User no longer registered.
There is a group of people out there in AMERICA that claim the 9/11 was an inside job, a hoax perpetrated by the BUSH ADMINISTRATION to stir up animosity toward the middle east, particularly AFGHANISTAN and other Middle Eastern nations. In there twisted logic, this group, commonly called the "TRUTHERS", the TWIN TOWERS were not crashed into by two 757's out of BOSTON. Their theory is a pair of long ago, decommissioned 707's were outfitted to look like the 757's, by our government to crash into the towers and therefore opening up the door for a retaliatory strike against the perceived perpetrators,the radical Muslims.
The "TRUTHERS" have no evidence for their beliefs other than a small group of dreamers that have questioned everything, including the video of that second 757 hitting the south tower. They claim it did not happen as the video showed and the "impossibility" of those thousands of gallons of burning jet fuel to have caused the iron frame in the structures to distort enough and cause a collapse of the twin towers. They claim that the towers were brought down by strategically placed implosions, thus the government conspiracy theory.
You have to "google" the "TRUTHERS" to read what these people have to say. Simply amazing......
What is your opinion on this matter?
May 24, 2007, 22:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Truthers............
Awwww c'mon!!! Ya know we can't use those words in this forum!!!!
Once you come out and say the "g" word, or specifically talk about the "B A" , ....ya know I have to lock the thread!.
Okay VB? I know you can think of tons of other topics..
May 24, 2007, 22:59 |
41 / male Web Naughty
Re: Truthers............
NO POLITICS HERE PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEE! Next political yada yada will be deleted, not just locked.
May 28, 2007, 07:35 |