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Come On Down.......
Another rumor circulating is the possibility of ROSIE O"DONNELL "filling" the shoes of BOB BARKER of The Price Is Right fame. Yes, that's right folks! 'Ole BOB, he with his oral fixation with that long wired microphone, is officially retired now and there is a void that needs filling. The possibility of ROSIE taking over as host of the show, is kinda dumb, at least to ROSIE being able to spout her craziness. Do you really think the old folks sitting home, drooling in their soup, will accept someone of her grossness, on the same stage that once held 'ole BOB? I doubt it......
Do you have any ideas for a replacement for BB?
June 18, 2007, 05:40 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Come On Down.......
They'd be better off having our friend Paris take the position (in more ways than one...). Yes, I said it.
Let's see, a good replacement for a doddering old fool...
Regis Filman!!!
June 18, 2007, 06:35 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Come On Down.......
They'd be better off having our friend Paris take the position (in more ways than one...). Yes, I said it.
Let's see, a good replacement for a doddering old fool...
Regis Filman!!!
REGIS FILMAN...er...REGIS PHILBIN you say? Not bad! Although he may be a bit too high strung for that show, he still would be far better fit than 'ole GROSSIE O'DONNELL. Besides that, there is no way she would hold anything as phallic as that long cabled microphone close to her mouth!
June 18, 2007, 12:43 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Come On Down.......
ah, however you spell his name. I stopped caring about celebrities years ago.
June 18, 2007, 13:49 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Come On Down.......
QUOTE (Mooant @ June 18, 2007, 13:49)ah, however you spell his name. I stopped caring about celebrities years ago.
June 18, 2007, 13:50 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Come On Down.......
Maybe the show should go with a unknown...someone with talent and struggling to get his or her "break"...the show has been around for ever, and can float on it's own...a fresh new face would be quite nice!
June 18, 2007, 14:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Come On Down.......
QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 18, 2007, 14:04)Maybe the show should go with a unknown...someone with talent and struggling to get his or her "break"...the show has been around for ever, and can float on it's own...a fresh new face would be quite nice!
Or maybe it's time that the show be retired. Let it fade away. The time has come...........
June 18, 2007, 21:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Come On Down.......
Oh I don't think canceling the show would be an option, it has such a huge fan base...the fans would be upset and outraged...could be canceled if the new hosts runs the show into the ground and they lose the ratings...
But I do hope Rosie is not the choice...
June 18, 2007, 21:54 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Come On Down.......
I can see it now...... "No that is not the person that is suppose to be in that spot"..... " You called the wrong person you moron"......" No you did not win, I know you hit the $1.00 on the big wheel, but I did not say to go yet"........
June 19, 2007, 01:02 |