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Spam, scams, phishing and spoofs...
Geez...just got another ebay "spoof/phishing" email...they are getting real good at making these look legitimate!
It use to be easy at first glance to know it's a spoof, bad spelling, bad graphics...all kinds of red flags, but now I have to go and log in to my ebay account to see if that same email is in my message box there.
I do forward all the ebay ones to their security department, hell, they have to stay on top of this crap!
I'm thankful for spam filters, including the one on this site!
I had one with an attachment recently, claiming to be from my very own ISP, requesting that I open the attached "security patch" file!!!
May 16, 2007, 13:03 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Spam, scams, phishing and spoofs...
Yah, Chazzy, they are getting good. I get 'em sometimes for PayPal, which is who I use for my ebaying, and I too, forward them straight to them.
Sometimes I get them for banks I have no dealings with and I'll go and look up their spoof email and forward it to them just because.
These people and esp the "nigerian" ones are a true pain in the @$$!
May 16, 2007, 15:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Spam, scams, phishing and spoofs...
The Nigerain scams have ruined so many lives!
I believe that a Nigerian scam, they say..is what was behind the wife who shot and murdered her preacher husband.
She kept falling for scams which caused allot of stress in thier home, and then the Nigerian scam came around to her, the husband kept telling her no, it's a scam, and she did it anyway behind his back, then freaked when she found out he was right..
May 17, 2007, 14:18 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Spam, scams, phishing and spoofs...
Really?! I had not heard that!
sorry to go 
May 17, 2007, 15:20 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Spam, scams, phishing and spoofs...
Hey, you're not off topic!
Her main defense is abuse, but the Nigerain scam was a factor for the prosecution.
May 17, 2007, 15:25 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Spam, scams, phishing and spoofs...
I just wanted to let people know about one that has been going on around here and spreading. I know some folks will actually listen to the speeches of telemarketers. Anyone who gets a call from a telemarketer who is soliciting money for their local law enforcement is probably in the mist of a scam. What makes them deadly is the fact that they claim to be non-profit, which allows them to sneak under the no-call-zoning laws. If you receive one listen to them and then tell them you don't have any money to give right now. Ask them for an address to send the money to. If they insist on a wireless transaction, it's a scam.
I got one that was so nasty, that the guy on the other end told me that local police would frown on my not wanting to give. So much so that they would target me as a trouble-making citizen, ticketing me every chance they got. I called it in later and was told it was a scam and that I was the 200 hundreth caller to call and complain about it that night.
May 18, 2007, 15:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Spam, scams, phishing and spoofs...
I tell everyone who solicits over the phone, (which is so rare) to send the information for me through the mail, and I'll look it over when I have the time, nothing ever comes in the mail!
May 18, 2007, 16:22 |
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