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Is the Difference between Really Nice Guy and Dear Friend around the age of 50
Have you ever noticed when hearing people talk about someone, when they say, he or she is a Dear Friend, that they are always talking about an older person? And when they say, he or she is a really nice guy /gal, those people are always young. I sometimes wonder if it is improper to signify a persons age in that way?
I was at the GYM and this woman age 45 told this man age 59 that he was a Dear Friend, obviously they knew each other but when she walked away, he said to me: I remember when the girls use to call me a Nice Guy , now I have Grey hair and I am older I get called Dear Friend. he sort of had a half smile on his face but I knew that it kinda bothered him. Has any body else experienced this either personally or with someone else? and if so, how did it affect you?
June 2, 2007, 11:29 |
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Re: Is the Difference between Really Nice Guy and Dear Friend around the age of 50
I get that same attitude all the time. And, that is okay. Us "old" folks got there..the rest of them still have ta!!! 
Besides, with forty odd years of practice, betcha I can do some things better than someone with only thirty years at it!!!! Whatcha think??????????
The young guys only get to be " nice guys ". Us old guys get to be both!!!!!
Have a goodin'
June 2, 2007, 12:26 |
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Re: Is the Difference between Really Nice Guy and Dear Friend around the age of 50
Might be to some people. But that wouldnt really be any different than a group of girls/women going on an outing and lets say the hostess/waitress refers to the girls/women as "guys".. such as, "hey guys... how can i help you?".. etc. Not really any differnce. Just a saying some people don't think about saying prior to. Some get offended, some don't. It's a situation that you can either flip out about or just keep your cool.
June 2, 2007, 12:54 |
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Re: Re: Is the Difference between Really Nice Guy and Dear Friend around the age of 50
QUOTE (bikerchick69 @ June 2, 2007, 12:54)Might be to some people. But that wouldnt really be any different than a group of girls/women going on an outing and lets say the hostess/waitress refers to the girls/women as "guys".. such as, "hey guys... how can i help you?".. etc. Not really any differnce. Just a saying some people don't think about saying prior to. Some get offended, some don't. It's a situation that you can either flip out about or just keep your cool.
Absolutely, I had a woman I used to work with and some of us decided to have a girls night out and she told us that calling it a "Girls Night" was completely offensive because she was well over being a "girl" and that she wouldn't be going with us if we continued to call it that...needless to say, she didn't go with us and we had a damn good time.
June 2, 2007, 13:01 |
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Re: Is the Difference between Really Nice Guy and Dear Friend around the age of 50
I kinda meant it the other way around, I mean Yeah,,,girls nite ourt sounds better than Ladies or Red hat, nite out.
I think it might only be improper to signify to a older person that they are older
June 2, 2007, 17:34 |
43 / couple Eastern, South Dakota, US
Re: Re: Re: Is the Difference between Really Nice Guy and Dear Friend around the age of 50
QUOTE (Juilianna @ June 2, 2007, 13:01) QUOTE (bikerchick69 @ June 2, 2007, 12:54)Might be to some people. But that wouldnt really be any different than a group of girls/women going on an outing and lets say the hostess/waitress refers to the girls/women as "guys".. such as, "hey guys... how can i help you?".. etc. Not really any differnce. Just a saying some people don't think about saying prior to. Some get offended, some don't. It's a situation that you can either flip out about or just keep your cool.
Absolutely, I had a woman I used to work with and some of us decided to have a girls night out and she told us that calling it a "Girls Night" was completely offensive because she was well over being a "girl" and that she wouldn't be going with us if we continued to call it that...needless to say, she didn't go with us and we had a damn good time.
I think in situations like that if they're going to not do anything because of what it's being 'called' then they're missing out on a lot of things.
June 2, 2007, 17:47 |
81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: Is the Difference between Really Nice Guy and Dear Friend around the age of 50
i know exactly what you mean hothands, at 64 women that i am attracted to think of me as," a really dear OLDER guy". it used to anger me, but no longer. while they are being mistreated by their "nice" boyfriends, i am alone and not hurting anyone........
June 2, 2007, 18:00 |
66 / female Richmond, Missouri, US
Re: Is the Difference between Really Nice Guy and Dear Friend around the age of 50
Well, I guess you sure made me look at what I say to people. I usually call people sweetie or hun. lol But I do have some dear friends. But not all of them are older.
June 2, 2007, 21:09 |
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Re: Re: Is the Difference between Really Nice Guy and Dear Friend around the age of 50
QUOTE (dave2big @ June 2, 2007, 18:00)i know exactly what you mean hothands, at 64 women that i am attracted to think of me as," a really dear OLDER guy". it used to anger me, but no longer. while they are being mistreated by their "nice" boyfriends, i am alone and not hurting anyone........
Yep! your right about that. Some youthful guys are abusive, and not just to women, must be the testosterone, but that is the womans fault for putting up with it. I think this topic could only be accuratley replyed to by someone who has experienced it.
June 2, 2007, 22:45 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Is the Difference between Really Nice Guy and Dear Friend around the age of 50
It's been my experience that whenever a woman uses the phrase, "You're such a good friend" (or any variation of that) it's a good as the kiss of death! The fact that they are using two different terms to separate the older from the younger only shows the thought process they go through before ripping your heart out and stomping it out on the floor. I have dozens of girlfriends, and not one of them will ever give me a thought on a romantic level. I'm just someone they use when they want a shoulder to cry on, because the underwear model made them feel small and/or unappealing...
June 2, 2007, 23:01 |
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Re: Re: Is the Difference between Really Nice Guy and Dear Friend around the age of 50
QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ June 2, 2007, 23:01)It's been my experience that whenever a woman uses the phrase, "You're such a good friend" (or any variation of that) it's a good as the kiss of death! The fact that they are using two different terms to separate the older from the younger only shows the thought process they go through before ripping your heart out and stomping it out on the floor. I have dozens of girlfriends, and not one of them will ever give me a thought on a romantic level. I'm just someone they use when they want a shoulder to cry on, because the underwear model made them feel small and/or unappealing...
Reading your reply is like De'Ja'Vue or the story of my life. I guess that is part of the reason that I came to WN a few years ago to try and break the trend
June 2, 2007, 23:25 |
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Re: Is the Difference between Really Nice Guy and Dear Friend around the age of 50
to me it don't matter the age all of my friends are called the same thing except for special friends and they know who they are
So it is either my friend or my special friend no matter young or old
Only one person right now has the title of bestest friend
and she knows who she is
take care
June 2, 2007, 23:28 |
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Re: Is the Difference between Really Nice Guy and Dear Friend around the age of 50
It never does matter to us about age, it is the younger people that unknowingly signify about older people with out actually realizing it. When in fact they will all swear that age does not mean a thing, but in some ways it does to all of us, I mean I would hardly think that I would want to date some one in their eighties, so in all reality why would someone 30 years younger want to look at me any differently. Im not whinning(well maybe a little) but it is a fact of life that all will face at some time.
June 3, 2007, 00:01 |
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Re: Is the Difference between Really Nice Guy and Dear Friend around the age of 50
Usually the same way...Many think of me as a nice guy buy a few do think of me as a possibility until they find out how old I am. Then they are shocked and it's kinda embarrasing. We stay friends but nothing more....Still looking...
June 3, 2007, 02:13 |
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Re: Is the Difference between Really Nice Guy and Dear Friend around the age of 50
well Kuryous1 you are still looking good
take care
June 3, 2007, 06:11 |
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Re: Is the Difference between Really Nice Guy and Dear Friend around the age of 50
That is one of the things I am talking about also, when I go to the park jogging, I will sometimes meet a woman that will say hellow, and we will get along really well, probably because I can keep up with them and also know a little about health issues, usually they are between 35 to 45 but soon as I tell them my age it is like,,,,OH,,your in good shape for your age, then everything cools fast. And that as been happening for the last five years,,,,,Well I guess going Gay is still an option
June 3, 2007, 06:11 |
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Re: Is the Difference between Really Nice Guy and Dear Friend around the age of 50
What I forgot to say was that it is so hard to find women that are near my age that don't smoke or drink heavily or have major health issues, emphysema, hacking cough,HBP chronic pain and are in good enough shape to do the things I like to do like: long walks and mall shopping, jogging, working-out, swimming, water skiing, 4-wheeling, hunting, fishing, trap shooting, and most of all sex.
June 3, 2007, 06:37 |