74 / male AnyCity, Colorado, US
Blind Date
The shy man was driving the woman hoem their blid date. The turned to a freezing drizzle as he drove the treacerous roads. All of a sudden he had a tire blow out and had pull to the side of the road. As he got out into the cold frezing rain, he remebered he only had a light Spring jacket and no gloves.
He jacked the car and remomved the flat tire, but could not move his frozen fingers. Unable to continue, he got into the car and placed his hands in front of the heater vents.
The woman saw his agony and told him, "Here honey let me warm them and slid his hands up her skirt againgst her bare skin. After a few minutues, he shyly withdrew his hands, and completed the task in the tire. When finished, again he could not move his fingers an placed them on the heater vent. Again the woman came to his rescue, sliding the frozen fingers against the warm skin of her thighs under her skirt.
After a few minutes, he withdrew his hands and put the car in gear.
Before he drove off, she placed her hand on his arm and asked,
"But honey, arn't your ears cold"?