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Passive aggressive
Gimme your best personal definition or example of passive/aggressive behavior...
Have you known many of these kinds of Passive/agressive people? How well are you able to deal with them, work with them...
June 18, 2007, 22:19 |
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Re: Passive aggressive
Passive/agressive is probably equal to a oxymoron. But in some forms of proffessional thought converted to simple terms, it is someone who is Just considered being a Pain in the ass. And I supose at some time or other we are all considered that by someone,,, Just my thought on the subject.
June 18, 2007, 22:58 |
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Re: Passive aggressive
Actually, passive aggressive behavior in my opinion is more along the lines of trying to frustrate others and make them angry, especially people in positions of authority. People with passive aggressive tendencies are irritable, lack self-confidence, has a hard time getting pleasure from relationships, feels others make unreasonable demands and that they can't catch a break from anyone, blames other people for their problems, and isn't aware that their self-defeating tendencies are part of their personality flaws...in a nutshell...LOL
June 19, 2007, 00:42 |
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Re: Passive aggressive
Most of the passive/aggressive behavior I've seen is in the way of someone making a very rude or insulting statement but trying to disguise or pass it off an apology or a compliment...or as something positive.
And yep Juils, these often are people as you said..
"...blames other people for their problems, and isn't aware that their self-defeating tendencies are part of their personality flaws..."
June 19, 2007, 00:46 |
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Re: Passive aggressive
Yes, and these people also tend to complain that others do not understand or appreciate them, argue with others, critisize authority figures without reason, have envy and resentment towards others that outwardly appear "better off" than they are, and exaggerate or complain a lot about their own problems. Therapy can be of great assistance for passive aggressive people, alot of people with bi-polar issues suffer from passive aggressive behavior...nothing is right in their world, etc.
June 19, 2007, 00:55 |
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Re: Passive aggressive
Gawd...makes me happy that my life is simple and uncomplicated...when I'm happy ya know it...when I'm pissed...you'll know that too!!
June 19, 2007, 01:03 |
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Re: Passive aggressive
...and this is the kind of thing that Mooant is so great at explaining....waiting for Mooant to reply...
June 19, 2007, 01:04 |
55 / male Cincinnati, Ohio, US
Re: Re: Passive aggressive
QUOTE (Juilianna @ June 19, 2007, 00:55)Yes, and these people also tend to complain that others do not understand or appreciate them, argue with others, critisize authority figures without reason, have envy and resentment towards others that outwardly appear "better off" than they are, and exaggerate or complain a lot about their own problems. Therapy can be of great assistance for passive aggressive people, alot of people with bi-polar issues suffer from passive aggressive behavior...nothing is right in their world, etc.
Well said actually. Many people tend to believe that the world "owes" them something... simply for being born. You know, the term "keeping up with the Jones'" didn't come by accident! Passive/aggressive behavior, to me, shows cowardness and insecurity. A person that exibits such behavior is not secure enough with themselves to bring their malcontent to the forefront with others. (Thus the passive part of this phenomenon). These people can easily be identified, even with their secret, "007" ways of doing things.
The best examples of passive/aggessive anger come from children actually. They do it all the time. The forever irritating "I don't care" that comes from them, many times is just this very type of behavior. There are of course many other factors that contribute to this problem.. like.. the lack of parenting perhaps... teaching to better handle the relationship with others is a good one!!?? The unfortunate thing is that there are many adults that fall into this catagory, having never learned how to properly deal with their issues concerning the general public. Look out your window sometime.. it's out there more than you think!!!!
June 19, 2007, 04:54 |
66 / female Richmond, Missouri, US
Re: Passive aggressive
I have found that these type of people also have a tendency of being takers and not givers. These types of people will actually drain you of all your energy. Chazzy, I'm like you. I'm so glad that my life is pretty much uncomplicated! Like you, people know when I'm happy and when I'm pissed.
June 19, 2007, 08:31 |
61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Passive aggressive
I don't want to talk about it...MOVE ON!...
June 19, 2007, 12:44 |
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Re: Re: Passive aggressive
QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ June 19, 2007, 12:44)I don't want to talk about it...MOVE ON!...
How about if we change it to Massive aggressive Sex
June 19, 2007, 13:15 |
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Re: Passive aggressive
June 19, 2007, 16:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Passive aggressive
My husband doesn't have passive/agressive disorder, but he does ocassionally use passive/agressiveness..
For example, we'll make weekend plans early in the week..Passive-he's all up for it, "sure, that sounds great, let's make the plans!"
Then that morning of our plans...the agressiveness- all of a sudden there are all these reasons why he can't go..he can't find the shoes he wants to wear, or a shirt...suddently the chores about the house and yard are urgent matters that just have to be done that day..
I've learned to work around this...I spend the whole day before wiping out every possible excuse he can come up with, lay out his clothes and shoes, etc...
June 19, 2007, 17:30 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Passive aggressive
Okay...I was taking a work break just now and flipping through the TV channels and came across a show with what I think of as classic passive/aggressive behavior...the show was "Everybody Loves Raymond" and the character of Marie's constant comments to and about her daughter-in-law Debra!
June 20, 2007, 00:05 |
57 / female In the Sun, Arizona, US
Re: Passive aggressive
I actually have an example --- annoying but simple. I was working with another nurse in the back of the ER, just returned from another trauma patient, trying to catch up on orders because she had been left by herself while I was in the trauma room. A patient arrived via EMS and we assessed the patient, determined that they were extremely stable so we sent them to the triage nurse at the front. The triage nurse took another 20 minutes to triage that patient (I have no idea why, but she did), when she did come to the back she just stated - "Feel free to help". By this time we (the back nurse and I had finished some orders and were charting). I looked up and just stared at her, "What are you talking about". She had the gall to say, "Oh nothing". I thought about confronting her later, but patients kept coming and I didn't have time. If I never work with her again it will be too soon.
June 20, 2007, 16:32 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Passive aggressive
Your right 1ceone4u...we don't have to look far...they are out there every where..
40something...I hear ya..nuttin' worse than trying to work with or reason with a passive agressive!
June 21, 2007, 00:27 |