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Women that were once Men
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Women that were once Men


 User no longer registered.
Women that were once Men
I don't want to offend anyone with the wrong word so I'll ask this way,Hes anyone ever been with a woman that was once a man?and if you look that person over (nude)can you tell?
 June 16, 2007, 10:22

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Women that were once Men
I don't know about anyone else, but if I found out, I would probably be sick to my stomach. No way. No how. If I was still playing the field, so to speak, I would have to start asking for a complete medical history.
 June 16, 2007, 11:47

 User no longer registered.
Re: Women that were once Men
Studley is there a point to this question? Where you with one or what?
I would have to agree, if I was still playing the field, that would have to be one question that I would have to ask.......
 June 16, 2007, 12:19

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Women that were once Men
  QUOTE (funlovingpair @ June 16, 2007, 11:47)
I don't know about anyone else, but if I found out, I would probably be sick to my stomach. No way. No how. If I was still playing the field, so to speak, I would have to start asking for a complete medical history.

I remember a standing joke that I have overheard, it is befor you get serious with a woman you should always check to see that dental work has been completed befor you get married. That is an old one befor there was Dental insurance.
 June 16, 2007, 19:33

 User no longer registered.
Re: Women that were once Men
No I haven't been with one but, I would like to know for sure I'm with a real woman ,I know what a woman looks like but I don't know what one that has had a sex change looks like? and I don't want one that has,some are real good looking and could fool a guy,and some maybe all never tell that they had a sex change,I want real women !
 June 17, 2007, 20:52

 57 / female
 South of that..., Georgia, US
Re: Women that were once Men
Hmm, if you can't tell, does it matter??? Anyway, I'd guess that it's rare enough that it's not something you need to worry about. Unless, of course, your dating pool runs with the transvestite/trans-gender crowd...

How do you feel about "real" women who have had other kinds of plastic surgery? How much surgical alteration does it take before someone doesn't qualify as "real" anymore?
 June 17, 2007, 21:10

 User no longer registered.
Re: Women that were once Men
I think a person could pretty much change anything until you start fooling around changing the genitals from boy to girl or vise versa, unless there is a medical need for it. But then there is the responsibility to disclose things to their intimate ones.
 June 17, 2007, 22:14

 User no longer registered.
Re: Women that were once Men
if HE/SHE has undergone complete transformation...
i guess it doesn't matter that much...as long as she's smokin' hot...
 June 18, 2007, 00:25

 42 / male
 New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Women that were once Men
Well, one way to tell is to stress how much you want kids in the future. If they don't seem bothered by it, then they're probably normal. Don't immediately discount a woman for being bothered by it, since there are "real" woman that don't want kids (and I don't blame them), but it they start spouting about a medical condition preventing them from having kids, then you have reason to suspect it. Again, some woman know ahead of time that they're infertile, so don't immediately discount them.
 June 18, 2007, 01:41

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Women that were once Men
  QUOTE (AmberZed @ June 17, 2007, 21:10)
Hmm, if you can't tell, does it matter??? Anyway, I'd guess that it's rare enough that it's not something you need to worry about. Unless, of course, your dating pool runs with the transvestite/trans-gender crowd...

How do you feel about "real" women who have had other kinds of plastic surgery? How much surgical alteration does it take before someone doesn't qualify as "real" anymore?

As long as she don't over do it,I think it's okay,and she's happy with it.Thanks for your answer.
 June 19, 2007, 11:44

 81 / male
 somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: Women that were once Men
there is a really easy way to tell, just check their throat, men have an "adams apple" , women dont ! as far as the rest goes, if "she" has the proper equipment, why is that a problem to you , or anyone else ? live and let live folks.......
 June 19, 2007, 13:04

 User no longer registered.
Re: Women that were once Men
At work (HERTZ), there is this woman(?) that also works there. She(?) has all the outward signs of a man masquerading as a woman even walks like a man but has a feminine voice. I say hey to her(?) all the time as I do with almost all the employees.

I was informed the other day that she(?), up until about 10 years ago or so, was a man and fathered two children while married. One of her(?) children works alongside her at HERTZ. The three years I have worked there and seeing her(?) almost every time I worked, I didn't even ponder the thought the she was actually a "shim".

WTF is wrong with me, that up until Monday, I didn't even consider the fact that something was terribly askew? Is it my eyes that are failing or maybe she(?) is sending out vibes that are screwing up my radar? What was I thinking? Or am I somehow attracted to shim?

The next thing you know, I'll have a secret crush on ROSIE. Nah, I'd rather get it on with "shim" than ROSIE!
 June 20, 2007, 12:03

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Women that were once Men

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