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Dumb Laws of your State or Courntry
What is one of the dumbest laws where you live??
In Missouri:
Minors in Kansas City, Missouri, are not allowed to purchase cap pistols; they may buy shotguns freely, however
It is illegal to have oral sex .
Lets hear from the rest of you
take care
June 19, 2007, 07:02 |
65 / male stockport, Ohio, US
Re: Dumb Laws of your State or Courntry
one dumb law is that you can't have sex im public.lol
June 19, 2007, 08:36 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Dumb Laws of your State or Courntry
Not that I have ever gotten a craving for them, but it is illegal to eat peanuts in Massachusetts' churches... In Amesbury, it's illegal to drive your vehicle up/down the Merrimac River. I still haven't figured out how that's accomplished and how far you'll get either?...
June 19, 2007, 12:39 |
70 / male Southern Oklahoma, Oklahoma, US
Re: Dumb Laws of your State or Courntry
You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd
June 20, 2007, 01:35 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Dumb Laws of your State or Country
QUOTE (tiger5350 @ June 19, 2007, 07:02)What is one of the dumbest laws where you live??
In Missouri:
Minors in Kansas City, Missouri, are not allowed to purchase cap pistols; they may buy shotguns freely, however
It is illegal to have oral sex .
Lets hear from the rest of you
take care

Not allowed to have oral sex ? That's all I can do with any longevity anymore.....
June 20, 2007, 11:19 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Dumb Laws of your State or Courntry
In Britain, it is illegal to be drunk in possession of a cow or to enter parliament in full armour.
June 20, 2007, 11:33 |
61 / couple Boise, Idaho, US
Re: Dumb Laws of your State or Courntry
From my "home" state of Indiana: Baths may not be taken between the months of October and March. Men are prohibited from standing in a bar.
Drinks on the house are illegal. You are not allowed to carry a cocktail from the bar to a table. The waiter or waitress has to do it.
It is illegal for a man to be sexually aroused in public.
It is illegal for barbers to threaten to cut off kid's ears
South Bend, Indiana, United States
It is illegal to make a monkey smoke a cigarette.
June 20, 2007, 12:07 |
61 / couple Boise, Idaho, US
Re: Dumb Laws of your State or Courntry
June 20, 2007, 12:15 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Dumb Laws of your State or Courntry
Dumb CT Laws:
Town records may not be kept where liquor is sold.
You can be stopped by the police for biking over 65 miles per hour.
In order for a pickle to officially be considered a pickle, it must bounce.
It is illegal to dispose of used razor blades.
You cannot buy any alcohol after 9pm or on Sundays after noon on Sunday.
It is illegal to discharge a firearm from a public highway.
In Devon, it is illegal to walk backwards after sunset.
In Guilford, you can only use white christmas lights for display.
In Hartford, You aren't allowed to cross a street while walking on your hands.
And, You may not educate dogs.
And, It is illegal for a man to kiss his wife on Sunday.
In New Britain, it is illegal for firetrucks to exceed 25 MPH, even while driving to a fire emergency.
In Rocky Hill, an Arcade may not have more than four amusement devices.
In Southington and Plainville, Silly string is banned.
In Waterbury, it is illegal for a beautician to hum, whistle, or sing, while working on any customer.
Finally, my favorite: There is an OLD Blue Law that's still in effect. If your wife is insane and you commit her to a mental institution, you get paid five dollars. My mom woke up one day and hit my father for doing that in the dream she just had!
June 20, 2007, 12:46 |
80 / male A whoop and a hollar from Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Dumb Laws of your State or Courntry
In Houston it used to be illegal to buy, sell, trade, or give away corn flakes on Sunday.
In Ft Worth it is against the law to fail to tip your hat if you're wearing a sidearm. (never seen a Cop do it!)
You can't tie your horse to a parking meter in Ft Worth or Dallas....the fine used to be $5, I haven't been ticketed for that offense lately.
If you are a bubble gum addict be careful in Bonham. Blowing a bubble in public over 6 inches in diameter will get you a citation.
Their concern for public health and safety led the city fathers in Ector TX to require shoes to be worn in movie theaters. (but they don't have one!)
June 21, 2007, 13:32 |
48 / male Wet n Windy, Ireland
Re: Dumb Laws of your State or Courntry
In Ireland its illegal to take stones or sand home from the beach -its public property.
June 21, 2007, 15:24 |
70 / male Southern Oklahoma, Oklahoma, US
Re: Dumb Laws of your State or Courntry
Here's one I just read. In Washington State, it's against the law to marry a virgin, on the same hand its against the law to have sex with a virgin. Kinda makes you go: HMMMMM
June 23, 2007, 12:55 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Dumb Laws of your State or Courntry
Topless saleswomen are legal in Liverpool, England - but only in tropical fish stores. (But of course!)
June 25, 2007, 05:11 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Dumb Laws of your State or Courntry
Did you know here in Boston..it's still a law that you have to tie your horse to the post. When you go into the bar.
June 25, 2007, 10:56 |
57 / female In the Sun, Arizona, US
Re: Dumb Laws of your State or Courntry
In one city in Arizona you can't drive your car backwards.
Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs (haven't tried that)
It is illegal for men and women over the age of 18 to have less than one missing tooth visible when smiling.
A decree declares that anyone caught stealing soap must wash himself with it until it is all used up.
No more than 6 girls may live in a house.
June 25, 2007, 15:57 |