bar on Friday and Saturdays nights. Now, its rare to see 3 people there. Lawmakers first required restaurant owners to cordon off separate areas with expensive air handling systems for smokers. And after all the expense incurred in doing so, they then banned smoking all together. One prominent, upscale restaurant went out of business 6 months after the law went into effect. I feel it should be the choice of the business owner whether patrons can smoke or not, not the governments. If people dont want to patronize smoking establishments, they can go to a smoke free one. I would never go to a place that I know plays disco music and demand that they switch to rock. I saw a stand up comic back in the 80's that was talking about the warnings on the packs that were being intruduced and he said "It wont be too much longer before they say, Anyone caught smoking will be shot on site".
It just seems to me that lawmakers can focus on other issues.
July 2, 2007, 08:10 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Agree or Disagree
To all the people that feel these laws are infringing on basic human rights, I have one question for you: How do you feel about certain drugs being illegal?
Remember, the definition of a drug is anything you take into your body that affects the normal homeostasis of your chemical balances. Do you feel that the laws banning cocaine are infringing of your rights to do what you want with your own body? I know the war on crime has gotten out of control, but these laws are being made to protect you and the people around you. Every cigarette you smoke shortens your life expectancy by five minutes. What right do you have to force the people nearby you to live a shorter life just for a fix?
When you "go outside" to smoke, how close to the door do you stand. If your within a few feet of it, now everyone that walks in and out has to pass by your smoke. I agree, when you're in your own yard, you should be able to do what you want with your smoking habits, if they're going to go that far, they might as well ban them all together.
Private clubs are still allowed to have smokers in my area, and I'm sure New York is the same. If you like going out to party, you might want to track one of them down so you can smoke. I'm sure someone has noticed this loophole. If not, you have an opportunity to get in on the action and make a killing. Imagine, every smoker in New York hanging out at your club all the time...
July 2, 2007, 10:07 |
55 / male Cincinnati, Ohio, US
Re: Agree or Disagree
Ok.. Ok.. another smoking thing. The options available are so simple when it comes to smoking, it really floors me how much debate there really is with this.
For those who don't know... Yes, I am a smoker... have been for.. over 19 yrs now. I've thought of quitting.. and I might... just that right now, I plain don't feel like it. These bans that have been popping up all over the world now are completely rediculous. It's always the non-smokers "whining" that they don't have a place to eat or hang out without smoke in their face. Lemme tell ya, I have found many places over the years that did not have a smoking section in their business where you could have gone to.... and this is LONG before these bans took place.
My solution is simple, there should be places strictly for non-smokers.. and some for smokers alike. A law telling me I can't smoke in my car with a passenger in it?... or smoke outside in a public place?... They'd have to be out of their mind to think I'd ever obey laws like that???!!!! They can ticket me.. go ahead.. I'll be sure to not pay their fine. Jail me?.. that's fine too.... (I just might need the vacation). There needs to be a more sensible solution to all this. Oh.. btw... anytime a city needs a stadium built .. or more money for something like that.. it seems that they tax cigs and booze... every time. It's time that stopped too! This situation needs a real grip!
July 2, 2007, 10:20 |
41 / male Web Naughty
Re: Agree or Disagree
I am a smoker, so be careful or your profile might disappear
PS: Just kidding of course. Everyone's got an opinion and the point of the forum is to let everyone know what's your opinion. The forum is not about judging the opinion of the person above you. Either agree or disagree, no need for name calling and drammas.
July 2, 2007, 10:23 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Re: Agree or Disagree
Don't worry, Absix, we know you're not a tyrant!
QUOTE (iceone4u @ July 2, 2007, 10:20)Ok.. Ok.. another smoking thing. The options available are so simple when it comes to smoking, it really floors me how much debate there really is with this.
For those who don't know... Yes, I am a smoker... have been for.. over 19 yrs now. I've thought of quitting.. and I might... just that right now, I plain don't feel like it. These bans that have been popping up all over the world now are completely rediculous. It's always the non-smokers "whining" that they don't have a place to eat or hang out without smoke in their face. Lemme tell ya, I have found many places over the years that did not have a smoking section in their business where you could have gone to.... and this is LONG before these bans took place.
My solution is simple, there should be places strictly for non-smokers.. and some for smokers alike. A law telling me I can't smoke in my car with a passenger in it?... or smoke outside in a public place?... They'd have to be out of their mind to think I'd ever obey laws like that???!!!! They can ticket me.. go ahead.. I'll be sure to not pay their fine. Jail me?.. that's fine too.... (I just might need the vacation). There needs to be a more sensible solution to all this. Oh.. btw... anytime a city needs a stadium built .. or more money for something like that.. it seems that they tax cigs and booze... every time. It's time that stopped too! This situation needs a real grip!
So you're basically saying that if I don't like smoking, it it causes me HEALTH problems, that I should have the places I can go limited to basically nowhere, so you can enjoy your cancer stick in public? That's bullshit. I've punched people in the face for exhaling directly on me. Back away from the doors a little bit (I understand when its raining to be nearby), don't smoke inside a public place, and don't breath out your smoke directly on me (unless you want a shiner), and its good with me. I could care less about what you do in your car or in your home. You own those things, I have no right to impose my will on you there.
BTW, exhaling your smoke in someone's face is considered assault.
July 2, 2007, 11:21 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Re: Re: Agree or Disagree
QUOTE (Mooant @ July 2, 2007, 11:21)So you're basically saying that if I don't like smoking, it it causes me HEALTH problems, that I should have the places I can go limited to basically nowhere, so you can enjoy your cancer stick in public? That's bullshit. I've punched people in the face for exhaling directly on me. Back away from the doors a little bit (I understand when its raining to be nearby), don't smoke inside a public place, and don't breath out your smoke directly on me (unless you want a shiner), and its good with me. I could care less about what you do in your car or in your home. You own those things, I have no right to impose my will on you there.
BTW, exhaling your smoke in someone's face is considered assault.
Personally, I have never done that, aside from it being assult, it's just plain rude! I do back away from doors, even if it's raining, because I don't mind getting a little wet.
I don't have a problem with someone not wanting smoke where they eat. Guess what? I am a smoker and I HATE smoke around me when I'm eating! It spoils the scent and taste of my food (yes, I know, my tastebuds probably aren't the best because I smoke.).
I don't want the laws to change for me, I do ask that my right (even if it's going to hurt me) to smoke in my home or car not be infringed upon. That's it, that's all. Have no problem with anyone who doesn't want it around them. My sister in law, gets sick when she smells it. I respect that, I take it outside,away from the doors, even when she visits MY home! out of respect for HER> I don't want her to suffer for MY sake and would never ask that of her or ANYONE else!
Don't get me wrong, I respect your right to your opinion and views, just as you should respect mine. I am not trying to get into the middle of a flame war, or start one. just that I feel it is important to stand for what I believe. I don't get into this stuff often, because opinions are so passionate, and it can turn degenerate so quickly.
So, this is the last I will say, publicly, if anyone would like to further discusss it, please feel free to PM me and we can take it from there or not.
I really feel like this topic is treading very close to starting a forum war and if it does, well, it's as much my fault as anyone else's, Abs. so please don't get mad at anyone else.
July 2, 2007, 11:56 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
A "forum war" would not be your fault Pepper, people need to remember above all, Absix wants courtesy and respect in his forums, you can have your opinions but you must state them in a courtesy way, be civil, and don't make personal attacks on other members, cuz if you do you force us (the mods) and absix to take some sort of action which could be anything from locking a thread to banning members.
July 2, 2007, 13:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
Whatever your opinion about smoking, re: health and so forth, there is one very big issue at hand that very few are willing to discuss...money! And, I don't mean profits. It is taxes. I think it was Ohio that finally got nailed by a much reduced cigarette tax collection that was part of their general budget when many people decided to quit smoking in answer to the bans on smoking. So, in the end, whether people smoke or not, they all pay the price, anyway.
July 2, 2007, 13:12 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
I must opine on this subject, after reading the various rants and attacks on smokers and personal choice. There's also another debate that's rampant nowadays about another such "personal choice" but even I won't bring that here...and that leads, in some peoples mind to straight murder. But, I digress...some years ago there was a study done in, of all places, England that showed that secondhand smoke caused no more health issues than normal everyday outdoor metropolitan air. Saw it for about 3-4 days then was quickly squelched hard. Now, if you looked at the pyshics of a cigarette and its contents, you would see that ALL the harmful chemicals and agents in it are completely and directly absorb by the smoker, the byproduct...smoke...is less harmful than vehicle emissions. As to the smell and such, I have to agree to that being a problem...yet something a regular use of soap and shampoo and laundry detergent can easily cure.
Restaurants and other such "public" places i can agree with...I've always been agreeable to nonsmokers IF they act like adults instead of whiny ass kids and ask politely, even if I'm outside. Bars/pubs/watering holes...I'll NEVER argee to that. By their very nature and beginnings these places have been for the indulgences of certain vices and as such, if you don't want to be around those then stay away...many restaurant chains nowadays have bars and such so people can't even use the "well, i want a drink so why should i be subjected to it" line anymore. Go to Applebee's and drink where it's smokefree and leave me my ONE place I can go to and not have to worry about offending someones sensibilities. And for those that want to cry for the people that work at such establishments, they know what kind of place they're submitting an application to...if they don't like smoke then WHY try to get a job there? And, WHY foist yourself off on people you don't agree to be around or like what they do?
And to compare cigs to drugs is anal in the VERY least. Sure, a smoking addiction is as strong as a heroin addiction but I have YET to hear of gangs and criminals fighting, killing and making money off tobacco products
July 2, 2007, 14:13 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Agree or Disagree
Good post Jus,
July 2, 2007, 14:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
I have already said, this was not intended to be a personal attack on smokers, i was interested in the thoughts of members regarding the UK ban.
I don't want this to become an attack on those who choose not to smoke either.
Despite what is or isn't said, people do die from smoking related illness everyday, which includes second hand smoke, that is something Left to the doctors to clarify. My uncle however works in one of the major cancer research hospitals, so i do know the health issues to smoking and 2nd hand smoke. That's what made the ban of interest,
I don't want this topic to become a fight between members, it was just a question.
If it seems people are going to snipe at each other, then I'd rather lock this thread.
I did not post it to cause bad feeling amongst the members.
July 2, 2007, 16:41 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
Don't fret none, HBG...the actual topic is not the problem, the problem is that we need to be reminded that above all, absix wants us to always be tolerant, civil, polite and courteous to each other, no matter what the topic is.
July 2, 2007, 17:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Agree or Disagree
QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ July 2, 2007, 16:41)I have already said, this was not intended to be a personal attack on smokers, i was interested in the thoughts of members regarding the UK ban.
I don't want this to become an attack on those who choose not to smoke either.
Despite what is or isn't said, people do die from smoking related illness everyday, which includes second hand smoke, that is something Left to the doctors to clarify. My uncle however works in one of the major cancer research hospitals, so i do know the health issues to smoking and 2nd hand smoke. That's what made the ban of interest,
I don't want this topic to become a fight between members, it was just a question.
If it seems people are going to snipe at each other, then I'd rather lock this thread.
I did not post it to cause bad feeling amongst the members.
I never took it as an attack on smokers. And I applaud your post because it clearly sparked a spirited debate. And we can all agree to disagree. Many of us know eachother well from reading eachothers posts and I really havent read anything that any one said that could be construed as a verbal assaut against any group or individual. Thats just my opinion. As I see it, Im with Pepper. Ive never blown smoke in anyones face. I try to respect the rights of those who dont care for it. And even if Im having dinner with someone who does smoke, I wouldnt light one until theyre done eating. When Im driving, even if Im alone, my front and rear windows are opened and at home I always have some kind of ventilation and a candle burning so as not to offend anyone that gets in my car or comes to my house. I guess I get more incensed by the regulatory aspect and how its affected the poor business owners. I dont know any non-smokers that have objected to my smoking, because I am just that courteous. Im not trying to be political, but being self employed and someone ripping that aspect of income away from me would piss me off.
July 2, 2007, 18:55 |
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Re: Re: Agree or Disagree
QUOTE (JusFun1 @ July 2, 2007, 14:13)I must opine on this subject, after reading the various rants and attacks on smokers and personal choice. There's also another debate that's rampant nowadays about another such "personal choice" but even I won't bring that here...and that leads, in some peoples mind to straight murder. But, I digress...some years ago there was a study done in, of all places, England that showed that secondhand smoke caused no more health issues than normal everyday outdoor metropolitan air. Saw it for about 3-4 days then was quickly squelched hard. Now, if you looked at the pyshics of a cigarette and its contents, you would see that ALL the harmful chemicals and agents in it are completely and directly absorb by the smoker, the byproduct...smoke...is less harmful than vehicle emissions. As to the smell and such, I have to agree to that being a problem...yet something a regular use of soap and shampoo and laundry detergent can easily cure.
Restaurants and other such "public" places i can agree with...I've always been agreeable to nonsmokers IF they act like adults instead of whiny ass kids and ask politely, even if I'm outside. Bars/pubs/watering holes...I'll NEVER argee to that. By their very nature and beginnings these places have been for the indulgences of certain vices and as such, if you don't want to be around those then stay away...many restaurant chains nowadays have bars and such so people can't even use the "well, i want a drink so why should i be subjected to it" line anymore. Go to Applebee's and drink where it's smokefree and leave me my ONE place I can go to and not have to worry about offending someones sensibilities. And for those that want to cry for the people that work at such establishments, they know what kind of place they're submitting an application to...if they don't like smoke then WHY try to get a job there? And, WHY foist yourself off on people you don't agree to be around or like what they do?
And to compare cigs to drugs is anal in the VERY least. Sure, a smoking addiction is as strong as a heroin addiction but I have YET to hear of gangs and criminals fighting, killing and making money off tobacco products 
VERY well spoken!
July 2, 2007, 18:57 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
There are so many things I want to say about this.... but I'd probably be banned from the forums from it.. All I'll say is this...
Wow! I didn't realize I was such an evil, horrible person. Hurry! Someone shoot me!
July 3, 2007, 10:13 |
43 / couple Eastern, South Dakota, US
Re: Re: Agree or Disagree
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ July 3, 2007, 10:13)There are so many things I want to say about this.... but I'd probably be banned from the forums from it.. All I'll say is this...
After all this time... you're worried about that now?!
July 3, 2007, 17:58 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
anyone should be free to smoke all they like.. at home. I dont go around farting in public and that just covers the smell portion of this topic.
July 3, 2007, 18:49 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
I suppose that one would think that is OK, but how about the Innocent children that are stuck with those inconsiderate homes and have to breath the legacy of toxins their ignorant parent leave them. I wish state wide child abuse centers would step in and take smoke abused children away from their parents, and make the parent pay for the additional housing costs for foster parents to raise their children in a healthy environment.
July 3, 2007, 19:11 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
I am a reformed smoker, I stopped 17 years ago. And I want to say not all smokers are rude. I smoked 4 packs of cigarette a day but I didn't smoke in my car or house. My wife didn't smoke and I respected that. A lot of smokers show the same kind of respect to others but that isn't enough. I to do not see the harm in smoking in a bar or using a smokeless ash tray in a designated smoking place in the house or garage. The nonsmokers have there clean air areas and the smokers still are covered be the bill of rights that gives us the right to pursue happiness.
Can't we just all get along????
July 3, 2007, 20:13 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
May I ask what health condition did you have that prompted you to quit using tobacco 17 yrs ago? And do you feel better now that you quit?
July 3, 2007, 21:50 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Agree or Disagree
Well lets see here. I have read all the posts, including those that have replied in a very negative and demeaning manor. I wasn't going to post here, but if someone doesn't like it, tuff shit.
I am a smoker of 25 plus years. Its all about choice, period. If I choose to smoke or not, that's my business, not yours. I will not or do not shove my choice down your throat, and you should not shove your choice down my throat. I've heard all the arguments about this issue. It all comes down to the fact that some inconsiderate asshole is throwing a temper tantrum and shoving their opinion down my throat. You have the choice not to go any place of business that allows smoking. That's on you, not me. Case in point. It was not all that long ago, there was a city that had a total ban on smoking. That was fine and dandy, but the business's soon after demanded that the law be repealed, as they suffered very significant loses in revenue. No one was coming to that city to patronize any of the restaurants or bars. Instead they would go to the neighboring city were smoking was still allowed. If it was profitable for a business, not to allow smoking, then why didn't anyone open a restaurant or bar up that was smoke free?
I know that someone is going to bring up the issue of jobs. The lines goes that I now have health issues from second hand smoke. OK, but you had the choice of not working there. No one has forced you to work, eat, drink in any area that has allowed smoking. Its still all about choice. Bottom line.
Some have brought up the issue of them paying for the health care costs of smoking. If you only knew the actual costs that are related to the illegal drugs that are consumed in this country, you would be astonished. That alone is much, much higher than smoking.
Here in Minnesota, the smoking ban in all public places will take effect this fall.
July 4, 2007, 01:54 |
80 / male A whoop and a hollar from Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Agree or Disagree
Smoking is a individual choice and this is a "charged" topic, As a former smoker I am against unrestricted public use of cigars and cigarrettes for what I feel is an obvious reason, it infringes on my rights to breathe "clean air". Smokers have rights too though and an outright ban is wrong. The decision to smoke or not to smoke should be determined by bars and resturants providing seperate places for smokers if they desire. Most important is to let the free market decide if there are economic consequences and who bears that cost. No, it isn't for everyone, and doesn't solve all the problems but the choice is not, and should never be political or legal. You ultinately have to decide by "voting with your wallet". Morality or behaviour can never be legislated sucessfully and you would think we should have learned that by now, but we didn't. Prohibition of alhohol in the US didn't do anything socially, except to cause more drinking.
End of rant.
July 4, 2007, 02:04 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Re: Agree or Disagree
QUOTE (funlovingpair @ July 4, 2007, 01:54)Well lets see here. I have read all the posts, including those that have replied in a very negative and demeaning manor. I wasn't going to post here, but if someone doesn't like it, tuff shit.
I am a smoker of 25 plus years. Its all about choice, period. If I choose to smoke or not, that's my business, not yours. I will not or do not shove my choice down your throat, and you should not shove your choice down my throat. I've heard all the arguments about this issue. It all comes down to the fact that some inconsiderate asshole is throwing a temper tantrum and shoving their opinion down my throat. You have the choice not to go any place of business that allows smoking. That's on you, not me. Case in point. It was not all that long ago, there was a city that had a total ban on smoking. That was fine and dandy, but the business's soon after demanded that the law be repealed, as they suffered very significant loses in revenue. No one was coming to that city to patronize any of the restaurants or bars. Instead they would go to the neighboring city were smoking was still allowed. If it was profitable for a business, not to allow smoking, then why didn't anyone open a restaurant or bar up that was smoke free?
I know that someone is going to bring up the issue of jobs. The lines goes that I now have health issues from second hand smoke. OK, but you had the choice of not working there. No one has forced you to work, eat, drink in any area that has allowed smoking. Its still all about choice. Bottom line.
Some have brought up the issue of them paying for the health care costs of smoking. If you only knew the actual costs that are related to the illegal drugs that are consumed in this country, you would be astonished. That alone is much, much higher than smoking.
Here in Minnesota, the smoking ban in all public places will take effect this fall.
I don't mean to be rude or demeaning to smokers, but its that careless attitude that non smokers have to leave because you want a cigarette that pisses me off. Being a non smoker, I don't bother other people just by my presence in an area (smoking wise at least). But, as a smoker enjoying my pursuit of happiness, anyone in the area that doesn't agree with my views on smoking will be effected. And as much as it is a choice to work somewhere, if everyone quit those jobs that allowed smoking someplace, you would have no open restaurants or bars, you would have no one working the public transportation lines, and our unemployment rate would skyrocket and cause a crash in our monetary system. Of course that will never happen because people are willing to put up with whatever crap they have to for a job, but that doesn't mean they should just roll over and accept the problems in their workplace.
If no one ever complained and pushed for what was right for them, we would still be making next to nothing working in the industrial factories. There wouldn't be such things as safety standards, the right for everyone to vote and own property, the right for woman to work. We would still have slavery in the United States. The Confederacy would still exist if fighting for what's right is the wrong thing to do. George W. Bush would not have been elected (a sign our society is failing).
Things change over time, it is the natural way of life and how our laws work. If something is unjust, the laws will reverse themselves, otherwise they will continue to push onward until the laws reach the ultimate end. In this case, smoking will eventually become banned, or the laws will eventually be reversed. All that I ask is that you do not smoke nearby me, but don't expect me to avoid certain businesses just because you want to smoke there.
July 4, 2007, 02:26 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Agree or Disagree
I think all people should have the freedom and right to do as they please to themselves, but in the process of doing harmfull things to them selves they always affect innocent bystanders, that is why laws are made, to protect the ones who cannot protect themselves from the inconciderate ones.
Every day as I travel down the road there are very many parents in cars smoking with there kids right in the cars with them,,,talk about a grose violation of personal rights,,,,and the stupid inconsiderate parent think that is alright cus,,,OH I have the window cracked open,,,that is sooo unfair to all those Kids.
I think smokers should just Eat the cigaretts and cigars and get the full 100% flavor of there addiction with out affecting anyone else. Why do the chewers buy tobbacco, chew it, then spit the crap out? They should just do less less tobacco and swallow and get the full benifit from their addiction.
July 4, 2007, 02:45 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Re: Agree or Disagree
QUOTE (hothands @ July 4, 2007, 02:45)I think all people should have the freedom and right to do as they please to themselves, but in the process of doing harmfull things to them selves they always affect innocent bystanders, that is why laws are made, to protect the ones who cannot protect themselves from the inconciderate ones.
Every day as I travel down the road there are very many parents in cars smoking with there kids right in the cars with them,,,talk about a grose violation of personal rights,,,,and the stupid inconsiderate parent think that is alright cus,,,OH I have the window cracked open,,,that is sooo unfair to all those Kids.
I think smokers should just Eat the cigaretts and cigars and get the full 100% flavor of there addiction with out affecting anyone else. Why do the chewers buy tobbacco, chew it, then spit the crap out? They should just do less less tobacco and swallow and get the full benifit from their addiction.
There are more things in tobacco that are toxic to humans that don't transmit through smoking or chewing. Swallowing an abundance of tobacco will kill you eventually (much faster than smoking). As much as I would like to be ok with it, no one deserves to die over this issue, but something obviously needs to be done to keep it under control.
July 4, 2007, 13:28 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Agree or Disagree
QUOTE (absix @ July 2, 2007, 10:23)
Abs also has a "NO POLITICS" rule!! It's sad that he had to even install that rule , but prior history is what brought the rule into existance here...No politics...don't even type out "those words" or "those names"...
The last thing anyone of us wants is to lock another thread.
July 4, 2007, 13:40 |