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Donating sperm to infertile couples...
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Donating sperm to infertile couples...


 User no longer registered.
Donating sperm to infertile couples...
Have you ever known any one who donated sperm to a sperm bank? Would you(if a male) ever do this? Would you(if female) have any hesitant thoughts about your man donating?

There's the fact that it's the last hope for infertile couples, and sometimes the best choice for a woman who wants a child but not a husband.

But then again, wouldn't you wonder about it? How many children do you REALLY have out there? Are they given a good life, are they happy, could that kid you see in Walmart that kinda looks like you(or looks like your husband), maybe be yours(or your husbands)?
 June 25, 2007, 00:15

 User no longer registered.
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
I think it's a great thing to do, to be able to give a couple a baby they so desperatly need. I have family who had to use donated sperm, and they are so happy that there are such unselfish people out there just willing to help.
One thing i don't agree with is that the child could in the future find out who donated the sperm, as it will stop men coming forward. They do it as an unselfish act and have to switch off to the posibilities of how many children they have. It's the man who brings them up and is there through out everything with the children, who is the real dad. Just because it's a man sperm, doesn't make him the dad.
I do undersand every child has a right to know who the doner was, but if this happens, no man will donate and so many couples will go without the family they so badly want.
Men who donate sperm are amazing and i feel if they want any child to contact them, it should be the doners choice.
I have donated eggs to a couple who needed them, but i would not want the child they had to know who i was, as far as i'm concerned i just helped in a small way, the couple are the mum and dad and i would never want to take that away from them. If there was a chance i could be named, i wouldn't donate my eggs, as i couldn't hurt the mum by the child finding me.
 June 25, 2007, 04:55

 47 / female
 north, England, UK
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
I'd be more than happy for me and my husband to donate, so long as it was 100 per cent in confidence, and it was guaranteed that the recipient would never be able to trace us.
 June 25, 2007, 05:03

 57 / female
 In the Sun, Arizona, US
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
I think we as a society need to get away from the "sperm donor" being synonymous with "father". Really there is no significance father traits associated with sperm. It would be like me being someones mother because I donated blood to her. It is a gift and should be thanked but the father is the man or significant person who fills that role. The one who gets up in the middle of the night, plays baseball every Sunday, protects you, teaches you, scolds you and loves you every day of your life.
 June 25, 2007, 16:05

 User no longer registered.
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
Since some sperm donors often donate to sperm banks regularly...I kinda freak a little at the idea of these children with the same biological father meeting up, maybe even having children together, and have no idea that they are half brother and half sister...
I did read where there is a rather new database that will tell children of sperm donations "who" the donor is(by donor assigned number ONLY)and whether they have sperm donor siblings and how many.
 June 25, 2007, 17:21

 User no longer registered.
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
Don't have any sperm to donate, but told 2 of my long time friends that if they ever have problems getting pregnant... I'd carry for them (being they both had cysts on their ovaries, ec..) Sure enough, they're both pregnant and due in a couple more months.
 June 25, 2007, 19:11

 User no longer registered.
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
Wow...being a surrogate and carrying a baby for some one else...now that takes allot of personal strength...it takes an amazing woman to be able to do that for sure!
 June 25, 2007, 19:20

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 25, 2007, 17:21)
Since some sperm donors often donate to sperm banks regularly...I kinda freak a little at the idea of these children with the same biological father meeting up, maybe even having children together, and have no idea that they are half brother and half sister...
I did read where there is a rather new database that will tell children of sperm donations "who" the donor is(by donor assigned number ONLY)and whether they have sperm donor siblings and how many.

One would hope they "get it right the first time",,,the assigned numbers.
 June 25, 2007, 19:40

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (bikerchick69 @ June 25, 2007, 19:11)
Don't have any sperm to donate, but told 2 of my long time friends that if they ever have problems getting pregnant... I'd carry for them (being they both had cysts on their ovaries, ec..) Sure enough, they're both pregnant and due in a couple more months.

yes you do.
 June 25, 2007, 21:55

 63 / male
 Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
I think it's a wonderful thing, to help a couple wanting a family, but are unable to.
 June 25, 2007, 22:17

 User no longer registered.
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
I still wonder about anonymous sperm (and egg)donors...just because a couple wants a baby very badly, and has the funds to enter into the expensive programs, doesn't guarantee that they will be loving good parents...
I think I would always wonder, in the back of my mind, if the child I helped bring into the world, is with good people in a good home, having a great life...

And if it were a couple you actually knew, and you actually saw the child sometimes or even frequently? Could you just turn off the paternal/maternal instincts and not interfere with their parenting choices and methods if you strongly disagreed with them?
 June 25, 2007, 22:53

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
We know a couple who could not have children. She was not able to produce an egg that was able to fertilized. So they had a friend who donated an egg, and this couples husband's sperm. it was all done in the lab. Then the fertilized embryo was then implanted in this couples womb and she carried the baby to term. The egg donor is still very good friends with this couple, but right the child does not know how he was conceived, he's only 9. But I think they are planning to tell him when the time is right.
 June 26, 2007, 01:35

 55 / male
 Cincinnati, Ohio, US
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
OH gawd! Messing with mother nature isn't right! People will reap the whirl wind eventually. My thoughts are.. yes.. I feel badly for those that can't have children of their own. I have kids and I know what they mean to me. However, I do have a problem with man cheating natural selection and creating these problems simply because someone can pay for it. Bottom line: If someone can't have children, well unfortuately thats too bad. Mother nature for some reason said no... and.. you better listen to her. She knows better than we do. Your/our feelings have nothing to do with it. We have this arrogance that we know things... enough to cheat the odds. Well actually, we know little, and we'll be sorry for our short sightedness. There is a higher order for why these things are the way they are and it's not to be understood, just followed. The more we mess with things, the more we'll screw it up like we have with so many other things already!
 June 26, 2007, 05:45

 47 / female
 north, England, UK
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
What about adopting an unwanted child, that never asked to be born in the first place?
 June 26, 2007, 07:29

 56 / female
 daytona, Florida, US
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
Esp one from your own country.
Not going into a rant, but it makes me mad to see these celebrities adopting from other countries. What's wrong with the kids from their own?!
I tell ya, if I had the $$ I'd have so many I'd be like the old lady in the shoe!

 June 26, 2007, 07:40

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (iceone4u @ June 26, 2007, 05:45)
OH gawd! Messing with mother nature isn't right! People will reap the whirl wind eventually. My thoughts are.. yes.. I feel badly for those that can't have children of their own. I have kids and I know what they mean to me. However, I do have a problem with man cheating natural selection and creating these problems simply because someone can pay for it. Bottom line: If someone can't have children, well unfortuately thats too bad. Mother nature for some reason said no... and.. you better listen to her. She knows better than we do. Your/our feelings have nothing to do with it. We have this arrogance that we know things... enough to cheat the odds. Well actually, we know little, and we'll be sorry for our short sightedness. There is a higher order for why these things are the way they are and it's not to be understood, just followed. The more we mess with things, the more we'll screw it up like we have with so many other things already!

Totally disagree with you, my family member had cancer when she was young and the treatment stopped her having children when she grew up, she has the right to get pregnant,even if it means getting a little extra help. She didn't ask to become ill, so should she be punished further by not being able to have children.
 June 26, 2007, 12:33

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (Liberalwife @ June 26, 2007, 07:29)
What about adopting an unwanted child, that never asked to be born in the first place?

I'm in the process of fostering, which is hard enough, and i'm looking for an older child. Adoption is very hard and drawn out. There are loads of families who would adopt but it is a hard process.
 June 26, 2007, 12:35

 55 / male
 Cincinnati, Ohio, US
Re: Re: Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ June 26, 2007, 12:33)
  QUOTE (iceone4u @ June 26, 2007, 05:45)
OH gawd! Messing with mother nature isn't right! People will reap the whirl wind eventually. My thoughts are.. yes.. I feel badly for those that can't have children of their own. I have kids and I know what they mean to me. However, I do have a problem with man cheating natural selection and creating these problems simply because someone can pay for it. Bottom line: If someone can't have children, well unfortunately that's too bad. Mother nature for some reason said no... and.. you better listen to her. She knows better than we do. Your/our feelings have nothing to do with it. We have this arrogance that we know things... enough to cheat the odds. Well actually, we know little, and we'll be sorry for our short sightedness. There is a higher order for why these things are the way they are and it's not to be understood, just followed. The more we mess with things, the more we'll screw it up like we have with so many other things already!

Totally disagree with you, my family member had cancer when she was young and the treatment stopped her having children when she grew up, she has the right to get pregnant,even if it means getting a little extra help. She didn't ask to become ill, so should she be punished further by not being able to have children.

While bad things happen to good people, I am steadfast on believing this is a bad thing to do. I do not believe that it is a "right" to have children, I think it only for both the responsible and those able to do so. How many kids are we gonna make that get have emotional problems from things like this? Think it doesn't happen often? Think again! Just turn on your TV and watch the afternoon talk shows... anyone watching them for some time now knows these kids grow up with serious "me" issues. No matter if you tell them as children.. or better yet.. don't let them know. Let em be surprised to know that their blood type doesn't match somehow.. and that you lied all these years to "protect them" and make them feel normal or that it wasn't important because you are a family. Yea right. Tell them early and they grow up wondering with a complex.. tell em late.. and talk show city .. here we come. An adult's ability or inability to have children should not even be the issue. The right of the children not to be born in a situation that DOES end up traumatic at one time of their life or another is what is important.

Still don't think it's that big of a deal or that it happens? Let me tell you from experience.. that it does. I was adopted as a child and the biological side of me was the most important thing to me growing up. I had quite a "me" issue for some time. I was one of the lucky ones that pulled through fine. There are lots of them that don't for years. Soooo...is it still ok... or not? I think not. It is one thing to adopt a child that is already here due to other....more conventional circumstances.. and.. I'm ok with that. However, to purposly start something else not natural, putting science's hands in it..... not cool at all.
 June 26, 2007, 15:07

 User no longer registered.
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
I can see that, as human "animals" we seem to be born with the need to learn and the need to know...we have for billions of years been a very curious species.
Not knowing exactly who your parents really are is a big, major "need to know".

I also believe that just as medical science has extended the life of otherwise dying people, it also has it's place bringing life into the world, and there are good people who can give all the love and a good home to a child with the help of medical science.

One of our own members and her SO now have two babies, and even though it's not a conventional "mommy/daddy" situation, I'm so sure that these two babies are very much loved, and have a great home, and a great life ahead of them.

I do so believe in adoption...I always thought that there are "too many children, not enough parents"
 June 26, 2007, 15:23

 56 / female
 daytona, Florida, US
Re: Re: Re: Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (iceone4u @ June 26, 2007, 15:07)
  QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ June 26, 2007, 12:33)
  QUOTE (iceone4u @ June 26, 2007, 05:45)
OH gawd! Messing with mother nature isn't right! People will reap the whirl wind eventually. My thoughts are.. yes.. I feel badly for those that can't have children of their own. I have kids and I know what they mean to me. However, I do have a problem with man cheating natural selection and creating these problems simply because someone can pay for it. Bottom line: If someone can't have children, well unfortunately that's too bad. Mother nature for some reason said no... and.. you better listen to her. She knows better than we do. Your/our feelings have nothing to do with it. We have this arrogance that we know things... enough to cheat the odds. Well actually, we know little, and we'll be sorry for our short sightedness. There is a higher order for why these things are the way they are and it's not to be understood, just followed. The more we mess with things, the more we'll screw it up like we have with so many other things already!

Totally disagree with you, my family member had cancer when she was young and the treatment stopped her having children when she grew up, she has the right to get pregnant,even if it means getting a little extra help. She didn't ask to become ill, so should she be punished further by not being able to have children.

While bad things happen to good people, I am steadfast on believing this is a bad thing to do. I do not believe that it is a "right" to have children, I think it only for both the responsible and those able to do so. How many kids are we gonna make that get have emotional problems from things like this? Think it doesn't happen often? Think again! Just turn on your TV and watch the afternoon talk shows... anyone watching them for some time now knows these kids grow up with serious "me" issues. No matter if you tell them as children.. or better yet.. don't let them know. Let em be surprised to know that their blood type doesn't match somehow.. and that you lied all these years to "protect them" and make them feel normal or that it wasn't important because you are a family. Yea right. Tell them early and they grow up wondering with a complex.. tell em late.. and talk show city .. here we come. An adult's ability or inability to have children should not even be the issue. The right of the children not to be born in a situation that DOES end up traumatic at one time of their life or another is what is important.

Still don't think it's that big of a deal or that it happens? Let me tell you from experience.. that it does. I was adopted as a child and the biological side of me was the most important thing to me growing up. I had quite a "me" issue for some time. I was one of the lucky ones that pulled through fine. There are lots of them that don't for years. Soooo...is it still ok... or not? I think not. It is one thing to adopt a child that is already here due to other....more conventional circumstances.. and.. I'm ok with that. However, to purposly start something else not natural, putting science's hands in it..... not cool at all.

I do understand where you're coming from.
I don't know my biological father. Haven't seen him since I was 3.
My stepfather adopted me when he married my mother, then abused me for several years (sexually). I would still like to know who my biodad is, would like to know that side of my personality, lets say.
My records were sealed when i was adopted, so unless i want to stand in a court in Wva, for who knows how long and wait for someone else to decide if i have the right to know, I just learned to move on and put it in the hands it belongs in. When/if HE says it's time, then it will be time. until then? I had my grandfather and later my husband's father who both loved me as i I were their own child. I had a step, whom, until he started the abuse was a good dad to me also.
There are pros and cons on each side and I would have to say it's up to the individual(s) involved to say what's right for them.
He gave us the knowledge of how to do these things, surrogacy, adoption, invitro, ect and the tool to decide what's right for each of us. It's called free will.

It's like the old joke~~God will provide said the man in danger of drowning. He is sent 2 boats and a helicopter. Later, after he drowns he asks; God, he says, why didn't you rescue me? God replies, I sent you 2 boats and a helicopter!

just my .02

 June 26, 2007, 15:46

 User no longer registered.
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
I always wanted to be a sperm Donner, But I was thinking more like placing a stamp on my forehead and an address label on my ass, just tell me where you need me to be shipped to
 June 26, 2007, 16:29

 39 / female
 Bluerock, Ohio, US
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 25, 2007, 00:15)
Have you ever known any one who donated sperm to a sperm bank? Would you(if a male) ever do this? Would you(if female) have any hesitant thoughts about your man donating?

There's the fact that it's the last hope for infertile couples, and sometimes the best choice for a woman who wants a child but not a husband.

But then again, wouldn't you wonder about it? How many children do you REALLY have out there? Are they given a good life, are they happy, could that kid you see in Walmart that kinda looks like you(or looks like your husband), maybe be yours(or your husbands)?

hey i know this is an off topic,but i wish you guys would donate me some sperm
 June 26, 2007, 17:00

 55 / male
 Cincinnati, Ohio, US
Re: Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (nips @ June 26, 2007, 17:00)
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 25, 2007, 00:15)
Have you ever known any one who donated sperm to a sperm bank? Would you(if a male) ever do this? Would you(if female) have any hesitant thoughts about your man donating?

There's the fact that it's the last hope for infertile couples, and sometimes the best choice for a woman who wants a child but not a husband.

But then again, wouldn't you wonder about it? How many children do you REALLY have out there? Are they given a good life, are they happy, could that kid you see in Walmart that kinda looks like you(or looks like your husband), maybe be yours(or your husbands)?

hey i know this is an off topic,but i wish you guys would donate me some sperm

 June 26, 2007, 17:07

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (pepper @ June 26, 2007, 15:46)

.... He gave us the knowledge of how to do these things, surrogacy, adoption, invitro, ect and the tool to decide what's right for each of us. It's called free will....

Yes..free will..I like that thought very much! There are some who just feel that if a couple are infertile, then its "his" will, that nature saw fit for it to be that way, or it was just not meant to be...my believes do run along the lines that medical advancements is also something that was "meant to be"

I still however cannot say whether I would or would not feel maternal attachment to a egg I donate that gestates, and is born. I'm sure I would always wonder in my mind, I would wonder if the child was a boy or girl, does the child look like me, is it a happy healthy child, etc....?
 June 26, 2007, 17:18

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (nips @ June 26, 2007, 17:00)
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 25, 2007, 00:15)
Have you ever known any one who donated sperm to a sperm bank? Would you(if a male) ever do this? Would you(if female) have any hesitant thoughts about your man donating?

There's the fact that it's the last hope for infertile couples, and sometimes the best choice for a woman who wants a child but not a husband.

But then again, wouldn't you wonder about it? How many children do you REALLY have out there? Are they given a good life, are they happy, could that kid you see in Walmart that kinda looks like you(or looks like your husband), maybe be yours(or your husbands)?

hey i know this is an off topic,but i wish you guys would donate me some sperm

Would you like it straight from its original container
 June 26, 2007, 17:21

 56 / female
 daytona, Florida, US
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 26, 2007, 17:18)
  QUOTE (pepper @ June 26, 2007, 15:46)

.... He gave us the knowledge of how to do these things, surrogacy, adoption, invitro, ect and the tool to decide what's right for each of us. It's called free will....

Yes..free will..I like that thought very much! There are some who just feel that if a couple are infertile, then its "his" will, that nature saw fit for it to be that way, or it was just not meant to be...my believes do run along the lines that medical advancements is also something that was "meant to be"

I still however cannot say whether I would or would not feel maternal attachment to a egg I donate that gestates, and is born. I'm sure I would always wonder in my mind, I would wonder if the child was a boy or girl, does the child look like me, is it a happy healthy child, etc....?

I would feel an attachment. No doubt in my mind. I believe in doing it, but I couldn't because I'd always wonder.
 June 26, 2007, 19:17

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (iceone4u @ June 26, 2007, 15:07)
  QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ June 26, 2007, 12:33)
  QUOTE (iceone4u @ June 26, 2007, 05:45)
OH gawd! Messing with mother nature isn't right! People will reap the whirl wind eventually. My thoughts are.. yes.. I feel badly for those that can't have children of their own. I have kids and I know what they mean to me. However, I do have a problem with man cheating natural selection and creating these problems simply because someone can pay for it. Bottom line: If someone can't have children, well unfortunately that's too bad. Mother nature for some reason said no... and.. you better listen to her. She knows better than we do. Your/our feelings have nothing to do with it. We have this arrogance that we know things... enough to cheat the odds. Well actually, we know little, and we'll be sorry for our short sightedness. There is a higher order for why these things are the way they are and it's not to be understood, just followed. The more we mess with things, the more we'll screw it up like we have with so many other things already!

Totally disagree with you, my family member had cancer when she was young and the treatment stopped her having children when she grew up, she has the right to get pregnant,even if it means getting a little extra help. She didn't ask to become ill, so should she be punished further by not being able to have children.

While bad things happen to good people, I am steadfast on believing this is a bad thing to do. I do not believe that it is a "right" to have children, I think it only for both the responsible and those able to do so. How many kids are we gonna make that get have emotional problems from things like this? Think it doesn't happen often? Think again! Just turn on your TV and watch the afternoon talk shows... anyone watching them for some time now knows these kids grow up with serious "me" issues. No matter if you tell them as children.. or better yet.. don't let them know. Let em be surprised to know that their blood type doesn't match somehow.. and that you lied all these years to "protect them" and make them feel normal or that it wasn't important because you are a family. Yea right. Tell them early and they grow up wondering with a complex.. tell em late.. and talk show city .. here we come. An adult's ability or inability to have children should not even be the issue. The right of the children not to be born in a situation that DOES end up traumatic at one time of their life or another is what is important.

Still don't think it's that big of a deal or that it happens? Let me tell you from experience.. that it does. I was adopted as a child and the biological side of me was the most important thing to me growing up. I had quite a "me" issue for some time. I was one of the lucky ones that pulled through fine. There are lots of them that don't for years. Soooo...is it still ok... or not? I think not. It is one thing to adopt a child that is already here due to other....more conventional circumstances.. and.. I'm ok with that. However, to purposly start something else not natural, putting science's hands in it..... not cool at all.

I have experience of what it's like not to be able to have children without help. If someone for some medical reason is unable to have children without help, makes them as good a parent as someone who doesn't need help. Someone who can have children naturally can turn out to be a terrible parent, it may not be a right, but you cannot say a couple through no fault of their own, does not have the right to be parents.
 June 27, 2007, 06:42

 47 / female
 north, England, UK
Re: Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (pepper @ June 26, 2007, 07:40)
Esp one from your own country.
Not going into a rant, but it makes me mad to see these celebrities adopting from other countries. What's wrong with the kids from their own?!
I tell ya, if I had the $$ I'd have so many I'd be like the old lady in the shoe!

Agreed Pepper, I could quite easily get into a rant on the celebs that do this.
 June 27, 2007, 06:49

 User no longer registered.
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
Natural parents can be horrible parents, and i know from experience. My sister had to have donor sperm and it wasn't her husbands fault, they are wonderful parents to two girls and they have now fostered another child. Who has the right to say they shouldn't have children because it wasn't natural. That is a very single minded attitude to have today.
 June 27, 2007, 07:17

 39 / female
 Bluerock, Ohio, US
Re: Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (Liberalwife @ June 26, 2007, 07:29)
What about adopting an unwanted child, that never asked to be born in the first place?

that is a really good idea

love you
 June 27, 2007, 07:23

 39 / female
 Bluerock, Ohio, US
Re: Re: Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (hothands @ June 26, 2007, 17:21)
  QUOTE (nips @ June 26, 2007, 17:00)
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 25, 2007, 00:15)
Have you ever known any one who donated sperm to a sperm bank? Would you(if a male) ever do this? Would you(if female) have any hesitant thoughts about your man donating?

There's the fact that it's the last hope for infertile couples, and sometimes the best choice for a woman who wants a child but not a husband.

from you?yes

But then again, wouldn't you wonder about it? How many children do you REALLY have out there? Are they given a good life, are they happy, could that kid you see in Walmart that kinda looks like you(or looks like your husband), maybe be yours(or your husbands)?

hey i know this is an off topic,but i wish you guys would donate me some sperm

Would you like it straight from its original container

 June 27, 2007, 07:25

 55 / male
 Cincinnati, Ohio, US
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
Somehow, I'm not sure that my previous posts were clear on a point, so I'd like to try again on a few things:

1) Could somebody PLEASE tell me what this idea is that makes people think that parenting is a right? It is NOT a right!!!!! You've got to be kidding me!!! In this life folks, you have the right to do the following things: live, die and pay taxes. (Those of us in the US also have the right to remain silent at the right times.. but.. that's about it.) Something that people really want or believe in.. somehow.. they confuse these things with their "rights"... perhaps out of convenience I'm thinking.

2) Why do we insist on continuing our problems to make more for future generations? By this I mean.. just cause someone "wants to be a mommy or daddy" is not important to the fact that even if they're mostly or all qualified to do that.. these types of arrangements have unique problems that very rarely are they really able to make these OK. All of the intentions in the world won't fix these things. Since when did we become that self important?
 June 27, 2007, 09:41

 User no longer registered.
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
I'm going to keep my feelings to myself on this thread as everyone has their own opinion, whether some agree with it or not.
I will just say this, unless you are someone/couple desperate to have a child, no-one can comment on how hard that situation is, or have the right to deny them of the gift of parenthood.
 June 27, 2007, 10:58

 55 / male
 Leicester, England, UK
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
I wouldnt have a problem donating.
My thoughts are, if youve got it and dont need it, then thats a waste, and pass it on to someone who needs it.

Never really considered it, but might do now, as fairly well off in the education, common sense, and health backgrounds, so why not.
 June 27, 2007, 18:22

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ June 27, 2007, 10:58)
I'm going to keep my feelings to myself on this thread as everyone has their own opinion, whether some agree with it or not.
I will just say this, unless you are someone/couple desperate to have a child, no-one can comment on how hard that situation is, or have the right to deny them of the gift of parenthood.

I sure understand your feelings HGB...no one can stop UNfit, dangerous, or very immoral fertile people from spittin' out as many babies as they want...I don't think it should be our call either, to say whether or not that good fit decent unfertile couples should or shouldn't have children.
 June 27, 2007, 18:34

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 27, 2007, 18:34)
  QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ June 27, 2007, 10:58)
I'm going to keep my feelings to myself on this thread as everyone has their own opinion, whether some agree with it or not.
I will just say this, unless you are someone/couple desperate to have a child, no-one can comment on how hard that situation is, or have the right to deny them of the gift of parenthood.

I sure understand your feelings HGB...no one can stop UNfit, dangerous, or very immoral fertile people from spittin' out as many babies as they want...I don't think it should be our call either, to say whether or not that good fit decent unfertile couples should or shouldn't have children.

I agree with the two lovely ladies above me. It is for us to decide who is or is not the best fit parent. Good god, if you look close enough, there is not one parent out there who hasn't done something that may or may not have been a little questionable. But I have to say, so far its those couples who are not able to have kids, that have probably been some of the best parents for the kids. They are the ones who understand how grateful they are to be able to share their lives with a special kid, who they love and adore.
 June 27, 2007, 21:09

 User no longer registered.
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
In most cultures, it's the aunts, uncles, and grandparents that do allot of the serious childrearing, and can have the greatest influence on children (...of the village)
 June 27, 2007, 21:32

 User no longer registered.
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
Actually did twice...first time was very embarrassing. So much paper work and forms to fill out but, I think it's worth it. I don't have children but I see the joy couples have when they do get one.
 June 27, 2007, 21:40

 User no longer registered.
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
Well good for you K1! I think that's a pretty cool thing to do...but do you ever wonder about the products of your donations? Do you wonder if they have any of your traits, where they are, how are they doing?
 June 27, 2007, 23:44

 User no longer registered.
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
Actually not really...It was covered in the forms but yes, I do wonder a little but...It's about them...not me...Their family not mine...I gave DNA...not a loving family...It was a gift
 June 28, 2007, 00:04

 61 / male
 Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
  QUOTE (hothands @ June 26, 2007, 16:29)
I always wanted to be a sperm Donner, But I was thinking more like placing a stamp on my forehead and an address label on my ass, just tell me where you need me to be shipped to

I'm with HH on this one. Why would they want to go to the supermarket when they could get it straight from the cow?
 June 28, 2007, 01:10

 User no longer registered.
Re: Donating sperm to infertile couples...
Thank you Chazzy and Fun
 June 28, 2007, 06:38

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