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disgruntled employees
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » disgruntled employees


 User no longer registered.
disgruntled employees
Have you ever done something just a little spiteful at work to a co worker or boss? Or have you ever seen a kind of spiteful vandalism in your workplace from others?
 May 30, 2007, 17:33

 User no longer registered.
Re: disgruntled employees
NOthing as far as vandalism or theft from me.

It's much more fun to see how they like their own shit back. (in a legal way of course)
 May 30, 2007, 19:40

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: disgruntled employees
I would never do anything like that. Others where I work, make it their business to get into others faces and start those nasty rumors and shit. Sorry to say that one guy had had way more than enough, not the way I would have thought or remotely suggested. This guy came to work about 1/2 hour early went to his normal work area, grabbed a shotgun, and you can figure out the rest, no one else was hurt, physically.
 May 30, 2007, 20:00

 User no longer registered.
Re: disgruntled employees
I remember my very first real job...at a shoe factory, and this other girl was told she couldn't leave early that day till she finished gluing down all these little cushions onto the heel boards of the insoles, she couldn't leave till all these little cushions were used up...so she started sneaking tons of them into the bathroom and flushing them down the toilets...she had all the toilets all backed up and stopped up...everyone went home early that day.
 May 30, 2007, 20:29

 61 / male
 Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: disgruntled employees
One of my ex-bosses used to go to the morning meetings and volunteer to take on extra duties, in the form of stock and inventory reports and such. The only trouble with that was he would pass it on to me as extra work, yelling at me when I didn't get to it or did it wrong. When I found out about the praise he was getting for the good work he was doing, and not passing any of that praise to the one who was actually doing it, I got even. The first day he was out, I photo-copied the last ten reports and gave them to his boss, telling him that I didn't know who to give the reports to with my boss being out and all. He was surprised to find out that I was the one doing all the work. My boss got canned that following Friday after a sting was setup by his boss. Apparently, he couldn't do any of his own job without help from his subordinates...( The only thing he knew how to do, was cut, copy, and paste his own name to subordinate reports and paperwork)...
 May 31, 2007, 11:25

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: disgruntled employees
  QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ May 31, 2007, 11:25)
One of my ex-bosses used to go to the morning meetings and volunteer to take on extra duties, in the form of stock and inventory reports and such. The only trouble with that was he would pass it on to me as extra work, yelling at me when I didn't get to it or did it wrong. When I found out about the praise he was getting for the good work he was doing, and not passing any of that praise to the one who was actually doing it, I got even. The first day he was out, I photo-copied the last ten reports and gave them to his boss, telling him that I didn't know who to give the reports to with my boss being out and all. He was surprised to find out that I was the one doing all the work. My boss got canned that following Friday after a sting was setup by his boss. Apparently, he couldn't do any of his own job without help from his subordinates...( The only thing he knew how to do, was cut, copy, and paste his own name to subordinate reports and paperwork)...

 May 31, 2007, 15:36

 User no longer registered.
Re: disgruntled employees
I was subjected to sexual harassment by female co-workers about 25 years ago. They made me feel very uncomfortable and they did their sexual propositions indiscreetly. I only worked there for 15 months, I was lucky that a better job became available in Edmonton. Many of these women also showed disrespect towards me and were resentful of my presence there. I think they were hopeful that I would try something with them so they could bring me down.
 May 31, 2007, 15:43

 User no longer registered.
Re: disgruntled employees
Handled that well, skrr...I'm sad to say, that it is in the nature of some women, to encourage things...just cuz saying "No" and reacting in some other negative way, gets them attention, and a feeling of power.

Gawd, that's just sad too.
 May 31, 2007, 15:52

 User no longer registered.
Re: disgruntled employees
I had the last laugh Chazzy. I never let them get to me and I left for a better place where respect and acceptance was received. I stayed in the new job in Edmonton for over 20 years till my retirement in 2003 and I was given a very nice retirement send off. I keep in touch with my former staff regularly and they really appreciate it.
 May 31, 2007, 16:08

 User no longer registered.
Re: disgruntled employees
Ha! You betcha!!! And where do you think those shallow, petty, bitter women are now???? How far do you think they got having a happy fullfilling life!
 May 31, 2007, 16:11

 User no longer registered.
Re: disgruntled employees
I have no idea where those women are now or what they are doing and I really don't care. I doubt that they have had much fulfillment in their lives. One of them is a cousin of mine and she was one of the worst of the bunch. I have had no contact with her since my last day there [25 years and counting] and I really don't care if I do. I attended her uncle's funeral 2 years ago and I never saw her then either.
 May 31, 2007, 16:17

 61 / male
 Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: disgruntled employees
I was talking about this thread to an old fellow employee. He told me I should have mentioned this one... One of the guys I used to work with, was what we liked to call, "A Big Baby" whenever anything that resembled work came around. If he was asked to do anything resembling physical labor, he would throw a fit, like a child that didn't get his choice toy or something. For some reason, I always got his work while, he would only do paperwork. I vowed to get even. Now, people at work feared me in the revenge department. If I said I was going to get even, I got even. One time I set up his desk phone by superglueing the receiver button down, then calling his extension from another phone in a remote part of the building. Drove him crazy when that thing rang for the first hour and there was no way to answer it.
The last time I pulled anything on him was when I was getting laid-off. He said to my face that he was glad to see me go and that it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. I got him back. We had these packing things called, "Blister Paks". They were grey baggies in various sizes, with two chemicals inside of them. Like epoxy, if the two chemicals came in contact with each other, they would form instant foam, sealing themselves around the product in a box. I took two of the larger ones and blew them up...in his desk draws!... I understand that he was furious the next day, when he couldn't get his favorite pen out of the drawer tray, because none of his drawers would open...couldn't of happen to a nicer guy...
 May 31, 2007, 23:25

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » disgruntled employees

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