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And justice for all.........
Oh goody, PARIS HILTON was released at 12:01am today due to a "medical condition"! Hey, she served 5 whole days and saw a shrink every day. Wow, what a deal she got, huh? She is to serve the remainder of her orginal 45 day sentence at home in her 5000 room mansion. Oh, the humanity!!!!! That's cruel and unusual punishment!!!!!
WTF? Is this fair? That semi-anorexic c**t got "preferential" treatment big time! What do you want to bet she slips off her court ordered ankle bracelet (GPS) and leaves her hell hole mansion and hits the clubs? She won't be able to help herself! Where are you BRITNEY?
June 7, 2007, 11:12 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: And justice for all.........
Aw come now, you new this was coming. The "medical condition" is another way saying, that she was probably about to get all F**ked up by the other prisoners. Her just being there was enough cause for a serious security risk. So they had to kick her out. And yes she will probably able to stay at the her hell hole mansion, no better place party, hey, no cops. And where's Britney, at the party planners office, where else.
June 7, 2007, 12:05 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
Oh Well,,,,,, I wish the same would have happened for Martha Stuwart. On a second note I still see Mr. Bush is still on the loose,,,,,what did I just pay for a gallon of gas!!!! 3.69,,,OH MY GOSH,,,that is robbery,,,,well maybe not,,,they probably need the money to win the War on terrorism
June 7, 2007, 13:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
No political posts please.
June 7, 2007, 14:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: And justice for all.........
QUOTE (hothands @ June 7, 2007, 13:40)Oh Well,,,,,,  I wish the same would have happened for Martha Stuwart. On a second note I still see Mr. Bush is still on the loose,,,,,what did I just pay for a gallon of gas!!!! 3.69,,,OH MY GOSH,,,that is robbery,,,,well maybe not,,,they probably need the money to win the War on terrorism
I can't understand how anyone would want to stick up for someone who drives a car drunk which endangers innocent lives and can't see that they should be punished.
And sorry Chazzy but i need to just say this, the war on terrorism to to enable us to live safety and not in fear.
June 7, 2007, 15:25 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: And justice for all.........
All right kids. Let's be nice.
With the upper class, its not who you know, but who you blow.
June 7, 2007, 15:50 |
81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: And justice for all.........
sadly enough , in this country, justice is NOT applied equally between the haves and the have-nots !!!!!!
June 7, 2007, 19:00 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
To even equate PARIS with anything political is a joke of the highest degree! I'll bet she has never even voted! All she is concerned about is when to make her grand entrance at her favorite club. That is her reason for existing.
June 7, 2007, 19:54 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: And justice for all.........
QUOTE (voyeurbill @ June 7, 2007, 19:54)To even equate PARIS with anything political is a joke of the highest degree! I'll bet she has never even voted! All she is concerned about is when to make her grand entrance at her favorite club. That is her reason for existing.
Oh...sorry for the misunderstanding VB.....when I posted the NO politics reply ....that was for Hothands and his post, not your topic....nothing wrong with the topic at all.
June 7, 2007, 20:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: And justice for all.........
QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 7, 2007, 20:04) QUOTE (voyeurbill @ June 7, 2007, 19:54)To even equate PARIS with anything political is a joke of the highest degree! I'll bet she has never even voted! All she is concerned about is when to make her grand entrance at her favorite club. That is her reason for existing.
Oh...sorry for the misunderstanding VB.....when I posted the NO politics reply ....that was for Hothands and his post, not your topic....nothing wrong with the topic at all.
I understand completely. I will though, refrain from "stirring the pot"! No sense getting' anybody po'd at me. I may skirt the perimeter a bit, but no out and out political ramblings will I engage in!
June 7, 2007, 20:25 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
Well not as bad as OJ, but it just goes to show you once again, that money talks.........
June 7, 2007, 20:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
I'm wondering if drug testing was ever part of her probation, as it is for everyone else on probation?
And if there will be drug testing for her while she is under house arrest?
I know...I'm sure there will be no drug testing for her, even though it is a term of probation for anyone else, especially for a substance abuse related offense...
June 7, 2007, 21:02 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: And justice for all.........
QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 7, 2007, 21:02)I'm wondering if drug testing was ever part of her probation, as it is for everyone else on probation?
And if there will be drug testing for her while she is under house arrest?
I know...I'm sure there will be no drug testing for her, even though it is a term of probation for anyone else, especially for a substance abuse related offense...
Hmmmm...makes ya wonder if that ankle bracelet is made out of the same material of the silver spoon she was born with in her mouth...or the one she uses to snort her drugs???
June 7, 2007, 21:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
At least Britney admits she's having a total meltdown, and if Lindsey quits using rehab as a dodging the law tactic, and start making proper use of the rehab programs she keeps enrolling in, she could salvage what should be a really killer career in acting, but Paris...I can't see admiting to a substance abuse problem and ever seeking help for it...
June 7, 2007, 23:29 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
As of this morning, the judge, who sentenced PARIS to the original 45 days in the big house, is about to overrule the sheriff who released the poor troubled soul yesterday. PARIS may indeed be forced to leave her really big house (house arrest) and return to the state owned big house to at least do the remaining 18 days!! The judge that sentenced the skinny princess to do the 45 days with no house arrest permitted, is pissed off at the sheriff and he may be found in contempt of court.
Stay tuned........
June 8, 2007, 06:24 |
41 / male Web Naughty
Re: And justice for all.........
Please leave Bush, the government and the war on terrorism out of this.
PS: Did I mention I HATE political allusions???
June 8, 2007, 07:38 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
I was just wondering, PARIS's court ordered appearance, is scheduled for 9am PST. Do you think she'll be fashionably late? Oh, I hope so!! Do you think the judge will be impressed? Oh, I hope so!!!!
June 8, 2007, 08:51 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: And justice for all.........
lol, from what I hear, the judge is not happy with the sherriff, so it would be interesting to be a fly on that wall, lol!
June 8, 2007, 09:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
Earlier this morning, it was reported that PARIS would make her court appearance via a conference call. WTF? Then the judge said "no f**kin' way bitch". You are ordered to appear at 9am sharp"! As of 9:30am PST, she has yet to even leave her hell hole mansion. She's got some balls on her. She must be paying her attorneys a sh*t load to advise her to take her time.......If it were you or I, the man would have swat teamed our ass out the door and dragged our ass to court!!!
The vehicle that transports her bony ass to court, had better have leather seats. If not, she'll probably have a freakin' nervous breakdown or something. Oh the humanity!
June 8, 2007, 12:33 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
Correction: PARIS will be transported to court in a MERCEDES S500 sedan, not a standard police cruiser with.......shinyl-vinyl seats!!!! Maybe she'll even survive the day after all.....
June 8, 2007, 12:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
Oh wow! This story just keeps getting deeper and deeper, judge against sherrifs, protestors for both sides...what a huge mess, and people's jobs could be at risk here...
Geez, either Paris got some very bad legal advice from the start, or she just chose to ignore it all...
June 8, 2007, 15:42 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
PARIS is to do the remainder of the original 45 day sentence behind bars, according to the judge in California. Either she showed the judge way to much arrogance or he didn't believe she had any "medical condition" as she claimed on Wednesday, which prompted the sheriff to set her free. Anyway, she's on her way to the little big house for some state-mandated r&r.......Boo-Hoo
June 8, 2007, 16:00 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
I do really feel for her....I'm sure this is an extremely traumatic experience for her, more so than it would be for us "common folk"...she is in a whole other world that she knows nothing about...BUT...I feel she needs something like this, she needs one hell of a wake up call...and so do those that want to emulate her.
June 8, 2007, 17:13 |
61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: And justice for all.........
You guys are going to love this one... I read a report that states, "As of the close of business for Friday, June 8Th 2007, about 480,000 defense attorney's in 48 states, have filed claims, that their clients, currently serving jail sentences for similar crimes, have submitted paperwork stating that their clients in fact have the same medical condition as Miss Hilton and wish to be released as well." ROTFLMAO... Looks like, "Chew-BACA" needs to crawl under a rock and hide. The only problem is, that he can't hide under rocks in the other 48 states, they'd find him. Not only has he opened a can of worms, but he opened one in 48 other states as well...OOPPSSS! (Open mouth, insert shoe factory).
June 9, 2007, 04:29 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
I read the news in the paper this morning, and i am so glad she is now serving her 45 day sentence. I'm not being nasty, but if you do this sort of crime, you need to be punished and i take my hat off to the judge for standing up for what's right.
I know this is slightly but a friend of mine last weekend was driving her two young children and their friend when a van over took a car on her side of the road and caused her to flip the car and land upside down on another car. The other car was driven by a fireman and his mate, they were able to pull two children out and the mum had to be cut out as she had half the roof in her head. Sadly the little girl who was the friend, died, she was an only child. The driver of van didn't stop, because he was a drink driver. Innocent people get hurt and killed everyday and this can be avoided by people not drinking and driving, if they do they need to be punished. I don't think any of us are so angry about it because it's Paris Hilton, but because of what she did and doesn't seem to care or feel she did anything wrong.
Sorry i'll stop now.
June 9, 2007, 05:32 |
80 / male A whoop and a hollar from Dallas, Texas, US
Re: And justice for all.........
I know it will never happen but Paris needs to do her 45 days in "general population" in the real jail downtown. The "rich and infamous" need to learn that there are consequences for their actions regardless of who they are or how well connected. We should all be ashamed that there is a double standard at work here and rational thought seems to have finally prevailed to some extent. Ankle bracelet and house arrest my ass! What a joke. While they are at it they should ban any press coverage of this crime and punishment drama. That would be the worst punishment of all, no publicity.
June 9, 2007, 07:06 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
You hit the nail right on the head SMITTY!! Maybe throw her brain dead mom in there with her! She's the reason we're even seeing this sh*t on tv in the first place! WTF? Is mom gonna hold that girls hand the rest of her life? Will it take PARIS killing somebody due to her drunk driving, for mom to realize that she did a sh*ty job as a parent?
June 9, 2007, 08:45 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
It's been unofficially reported that PARIS had a myriad of "medical" problems in jail including not being able to hold her bladder and a rash (herpes) flare up! Wow, what a turn on, huh? I don't think she'll have to worry about any sexual attack in jail once word of this gets out.......
June 9, 2007, 08:57 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
Paris sure needs to grow up! She should just do her freakin' time like an adult, and have her PR people right now contacting organizations like MADD (mothers against drunk driving) and volunteering herself for all kinds of public service campaigns...she should be realizing what a stupid and awful thing she has been doing, realize the influence she has over girls in the 10 to 13 year old age range and she could come out of this mess a heroine, instead of looking like an airhead weak,selfish bitch.
June 9, 2007, 18:20 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
...and if anything comes of all this coverage of her "plight" then I sure hope it's stronger and more serious laws about DUI's and DWI's..
June 9, 2007, 18:22 |
81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: And justice for all.........
just caught the "latest" news about Paris....believe it or not, she now says she WONT appeal her sentence. she now plans on just finishing her original 45-day sentence with no further plans for any appeal. at least SOMEBODY in her camp is finally using their head! just maybe she has learned that wealth and "beauty"?? dont give her any special right to endanger the lives of innocent people while driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol!!!!!
June 9, 2007, 23:37 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
LOS ANGELES - Paris Hilton was in jail, then out, then back again as her bizarre case became more erratic than the driving that landed the hotel heiress in hot water.
On Saturday she was still behind bars, a long way from the red carpet she strolled down a week ago at the MTV Movie Awards, and the subject of endless Internet chatter and questions about her fate.
To help sort it out, here are some answers to those questions:
Q: Where is Hilton now?
A: The 26-year-old is undergoing medical and psychiatric examination at the Correctional Treatment Center at Los Angeles County's "Twin Towers" jail facility downtown.
Q: Does she have a cellmate?
A: No. "Most of the individuals in the Correctional Treatment Center are alone," said sheriff's department spokesman Steve Whitmore.
Q: Will she go back to the same isolated cell she was in earlier in the week at the Century Regional Detention Center in Lynwood?
A: Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca said he would determine the best place to house the heiress when he learns the results of her medical and psychiatric exams.
Q: How did she end up behind bars?
A: Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer originally sentenced Hilton in May to serve 45 days in jail for violating her probation in an alcohol-related reckless-driving case. She surrendered to sheriff's deputies on June 3 and was booked at the Lynwood jail. She was released Thursday with an electronic-monitoring bracelet to serve the remainder of her sentence at home. Sauer ordered her to appear in court Friday and sent her back to jail to complete her 45-day term.
Q: Why did the sheriff release Hilton in the first place?
A: Baca said the heiress' release was based on her "severe medical problems."
Q: What's wrong with her?
A: Baca said he couldn't reveal the exact nature of her condition because of confidentiality issues, but he characterized her problems as "psychological." Hilton's spokesman had no comment on her health.
Q: Is she a danger to herself?
A: Baca said Hilton is being temporarily housed at a facility that "has a more intense form of medical support and will watch her behavior so that there isn't anything that is harmfully done to herself by herself."
Q: Will the sheriff free her early again?
A: Only if the court shortens her sentence, Whitmore said. "We will comply with the court's decision."
Q: Will she serve all 45 days?
A: Probably not. Hilton will serve about 18 days, Baca said Friday. State law requires that inmates get time off their sentences for each day they serve. Hilton was expected to serve 23 days of her 45-day sentence. Hilton was credited with both her time served in jail and at home, so by Saturday she had completed seven days of her sentence.
Q: Are other inmates usually released before they've served their full terms?
A: Yes. County jails are overcrowded, Baca said, and most misdemeanor offenders serve just 10 percent of their sentence. "Under our 10 percent early release program, (Hilton) would have not served any time in our jail or would have been directly put on home electric monitoring system," he said Friday.
Q: Are other prisoners released because of medical conditions?
A: Yes. "It happens all the time," Whitmore said, depending on the nature of the offense. Nonviolent offenders typically serve 10 percent of their sentence, he said, adding that Hilton "has done twice as much (time) as any other person with a similar offense."
Q: Can Hilton appeal?
A: Hilton spokesman Elliot Mintz said he expected an appeal to be filed by Monday, but Hilton told her attorney on Saturday that she decided not to pursue the matter.
Q: If she changes her mind, what are the grounds for appeal?
A: Legal experts say that Hilton's attorney, Richard Hutton, will likely file a writ with an appellate court, possibly the superior court's appellate division, seeking an emergency hearing on whether the judge overstepped his authority in forcing Hilton's return to jail after the sheriff released her to home confinement.
Q: Will Hilton ever work in Hollywood again?
A: Of course.
June 10, 2007, 05:30 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
Wow, I'm am truly surprised that she chose to do the time, hopefully with dignity! Now that's the first step in rehabilitation. She'll exit jail a new woman....a grown up one!!
June 10, 2007, 05:30 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
She wouldn't win if she did appeal, and that's the legal advice she would have been given, so I'd lay money on the fact it wasn't her choice. The sad fact is she will make even more money over this jail thing and people will forget the seriousness of what she did to get sent to jail in the first place.
Her parents should have made her do her original sentence to show her what she did was wrong,
June 10, 2007, 08:21 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
Yeah,,,yeah, yeah,,,,she coulda done this, she coulda done that,,,,well the truth is she didn't do anything that millions of others are not doing in this world even as we speak. You take away her Money, take away her modeling cloths, and take away here make-up and she is just a child a product of her environment, and probably like lots of others in this world could of had better parenting, but she is still a person and a woman and should not be punished any more than anyone else for what she did. Today is Sunday Peace be with you all,,,,
June 10, 2007, 10:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
Trouble is, most people do their sentences and that's that, she didn't. Think you need to see the bigger picture regarding how serious her offence was and stop seeing her as a young woman . If she is old enough to break the law, she's old enough to be punished. I do hope you never experience the loss of someone through a thoughtless drunk driver, you may then see how just how serious a crime it is.
Children who get killed everyday due to drunk drivers, were also a person, but the difference is, their chance of growing up is taken away. Maybe you need to think of what could have happened if she had hurt or killed someone. That is what everyones problem is, what happens if you choose to drink and then drive, that was her choice.
June 10, 2007, 11:55 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
OH yes...HGB!!!
That is the main point with this thread...how horrible drunk driving is, and how important it is for those convicted of this crime, to own up to it, and ...STOP DOING IT!!! Stop before they kill and/or mame..
I doubt that there would be any public outrage with Paris, if she would just own up, admit to her wrong, and quit trying to justify what she has done.
June 10, 2007, 17:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: And justice for all.........
QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ June 10, 2007, 11:55)Trouble is, most people do their sentences and that's that, she didn't. Think you need to see the bigger picture regarding how serious her offence was and stop seeing her as a young woman . If she is old enough to break the law, she's old enough to be punished. I do hope you never experience the loss of someone through a thoughtless drunk driver, you may then see how just how serious a crime it is.
Children who get killed everyday due to drunk drivers, were also a person, but the difference is, their chance of growing up is taken away. Maybe you need to think of what could have happened if she had hurt or killed someone. That is what everyones problem is, what happens if you choose to drink and then drive, that was her choice.
A: Yes. "It happens all the time," Whitmore said, depending on the nature of the offense. Nonviolent offenders typically serve 10 percent of their sentence, he said, adding that Hilton "has done twice as much (time) as any other person with a similar offense."
June 10, 2007, 19:32 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: And justice for all.........
QUOTE (voyeurbill @ June 10, 2007, 05:30)Wow, I'm am truly surprised that she chose to do the time, hopefully with dignity! Now that's the first step in rehabilitation. She'll exit jail a new woman....a grown up one!!
Me too, VB....I was begining to see a glimmer of hope for her, but then she ended her official statement with some crap about how shocked she is that there is so much focus on her jail time,and "we" all should be focusing on more serious problems in the world...
Blah!!!!! More serious??? than a dozen or so innocent people dying in a days time due to drunk driving....like that is something silly and frivolous???....aw hell, hope the time she does is enough to make her realize how freakin' serious her actions are.
If she is..."being made an example of"...well fuckin' good then...it's time that drunk driving is taken more seriously, and stronger penalities and less death come from her example, then she should be proud of that...but she just keeps justifying herself...I still hope she comes around
June 10, 2007, 20:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
June 11, 2007, 03:07 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: And justice for all.........
I think more people should time for DUI. But as someone else said, they think its more of the public perception, that the judges are no longer going to let celeb's get off easy, and the celeb's will be punished just like everyone else. No more special treatment. I just hope that trend continues.
June 11, 2007, 09:01 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
Regardless of PARIS' declaration from her cell that she'll do her 45 day stretch with dignity, do you really think she'll learn her lesson? Upon release, do ya think she might clean house, I mean maybe divorce herself from the group of circle jerks she had as "friends"? Maybe she'll tell mom to f**k off? Mom is after all her main enabler!!
I say she'll not throw her mom nor her "friends" under the bus! I predict she'll be back in trouble by violating her probation yet again in about 90 days after her release from the little big house! She can't help herself!!
Anybody care to guess on when she'll f**k up again?
June 11, 2007, 09:28 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
This is most interesting. That is how people think Paris got "special treatment". The Sheriff was the only one in this that followed usual protocol. Paris served the usual percentaage of her sentence and then was released as is normal. Most would have never served any time at all. Since the judge in this decided that Paris should serve her entire sentence in jail however, the sheriff should not have released her.
Frankly, I feel that Paris never would have been returned to jail had she not planned to party at home. It's my understanding that she will NOT be on probation after serving this sentence.
June 11, 2007, 12:16 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: And justice for all.........
QUOTE (voyeurbill @ June 11, 2007, 09:28)Regardless of PARIS' declaration from her cell that she'll do her 45 day stretch with dignity, do you really think she'll learn her lesson? Upon release, do ya think she might clean house, I mean maybe divorce herself from the group of circle jerks she had as "friends"? Maybe she'll tell mom to f**k off? Mom is after all her main enabler!!
I say she'll not throw her mom nor her "friends" under the bus! I predict she'll be back in trouble by violating her probation yet again in about 90 days after her release from the little big house! She can't help herself!!
Anybody care to guess on when she'll f**k up again?
Within a month of being home
June 11, 2007, 15:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
From her recent comments to Barbara Walters, I'm hoping she will "see the light" and turn her life around and be a productive member of society, instead on being a counter productive and dangerous menace.
June 11, 2007, 17:23 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: And justice for all.........
QUOTE (hothands @ June 10, 2007, 10:24)Yeah,,,yeah, yeah,,,,she coulda done this, she coulda done that,,,,well the truth is she didn't do anything that millions of others are not doing in this world even as we speak. You take away her Money, take away her modeling cloths, and take away here make-up and she is just a child a product of her environment, and probably like lots of others in this world could of had better parenting, but she is still a person and a woman and should not be punished any more than anyone else for what she did. Today is Sunday Peace be with you all,,,,
June 11, 2007, 19:06 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
Thank You JCSOS,,,,
June 11, 2007, 19:18 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: And justice for all.........
QUOTE (funlovingpair @ June 11, 2007, 09:01)I think more people should time for DUI. But as someone else said, they think its more of the public perception, that the judges are no longer going to let celeb's get off easy, and the celeb's will be punished just like everyone else. No more special treatment. I just hope that trend continues.
I sure hope the trend is coming to an end too! I really don't want Paris to spend more time in jail than others for the same offense, I want to see her highly publicized jail time bring about a real change...in the laws, and in her...if doing more time will keep her from a tragedy to herself or to someone else, then that's for everyone's good. Apparently her and her mother won't accept responsibility, so lock her up till she freakin' understands!
No one wants to see another train wreck of a life ending way too young, like Anna Nicole's...If it means locking up Paris, Lindsey, Brittney, and Nicole Richy....then lock 'em up, and let's start changing the laws...how ridiculous is it that drunk driving ever be considered a misdemeanor!
June 11, 2007, 19:43 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
Just caught the recent updates ....her medical condition???
Attention deficit disorder, claustrophobia, and mild depression...that's her medical condition that put her in the twin towers that is reserved only for those suffering from ACUTE illnesses....now there is a petition to recall sheriff Baca...if I had any doubts about her getting special treatment, they are squelched now!!! She is in a private room, with a view, private bath, ping pong table, and while all other families waited in line for 5 hours to see their incarcerated loved ones....Paris's family was whisked right through to the front of the line...
Makes me wanna puke!!
Put that brat back in her cell!!!!
June 11, 2007, 20:41 |
User no longer registered.
Re: And justice for all.........
Oooops...sorry...forgot to mention the dry skin...yep...dry skin is part of the medical conditions that Baca based his decision to release her to her home...
So ..the whole list is...mild depression, claustrophobia, ADD and dry skin....
Baca could go down, ya'll....and go down hard...
June 11, 2007, 20:51 |