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Full cooperation...or privacy protection?
How do you feel about this?
Citing federal privacy law, MySpace said Tuesday it won't comply with a request by attorneys general from eight states to hand over the names of registered sex offenders who use the social networking Web site.
I personally really feel that it is necessary to track the where abouts of sex offenders not only in "real life" but in the cyberworld...especially in the cyberworld!!!
May 16, 2007, 13:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Full cooperation...or privacy protection?
Can't believe that, considering how many sex offenders surf the web looking for victims. Something that should be fun, is now so dangerous because of these disgusting people.
May 16, 2007, 14:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Full cooperation...or privacy protection?
Laws are gonna have to change to include cyberspace!
Thank God for the likes of John Walsh, the pervertedjustice people, and law enforcement agencies that work hard at patroling the internet and put out all those public service internet saftey programs!
It's a shame we don't have the laws yet that would make the job easier, and help these people and organizations out more.
May 16, 2007, 14:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Full cooperation...or privacy protection?
It's good to know they are there to protect the youngsters online, but as you say Chazzy, things need to change to make it safer.
May 16, 2007, 14:50 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Full cooperation...or privacy protection?
I'm torn on this one. Those of you who know me, know that I'm the first one who be there to kick the shit of these assholes. But when you look at it from a business point of view, the client list is proprietary property. When you sign up for certain things, you expect that your information will be keep private, unless they have disclosed the fact that your information will be sold or distributed to other company's. But on the other hand, when you have scum bags out there preying on women and children for the sole purpose of violating them, then its another matter, but where do you draw line. Then you have the other side of the coin, what do you do when women and children go and actively seek to meet up with these types of scum. Granted they may not know who they are dealing with, but when you are actively looking for it, when what? Then of course you have the other issue. Public perception of their tax dollars being spent for a bunch of investigators sitting at a computer, playing on the Internet. These types of investigations are long and expensive to conduct, with little to no results.
I would offer another solution, when these types scum bags are convicted, we ship their dumb ass to a deserted island and let them prey on each other. I suppose we could do air drops for supplies, when we felt like it.
I don't think that there is a good answer for this issue.
May 16, 2007, 15:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Full cooperation...or privacy protection?
QUOTE (funlovingpair @ May 16, 2007, 15:39)... Then you have the other side of the coin, what do you do when women and children go and actively seek to meet up with these types...
Oh...that brings up a very good point that's been on my mind lately, that I've meant to mention here in the forums..
This site has a "terms of agreement" that everyone who joins must accept saying they are 18 years of age or older These kinds of "terms of use, terms of agreement" protect the website. Ya'all gotta protect yourselves!!
If you find someone on any adult website and should decide to go offsite with someone who on their profile claims to be 18, 19 years old, it sure would be wise to get some age verification on your own!! It does happen to some good men that they think they are camming or chatting with an adult and the Princess's dad happens to walk into her room and let you know you are actually camming and chatting with a 15 year old...and bam! You are in some serious hot water!!!
May 16, 2007, 18:00 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Full cooperation...or privacy protection?
So far my only experience with this has been with another very popular site. This person wanted me to include them in my little circle. So before I did, I looked at their profile only to find out that are 14 years old. Now what in the hell is a 14 year old kid doing wanting to talk with a 48 year old dude? Now there is some logical explanations that I had thought of, including a sting operation, but I felt it wise to hit the delete button. But when you cam with another person on any site, I'm not sure how one would get some sort of ID verification. But if you would meet them in person, you could and should get ID verification if so warranted. I guess the long and short of it is, be careful. Anyone can say that they are over 18.
May 16, 2007, 23:56 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Full cooperation...or privacy protection?
I'm very very careful to limit my interactions with 18 year olds, I do my best to follow my gut instincts....if their profile photo looks like it was taken in their room at their mommy and daddy's house, or if I feel their "social skills" seem to be less mature than I'm comfortable with, or they even may slip up and say things that tip me off..,then I just play it safe and sane.
May 17, 2007, 00:21 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Full cooperation...or privacy protection?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ May 17, 2007, 00:21)I'm very very careful to limit my interactions with 18 year olds, I do my best to follow my gut instincts....if their profile photo looks like it was taken in their room at their mommy and daddy's house, or if I feel their "social skills" seem to be less mature than I'm comfortable with, or they even may slip up and say things that tip me off..,then I just play it safe and sane.
You can never be too careful.
May 17, 2007, 00:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Full cooperation...or privacy protection?
But all in all....I do really think that if a person on a sex offenders list should have their internet activity monitored.
May 17, 2007, 13:51 |
80 / male A whoop and a hollar from Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Full cooperation...or privacy protection?
I agree with you Chazzy, but one step further. Predators and sex offenders should be barred from all social networking sites. If they are registered they will do the same thing over again. Most sex offender say that they will repeat the offense, so why allow them any access....regardless of the age(s) they pursue?
When they broke the law the first time they have given up that privilege, it is NOT a right!
May 17, 2007, 14:26 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Full cooperation...or privacy protection?
Good point, dear....it's not an uncommon practice for "No Computer activity" to be a condition of a computer hacker's probation, parole or sentence, why not the same for sex offenders?
May 17, 2007, 14:30 |
61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Full cooperation...or privacy protection?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ May 16, 2007, 13:17)How do you feel about this?
Citing federal privacy law, MySpace said Tuesday it won't comply with a request by attorneys general from eight states to hand over the names of registered sex offenders who use the social networking Web site.
I personally really feel that it is necessary to track the where abouts of sex offenders not only in "real life" but in the cyberworld...especially in the cyberworld!!!
I checked this out with a buddy of mine in law enforcement. He told me that MySpace monitors themselves and that it's hard to determine who is actually the account holder. What the Attorney Generals aren't telling us here is that they want all the names of every account so that they can make up their own minds as to who is a sex offender and who is just the average joe. Now do you want them to get ahold of your name, address, and other info you included in your site?...
May 18, 2007, 14:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Full cooperation...or privacy protection?
If they run my account against a data base of red flagged convicted sex offenders, my account will fall to the side, kicked out of the system...that wouldn't bother me.
May 18, 2007, 16:24 |