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Yes, this is another Paris thread
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Yes, this is another Paris thread


 User no longer registered.
Yes, this is another Paris thread
Now she is out of jail...
Sure, she was labeled someone the public "loves to hate"..
and the media attention was a freakin' circus you could not escape from.

BUT..IF she does or has made a deep personal change in her life, I am one that believes it was the harsh public outrage that helped bring that about in her.

I do believe that when she said she was shocked at the attention and the public outrage and she was shocked that the public wanted to see her in jail..helped her make the decision not to appeal and do her time.

The "public" that seemed so mean, so harsh, will be the real reason for her change, if she does change, not the "free Paris supporters"...not her enabling family ...and certainly not her coat tail riding so-called friends...I say "Good job Public!"

She is on probation till March 2009, that would be difficult for anyone, ...and those that would gain allot of money for her failure (paparazzi, tabloids, etc) will make it even harder for her.

Good luck to her.

 June 26, 2007, 15:36

 56 / female
 daytona, Florida, US
Re: Yes, this is another Paris.thread
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 26, 2007, 15:36)
Good luck to her.


I can second that.
 June 26, 2007, 15:48

 55 / male
 Cincinnati, Ohio, US
Re: Yes, this is another Paris.thread
It's about time that a celeb gets it like a regular person. I say... give it to her again!
 June 26, 2007, 17:11

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris.thread
I am happy that she will NOT get paid for her first post-jail interview....I think that would just reinforce her past pattern of bad behavior...

I think allot of us were so harsh and outspoken about her doing this jail time...cuz like me...we truly thought it might be the only thing that would help her become a productive citizen, and give another path to follow that would not lead to her total self destruction.

I know that is exactly what I was thinking when she was put in the medical wing, and I remarked..."Put that brat back in her cell"
 June 26, 2007, 17:23

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
I'm waiting for her next show the simple life behind bars 2
 June 26, 2007, 21:10

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
Her first interview is with Larry King tomorrow night...I suppose since my husband is a big Larry King fan...I'll end up seeing some of it at least.

I do hope she has reached a turning point...gawd...with her fame and fortune...just think of the good she could do!
 June 26, 2007, 21:14

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
Naw, she's too damn arrogant. She'll be right back there.
 June 26, 2007, 21:28

 47 / female
 north, England, UK
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
 June 27, 2007, 06:45

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
She may make a change for a while, but she is still to spoilt and has mummy and daddy to fall back on. Maybe she should get a basic place to live and get herself a job, or even do charity work, just to prove she wants to change.

She has mentioned opening a half way house for prisoners who have just been let out, so don't talk about it, you have the money, DO IT, and prove us all wrong!!!
 June 27, 2007, 06:48

 81 / male
 somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
the "strut" down the sidewalk on her release showed me that she hasnt learned a damn thing !to me, she is just a rich , disgusting,un-attractive BITCH !!!!!this is what she has needed (and apparently never gotten)
 June 27, 2007, 08:30

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
As usual, this entire thing has been blown out of proprtion. Same as with Michael Jackson and hundreds of other "celebrities"

I really don't care what Paris Hilton nor any of the other "famous" people do. Those of you that are critical of Paris and other celebs are no better than the "poparazzi" that are constantly hassassing these people.

If everyone just didn't pay attention to all the shit published then this and much else would never even be an issue.

Do I hope that Paris has actually matured some? Of course I do. Other than that, she has a life that most people can not even begin to fully comprehend, so let it go!!

If you want to be concerned about something, keep track of the thousands of child molesters that are still roaming free in your neighborhoods.

 June 27, 2007, 21:35

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
Nope, sorry....I don't want to "let it go" it's a current event thing, and I keep up with it just as much, no more than I do with any other current event or newsheadline...
I don't give a fuck about common celebrity gossip and tabloid crap, I don't care about who's dating who, who fucking who, or who's divorcing who.....I do care about current events and social issues whether they revolve around a celebrity or a non celebrity.

Yeah, I'm harrassing Paris...I shoved in her in her car at gunpoint and forced her to drive drunk while on probation and convinced her to blow off and show contempt of court...

Anyway dear...I dunno...I can't make people love Paris or speak kindly or optimistically about her...I dunno know...I'm just asking who thinks she can hoe the tough row ahead with 2 years probation, and if anyone believes she can turn a new leaf..that's all I'm asking here!

..I don't buy or read tabloids, I don't watch any "entertainment news shows" either...I just catch the news once a day...

Geez... why doesn't anybody ever feel bad for Rosie in the bash Rosie threads!

Anyway...time will tell, I'm an optimist, I'm wishing the best for her...
 June 27, 2007, 22:22

 61 / male
 Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
 June 28, 2007, 01:01

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
Ohhh mannnn!! I just happened to catch about 10 minutes of the Larry King interview...(sigh) geez.....oh my...okay, I'll still going to try to be optimistic about her...
 June 28, 2007, 01:46

 55 / male
 Athens, Greece
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
Is it certain that she is not getting paid for her interview? I heard something about a 1,3 mil US dollars... which is what NBC offered her, after ABC's 1 mil initial offer...

Anyway, this woman is a terrific media manipulator. She has NEVER done ANYTHING in her life, still she manages to get media attention, she earns money just by showing up at clubs' openings, where she CALLS photographers to go there and take pictures of her. All the rest about how her life changed in ONE month in prison? Gimme a break...
 June 28, 2007, 04:57

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ June 27, 2007, 21:35)
As usual, this entire thing has been blown out of proprtion. Same as with Michael Jackson and hundreds of other "celebrities"

I really don't care what Paris Hilton nor any of the other "famous" people do. Those of you that are critical of Paris and other celebs are no better than the "poparazzi" that are constantly hassassing these people.

If everyone just didn't pay attention to all the shit published then this and much else would never even be an issue.

Do I hope that Paris has actually matured some? Of course I do. Other than that, she has a life that most people can not even begin to fully comprehend, so let it go!!

If you want to be concerned about something, keep track of the thousands of child molesters that are still roaming free in your neighborhoods.

Just had to say, this thread is about Paris Hilton, it says that before you read any of the posts. If you don't want to know about our comments then maybe you should have avoided opening it and reading. If we want to talk about her then we will. You do not need to read our comments.
I wouldn't want her meaningless life, i may not have her money, but my life is rich in ways hers will never be as are many of the members who are on here.
As for the child offenders comment, that is completely
 June 28, 2007, 06:45

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
Yep..HGB..I tried to clearly title this thread (and the other one)so those that are just sick to death of hearing about Paris can just skip it...

Darkmoon has it right, she gets paid for media attention, getting attention is her "career" ...if we all just "let it go" the girl would lose her career...JSCO, if you had the supernatural power to make the media and Paparazzi leave her alone...she'd be soooo pissed at you!

Yes,she gets paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to show up at a club, and another fifty to a hundred thousand if she stops outside the club and poses for the Paparazzi with a brand name liquor banner as a background.

I was disappointed with the Larry King interview (nope she was not paid for that one, or I wouldn't have watched any of it) She refers to her charges as a small or little "infraction" and wanted pity for her time spent in jail...I truly did have higher hopes, and I won't completely abandoned them on one interview...but I sure was disappointed with what she did say.
 June 28, 2007, 13:11

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
  QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ June 28, 2007, 06:45)
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ June 27, 2007, 21:35)
As usual, this entire thing has been blown out of proprtion. Same as with Michael Jackson and hundreds of other "celebrities"

I really don't care what Paris Hilton nor any of the other "famous" people do. Those of you that are critical of Paris and other celebs are no better than the "poparazzi" that are constantly hassassing these people.

If everyone just didn't pay attention to all the shit published then this and much else would never even be an issue.

Do I hope that Paris has actually matured some? Of course I do. Other than that, she has a life that most people can not even begin to fully comprehend, so let it go!!

If you want to be concerned about something, keep track of the thousands of child molesters that are still roaming free in your neighborhoods.

Just had to say, this thread is about Paris Hilton, it says that before you read any of the posts. If you don't want to know about our comments then maybe you should have avoided opening it and reading. If we want to talk about her then we will. You do not need to read our comments.
I wouldn't want her meaningless life, i may not have her money, but my life is rich in ways hers will never be as are many of the members who are on here.
As for the child offenders comment, that is completely

I did completely read the topic before posting. I just think it's ironic how so many on here and elsewhere keep complaining about Paris, yet they are following as intently as the paparazzi. Sorry that you aparently cann't face the truth on this. As far as being off topic? Remember that the next time you do it.
 June 29, 2007, 18:12

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
Oh simmer down there...same people that post in this thread also post in tons of other threads about tons of other things...and post lots of other topics, and talk about gobs and gobs of other stuff....it's just one thread!

Any one who's been reading all the forums know....I am so far more obsessed with Tyra Banks, my cats, my front porch and banana popsicles than I am with Paris.
 June 29, 2007, 23:36

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
I would rather see what I could to a woman with one of those banana popsicles. But silly me, what do I know. But I do know that this is
 June 30, 2007, 01:55

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
As for her LARRY KING interview, she' not bright enough to be that freakin' introspective. Yeh, as if she actually knows how dumb she really is!

Attempting to shield her from her own shortcomings, is why her mom and baby sister hang all over her and hold her hand! She's just a 26 y/o "babe" in the woods.

Maybe some day, when she no longer has her deadhead parents and sister holding her hand, then maybe she'll realize what it's all about and therefore begin to act responsibly. Until then?
 June 30, 2007, 07:01

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
  QUOTE (voyeurbill @ June 30, 2007, 07:01)
As for her LARRY KING interview, she' not bright enough to be that freakin' introspective. Yeh, as if she actually knows how dumb she really is!

Attempting to shield her from her own shortcomings, is why her mom and baby sister hang all over her and hold her hand! She's just a 26 y/o "babe" in the woods.

Maybe some day, when she no longer has her deadhead parents and sister holding her hand, then maybe she'll realize what it's all about and therefore begin to act responsibly. Until then?

Paris doesn't come across as being that bright but it's possible that she has psycological problems. From drugs, her upbringing or whatever. We will most likely never know.

Does it matter? All the men that see her are interested in is sex anyway. Much the same as watching Playmates on Jeopardy.
 June 30, 2007, 07:53

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ June 29, 2007, 18:12)
  QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ June 28, 2007, 06:45)
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ June 27, 2007, 21:35)
As usual, this entire thing has been blown out of proprtion. Same as with Michael Jackson and hundreds of other "celebrities"

I really don't care what Paris Hilton nor any of the other "famous" people do. Those of you that are critical of Paris and other celebs are no better than the "poparazzi" that are constantly hassassing these people.

If everyone just didn't pay attention to all the shit published then this and much else would never even be an issue.

Do I hope that Paris has actually matured some? Of course I do. Other than that, she has a life that most people can not even begin to fully comprehend, so let it go!!

If you want to be concerned about something, keep track of the thousands of child molesters that are still roaming free in your neighborhoods.

Just had to say, this thread is about Paris Hilton, it says that before you read any of the posts. If you don't want to know about our comments then maybe you should have avoided opening it and reading. If we want to talk about her then we will. You do not need to read our comments.
I wouldn't want her meaningless life, i may not have her money, but my life is rich in ways hers will never be as are many of the members who are on here.
As for the child offenders comment, that is completely

I did completely read the topic before posting. I just think it's ironic how so many on here and elsewhere keep complaining about Paris, yet they are following as intently as the paparazzi. Sorry that you aparently cann't face the truth on this. As far as being off topic? Remember that the next time you do it.

When i go offtopic it's in a fun way, not to tell others what they should be doing.
If you don't want to know what we think about Paris, then stay away from Paris threads. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and no-one should comment on what or how someone else feels.
Not sure why you take our comments on Paris so personally, if you don't care what she does, that's your privilege, we are entitled to to feel differently.
I don't tell others what they should comment on, and i don't expect others to tell me.
 June 30, 2007, 08:03

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 29, 2007, 23:36)

Any one who's been reading all the forums know....I am so far more obsessed with Tyra Banks, my cats, my front porch and banana popsicles than I am with Paris.

What's all this talk about kittys, banana popsicles and the front porch? Tyra is to tall for me butt the rest sounds like a good time

 June 30, 2007, 09:53

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
PARIS, not being the brightest bulb on the tree, never graduated from high school and finally got herself a GED. Hell, she probably sent one of her flunkies out to buy one for her! If she doesn't look like a VASSAR COLLEGE girl, I don't know who does...pity though!
 June 30, 2007, 12:53

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
Her Larry King interview was just too painful to watch...sure dashed my hopes on seeing the "new Paris" she claimed to be..

Oh well, tell ya what....if nothing else..if the woman never drives doped and drunk again...I'll be happy...
 June 30, 2007, 16:54

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
  QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ June 30, 2007, 08:03)
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ June 29, 2007, 18:12)
  QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ June 28, 2007, 06:45)
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ June 27, 2007, 21:35)
As usual, this entire thing has been blown out of proprtion. Same as with Michael Jackson and hundreds of other "celebrities"

I really don't care what Paris Hilton nor any of the other "famous" people do. Those of you that are critical of Paris and other celebs are no better than the "poparazzi" that are constantly hassassing these people.

If everyone just didn't pay attention to all the shit published then this and much else would never even be an issue.

Do I hope that Paris has actually matured some? Of course I do. Other than that, she has a life that most people can not even begin to fully comprehend, so let it go!!

If you want to be concerned about something, keep track of the thousands of child molesters that are still roaming free in your neighborhoods.

Just had to say, this thread is about Paris Hilton, it says that before you read any of the posts. If you don't want to know about our comments then maybe you should have avoided opening it and reading. If we want to talk about her then we will. You do not need to read our comments.
I wouldn't want her meaningless life, i may not have her money, but my life is rich in ways hers will never be as are many of the members who are on here.
As for the child offenders comment, that is completely

I did completely read the topic before posting. I just think it's ironic how so many on here and elsewhere keep complaining about Paris, yet they are following as intently as the paparazzi. Sorry that you aparently cann't face the truth on this. As far as being off topic? Remember that the next time you do it.

When i go offtopic it's in a fun way, not to tell others what they should be doing.
If you don't want to know what we think about Paris, then stay away from Paris threads. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and no-one should comment on what or how someone else feels.
Not sure why you take our comments on Paris so personally, if you don't care what she does, that's your privilege, we are entitled to to feel differently.
I don't tell others what they should comment on, and i don't expect others to tell me.

I just think it's funny how you took my comments so personally. Thanks for the laugh.
 June 30, 2007, 17:31

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
Well, they did sound a little bit "personal" dear...I'm reading it now, and it does sure sound a bit "personal"...maybe use a few of those laughing emoticons next time or an LOL or two to make sure we know you're joking???

A few posts, a few replies, a few threads over the past couple of months does not make anyone a celebrity groupie, or Paris obsessed, just discussing the current events with friends...perfectly normal, legal and well within the sites rules....

 June 30, 2007, 17:38

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ June 30, 2007, 17:31)
  QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ June 30, 2007, 08:03)
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ June 29, 2007, 18:12)
  QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ June 28, 2007, 06:45)
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ June 27, 2007, 21:35)
As usual, this entire thing has been blown out of proprtion. Same as with Michael Jackson and hundreds of other "celebrities"

I really don't care what Paris Hilton nor any of the other "famous" people do. Those of you that are critical of Paris and other celebs are no better than the "poparazzi" that are constantly hassassing these people.

If everyone just didn't pay attention to all the shit published then this and much else would never even be an issue.

Do I hope that Paris has actually matured some? Of course I do. Other than that, she has a life that most people can not even begin to fully comprehend, so let it go!!

If you want to be concerned about something, keep track of the thousands of child molesters that are still roaming free in your neighborhoods.

Just had to say, this thread is about Paris Hilton, it says that before you read any of the posts. If you don't want to know about our comments then maybe you should have avoided opening it and reading. If we want to talk about her then we will. You do not need to read our comments.
I wouldn't want her meaningless life, i may not have her money, but my life is rich in ways hers will never be as are many of the members who are on here.
As for the child offenders comment, that is completely

I did completely read the topic before posting. I just think it's ironic how so many on here and elsewhere keep complaining about Paris, yet they are following as intently as the paparazzi. Sorry that you aparently cann't face the truth on this. As far as being off topic? Remember that the next time you do it.

When i go offtopic it's in a fun way, not to tell others what they should be doing.
If you don't want to know what we think about Paris, then stay away from Paris threads. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and no-one should comment on what or how someone else feels.
Not sure why you take our comments on Paris so personally, if you don't care what she does, that's your privilege, we are entitled to to feel differently.
I don't tell others what they should comment on, and i don't expect others to tell me.

I just think it's funny how you took my comments so personally. Thanks for the laugh.

Then you shouldn't take my comments and reply directly to them. I'm pleased i made you laugh, there doesn't seem to be much else in your life, or you wouldn't spend most of it worrying about what others say.
 June 30, 2007, 17:40

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
...or...start a new thread like "I love Paris and she's completely innocent and just being made an example of"...

...or "Everything you hear about Paris is wrong'...

..."I love Paris cuz she's hot"

...Or.. "I hate People that talk smack about my hot Paris"

...or... "Paris can drive my car drunk anytime cuz I think she's hot"

 June 30, 2007, 17:47

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
How come no "Pro-Paris" people ever start their own Paris threads anyway?

 June 30, 2007, 17:48

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
Chazzy, i think that would be a very short thread!!!
 June 30, 2007, 17:50

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
Actually HGB...we started this thread pretty damn nice, lots of nice things were said....mostly we just hoped she would grow up, never drive drunk again and allot of us wished her the best with what's up ahead of her...

 June 30, 2007, 17:54

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
I agree with how the thread started, and even though i can't stand her, i would like to be proved wrong, i doubt i will, but stranger things have happened.
One good thing related to Paris, her first perfume is really nice, hate to admit to it, but i really like it
 June 30, 2007, 18:05

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
To tell the truth...she is one of the most boring people EVER to be interviewed on Larry King...it was a pathetic interview, poor Larry!
 June 30, 2007, 18:12

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
Good one Chazzy!! I think it's sad that HBG cann't see that what I posted wasn't a personal attack on her. Also interesting that she was the one that stooped to personal insults.

Shows how much she must love Paris.
 June 30, 2007, 18:24

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
It wasn't an insult, it's a comment, as you seem to be so interested in what i have to say.
I wouldn't take anything personally you said, i'm not interested enough for that.
 June 30, 2007, 18:29

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
If you say so, but not really very interested in you nor your comments. It was all part of the game.

I really do have a sad life. All I get to do is drive all over the countrym see different places and meet new people . Three things I have always liked doing. Yup, definately not a good life at all. So glad not to be stuck in a factory or office.
 June 30, 2007, 18:42

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ June 30, 2007, 18:24)
Good one Chazzy!! I think it's sad that HBG cann't see that what I posted wasn't a personal attack on her. Also interesting that she was the one that stooped to personal insults.

Shows how much she must love Paris.

It seemed to be a personal attack on all who posted in this thread dear! Maybe you're just misunderstood...I dunno...

Anyway...HGB...since you don't get the CNN Larry King thing over where you are? You can find his website, and catch the interview there I'm sure...she really comes off at times boring and dumb as a box of rocks...other times arrogant and clueless...Larry's comments about the interview are the best thing about the whole thing.
 June 30, 2007, 18:43

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ June 30, 2007, 18:42)
If you say so, but not really very interested in you nor your comments. It was all part of the game.

I really do have a sad life. All I get to do is drive all over the countrym see different places and meet new people . Three things I have always liked doing. Yup, definately not a good life at all. So glad not to be stuck in a factory or office.

I wouldn't know about working in a factory or office, both of which are perfectly good jobs. I'm a qualified behaviour expert and senior school teacher, qualified in all subjects. I'm also a qualified lawer.
I'm sure you leave a lasting impression on all the people you meet.
 June 30, 2007, 18:47

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 30, 2007, 18:43)
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ June 30, 2007, 18:24)
Good one Chazzy!! I think it's sad that HBG cann't see that what I posted wasn't a personal attack on her. Also interesting that she was the one that stooped to personal insults.

Shows how much she must love Paris.

It seemed to be a personal attack on all who posted in this thread dear! Maybe you're just misunderstood...I dunno...

Anyway...HGB...since you don't get the CNN Larry King thing over where you are? You can find his website, and catch the interview there I'm sure...she really comes off at times boring and dumb as a box of rocks...other times arrogant and clueless...Larry's comments about the interview are the best thing about the whole thing.

I'm done with this anyway. Seems that I shouldn't post my opinion on "current events". I made the silly assumption that all opinions were welcome. I simply gave a solution to the overwhelming publicity.
 June 30, 2007, 18:50

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
Thanks Chazzy i'll take a look at that tomorrow. Over here the reporters are saying, she hasn't done herself any favours with the interview. You'd think someone would step in and show her how bad she's making herself seem.
 June 30, 2007, 18:53

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
She fired all her legal and PR people..and hired all new ones..but either they are crap at thier job, or she just won't listen to their advice...and yep,what you heard what about right, she came out looking stupid and arrogant in her interview...see if you can find the comment about "her voice gets too high when she's nervous"....just that part of the interview spoke volumes...
 June 30, 2007, 18:58

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
You'd think her parents would tell her, then again, considering they haven't in all this time, speaks volumes about them.
 June 30, 2007, 19:01

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ June 30, 2007, 18:42)
If you say so, but not really very interested in you nor your comments. It was all part of the game.

I really do have a sad life. All I get to do is drive all over the countrym see different places and meet new people . Three things I have always liked doing. Yup, definately not a good life at all. So glad not to be stuck in a factory or office.

Sorry but i have to agree with chazzy, it does read like you are only commenting to hbg's comments.
And i don't think insinuating people who work in offices and factories is very mature , this was a thread about Paris, if you don't agree with the thread, maybe you should have by passed it.
 June 30, 2007, 19:08

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
  QUOTE (prettyplze @ June 30, 2007, 19:08)
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ June 30, 2007, 18:42)
If you say so, but not really very interested in you nor your comments. It was all part of the game.

I really do have a sad life. All I get to do is drive all over the countrym see different places and meet new people . Three things I have always liked doing. Yup, definately not a good life at all. So glad not to be stuck in a factory or office.

Sorry but i have to agree with chazzy, it does read like you are only commenting to hbg's comments.
And i don't think insinuating people who work in offices and factories have boring jobs is very mature , this was a thread about Paris, if you don't agree with the thread, maybe you should have by passed it.

(missed a bit out last time!!! )

 June 30, 2007, 19:19

 User no longer registered.
Re: Yes, this is another Paris thread
Hey...I salute and send my sincere heartfelt gratitude to all the working force in factories and offices everywhere!!!

Damn good people!!
 June 30, 2007, 19:36

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Yes, this is another Paris thread

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