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Have you ever been stood up and how did it make you feel???
Have you ever been stood up???
How did you feel???
I was stood up twice in the last month
I felt like there was something wrong with me
That I had done something wrong that made them change their mind about meeting with me
take care
June 12, 2007, 08:28 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Have you ever been stood up and how did it make you feel???
The one time I remember was back in highschool....I was hurt, angry, upset...but then later learned he had wrecked his car on the way to our date...and he wasn't hurt.
Other than that, I'm just not one to be to quick to make a date with someone...they usually have to ask me several times before I feel comfortable agreeing to it...quess that probably cuts down on being stood up,
But it does happen, happens to all kinds of people for all kinds of reason...tiger, there's nuttin' wrong with you at all, you're a fine woman who probably just made a date or two with a man who never learned any manners!
June 12, 2007, 20:11 |
56 / couple valley, Oregon, US
Re: Have you ever been stood up and how did it make you feel???
Had a girl friend in high school,were supposed to go out on a date and when I showed up she said she was grounded, ok, bummer so went out cruiseing with the boys. we were rollin past the pizza parlour and guess who we see sittin in the window? not just my g/f but one of our buds and my baby sis"s b/f! well we layed on the horn and threw the bird, FUCK EM! well I played it all kool and we made up the prom being two weeks out. prom night! rolled up rang the bell, she answered, all dolled up, smilin ear 2 ear. smiles went 2 a look of confusion as she eyed my cutoffs and tank top. well I told her, sorry I cant go but im GROUNDED! turned my back and jumped in the ride with the boys! tears and sobs in the rearview! we caught up with the sis"s b/f later that night, but thats a different story!
June 12, 2007, 20:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Have you ever been stood up and how did it make you feel???
Chazzy you know just what to say to lift someones spirits
I am honored know you
take care

June 12, 2007, 21:21 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Have you ever been stood up and how did it make you feel???
When I was in high school the guy I was dating and his friend were supposed to double date with my best friend and another of his friends. They stood us up and went to some basketball game instead so we decided instead of just getting dressed up that we would get dressed to kill. We went out to a dance place that we knew they would be and were having a great time when they arrived. My boyfriend was really pissed off and came out to get me when I was slow dancing very close to another guy...I said, "Excuse me, do I know you? Oh, yeah, until a few hours ago you were my boyfriend."
June 12, 2007, 21:51 |
57 / female South of that..., Georgia, US
Re: Have you ever been stood up and how did it make you feel???
A few months ago, I thought I had been stood up -- was supposed to meet this guy one evening for drinks. First date. We touched base by phone after work so we could set the time, and agreed to meet in the bar at a local restaurant. Twenty minutes past the hour, he hadn't shown up... That's a horrible feeling, sitting alone in a bar, trying to look like you haven't been jilted... Then he called my cell phone, wondering where I was? Turned out he was at the bar across the street!
The rest of the date went downhill from there...
June 12, 2007, 22:08 |
66 / female Richmond, Missouri, US
Re: Have you ever been stood up and how did it make you feel???
Yes, I have been stood up several times. Tiger it isn't because there is anything wrong with you. Seems that when the rubber meets the road a lot of people don't really know what they want. Like Chazzy said it is good to chat with people for a while before agreeing to meet with them. luvs ya my bestest friend.
June 13, 2007, 07:58 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Have you ever been stood up and how did it make you feel???
QUOTE (tiger5350 @ June 12, 2007, 08:28)Have you ever been stood up???
How did you feel???
I was stood up twice in the last month
I felt like there was something wrong with me
That I had done something wrong that made them change their mind about meeting with me
take care
If their the type of people to leave you waiting for them, then it's them there is something wrong with, not you hun.
June 13, 2007, 09:42 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Have you ever been stood up and how did it make you feel???
I've never been stood up, but then again I never get the invite to go out with them either.
June 13, 2007, 10:55 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Have you ever been stood up and how did it make you feel???
awwwwwwwwww funlovingpair if you were closer i would invite you 
take care

June 13, 2007, 11:50 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Have you ever been stood up and how did it make you feel???
QUOTE (tiger5350 @ June 13, 2007, 11:50)awwwwwwwwww funlovingpair if you were closer i would invite you
take care
June 13, 2007, 13:05 |
61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Have you ever been stood up and how did it make you feel???
Once, when I was drunk...Fell flat on my face...Boy, did that hurt...
June 13, 2007, 14:48 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Have you ever been stood up and how did it make you feel???
I've been stood up once and let down more than once.
The let downs hurt more.
June 15, 2007, 04:31 |
55 / male Leicester, England, UK
Re: Have you ever been stood up and how did it make you feel???
Been a few years since been stood up, and that was against a wall outside a club!
Must admit, made me feel great though!
June 15, 2007, 15:08 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Have you ever been stood up and how did it make you feel???
QUOTE (cobaltheat @ June 15, 2007, 15:08)Been a few years since been stood up, and that was against a wall outside a club!
Must admit, made me feel great though!
Thats called proped-up,,,
June 15, 2007, 20:13 |