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Any Wood tick Horror Stories?
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Any Wood tick Horror Stories?


 70 / male
 Miller Beach, Indiana, US
Any Wood tick Horror Stories?
Do you have the little useless, parasitic devils where you live, and what is your worst experience with one? I just brought this up because I walked through some nearby woods today and when I got home I found 3 on me. It wasn't just a lame excuse for me to get completely naked and have a grand old time examining myself with the hand mirror! NO, REALLY! When we were kids, my younger brother had one work it's way into his belly button and later that summer he had to have surgery because there was no other way to remove it and it created a serious infection. Ever since, I've had a serious fear/phobia that one of them would find a DIFFERENT orifice on my body and it would end up being a most embarassing procedure! Had nightmares about that when I was a little kid.

I "Triple-Dog-Dare" the first person to respond to this stupid thread!

P.S.> It's OK if even you MAKE up a story. As long as it's horrific! Sort of one of those "urban legends" things (If nothing else, we get to gross the girls out here. )
 June 1, 2007, 18:07

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Any Wood tick Horror Stories?
Oh Hell ya. The doctor ended up calling my tick, one of those hit and run kind. Had a deer tick that I never knew about. Ended up sick in bed for a week, then broke out in the hives. Yes even had that damn bull's eye. So the doctor decide not to even do the test for Lyme's. Just went on the antibiotic. After the 10 day dose, was feeling good, but then couldn't move my right arm, it hurt like a bitch. Right after that I had to use crutches as my right ankle was hurting so bad, I couldn't put any pressure on it. Went back into the doctor, and he told me that I would have to do another round of antibiotic's and if that didn't work, I would have to go on the IV therapy. Anyway it justed sucked big time. Other than that, we would pick them off the dogs when they where so big, that the ticks couldn't even walk, and a few of them would explode in our finger's as we tried to pull them off. Ya, a whole bunch of blood all over our fingers and hands. If they didn't explode in our fingers we would just light them on fire.
 June 1, 2007, 19:16

 User no longer registered.
Re: Any Wood tick Horror Stories?
i dont have any stories... i must stink because i rarely get any. just like a few weeks ago we were at the lake and everyone else was pulling them off left and right and i only had 3 all day long. we were in the exact same spots and i had even sat in the long grass with our new puppy for a bit.
 June 1, 2007, 22:07

 User no longer registered.
Re: Any Wood tick Horror Stories?
At the mall near where I live...the only blood suckers are the shoe salespeople...

 June 1, 2007, 22:13

 User no longer registered.
Re: Any Wood tick Horror Stories?
why do they call them Wood Tics? Should they be called flesh Tics?? or blood Tics?? or maybe just, those F-----g Tics?
 June 2, 2007, 03:07

 81 / male
 somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: Any Wood tick Horror Stories?
as a lot of you know, i live in northeast Nebr. , this has been the WORST year for those f-----g wood ticks in over 20 years. i have a buddy in the country , and he and his wife regularly pull 15 to 20 ticks off their great dane, EVERY NIGHT !!! i am out there quite a bit helping with firewood,gardening,because my friend has severe arthritis . he plucked one from my sleeve yesterday, before it could attach itsself. watch out for the ornery lil critters, they are just NASTY !!!
 June 2, 2007, 08:58

 66 / female
 Richmond, Missouri, US
Re: Any Wood tick Horror Stories?
Our youngest son is always out fishing. When he comes home he usually is covered with them if he doesn't use the tick spray. That means that if he sits on anything before he checks himself or takes a shower the little critters crawl off of him and on to the furniture. Oh how I hate that! When I pick ticks off of our son I get the chills. I don't mind bugs, but I sure don't like the little suckers!
 June 4, 2007, 20:05

 User no longer registered.
Re: Any Wood tick Horror Stories?
Wood ticks...nope...no horror stories, but I can tell you what a freakin' bitch it is to be wearing stockings or panty hose and accidently brush up against some bushes or shrubs loaded with a gazillion tiny teeny wittle bitty seed ticks...
 June 7, 2007, 00:17

 User no longer registered.
Re: Any Wood tick Horror Stories?
Not too many ticks around here but they say that the mosquito larva were laying dormant for 2 years. They're bigger and badder than ever and they're out if full force this year They say fleas are gonna be pretty bad, too
 June 7, 2007, 08:01

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Any Wood tick Horror Stories?

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