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Drug testing...
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Drug testing...


 User no longer registered.
Drug testing...

How do you feel about it at the work place? Is it an invasion of privacy if someone does a few one hitters on the weekend, but shows up clean and sober to their job during the week?
How do you feel about it in your home and life? Would you or have you insisted on a partner/spouse or you child submitting to a home drug testing kit? Would you just let it ride on trust, would you submit to one if your partner asked?
 May 13, 2007, 11:14

 User no longer registered.
Re: Drug testing...
I feel it should be done in some schools, as far as i know the worst that the kids do in my school is, they bring in drink. That is bad enough, but in my friends sons school, kids are being sold drugs outside and they take them before lessons. If the school has any concerns this is happening, they should test them. I would be happy for both my boys to be tested, it isn't that i don't trust them, but kids who take drugs are unlikely to tell you the truth.
I'd be happy to do any type of drugs test, i'm happy to say, i have nothing to hide.
 May 13, 2007, 11:19

 User no longer registered.
Re: Drug testing...
As far as drug testing goes, it should include, the management in the work place, the parents, teachers and faculty in the school systems, the officials of the government, as well as the workers, the students and agents.And it should all be on public record, along with other abuse protocol.
 May 13, 2007, 11:36

 User no longer registered.
Re: Drug testing...
I absolutely agree with it. I suggested it at work a few weeks ago but they could not as they do not have a policy and can not single out a person. Whatever! That person is no longer there as they chose to not show up for work 3 days in row - and not a call one. Irresponsible and others of course have to rearrange their lives to cover them. There are many jobs where being under the influence of whatever could cause serious harm to someone else.
 May 14, 2007, 15:48

 80 / male
 A whoop and a hollar from Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Drug testing...
I support drug testing anywhere that people come in any kind of contact with children or in the health care industry is involved especially. I agree about testing kids in schools or even random testing in most places. I doesn't single anyone out...If you do drugs, be prepared for what may happen. Everyone makes their own choices about what they want to do (as they should be able to do). They just have to realize there may be consequences to everything illegal.

I grew up in the 60s where the drug culture and "free love" were considered the norm, I'm not, and have never been, an angel by any stretch of the imagination. I watched people I knew hurt themselves and others on hard drugs because they lost control of their ability to think responsibly. Watching a guy jump off of the roof of a building thinking he could fly while under the influence of LSD and breaking both legs severely has kept me away from any drugs for a lot of years. He will never be able to walk without canes again! Alcohol is still legal for adults in most places. I'll stick with that.

Testing is there to protect people not harass them. Test away and the ACLU be damned!

 May 14, 2007, 16:51

 45 / male
 Washington, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Drug testing...
I have a question, not an answer, for your post Chazzy (or anyone who could enlighten me further). What if you were vacationing in an area that has no laws on drug use, like Amsterdamn (might of spelled that wrong, sorry), and you come back to work to an unexpected drug test that you will fail? Is that right that you will loose your job while you were on vacation?
 May 15, 2007, 10:01

 User no longer registered.
Re: Drug testing...
If you are aware that your company does random drug tests and you make the choice to consume drugs then you are knowingly taking that risk. The company has to protect its assests, employees and reputation.
 May 15, 2007, 12:36

 61 / male
 Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Drug testing...
I've tested drugs for years, but never really at the workplace. I've tried them all. It just seems daft to be total out of my mind at work, when I'm that way naturally...NSR (No Stimulation Required)...
 May 15, 2007, 16:31

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Drug testing...
I had to take a drug test before i got my job. I think it is a great idea. At some jobs you need to depend on who you work with. We also have random testing i have no problem with it. If people still want to use when you know this it is your own fault if you loose a job. I feel you need to decide what is more important.

 May 15, 2007, 17:23

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Drug testing...
  QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ May 15, 2007, 16:31)
I've tested drugs for years, but never really at the workplace. I've tried them all. It just seems daft to be total out of my mind at work, when I'm that way naturally...NSR (No Stimulation Required)...

 May 15, 2007, 18:23

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Drug testing...
  QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ May 15, 2007, 16:31)
I've tested drugs for years, but never really at the workplace. I've tried them all. It just seems daft to be total out of my mind at work, when I'm that way naturally...NSR (No Stimulation Required)...

I've missed you GG!!!
 May 15, 2007, 19:22

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Drug testing...
  QUOTE (hothands @ May 13, 2007, 11:36)
As far as drug testing goes, it should include, the management in the work place, the parents, teachers and faculty in the school systems, the officials of the government, as well as the workers, the students and agents.And it should all be on public record, along with other abuse protocol.

This is right on. Everyone should be tested, not just a select few. I am suject to ramdom testing at any time and feel it should be expanded. Truck drivers aren't the only ones in "saftey sensitive" jobs. Teachers shouldn't be around kids if they are doing this and no one else should be allowed to do their jobs either if caught in a random test. There really is no place to just cut this off.

Oh, and GG? I've done my share of that too, but never when having to drive anything. [wasn't a truck driver during this time] :D
 May 15, 2007, 21:20

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Drug testing...
Go right ahead test away. I have nothing to hide. I'm also subject to random drug testing, pat searches, even a strip search, god I hope she's cute.
Yes I had to take a drug a test to get my job as a state employee. But why is it that all those on welfare don't have to submit to a drug test to get thier welfare checks?
 May 16, 2007, 17:43

 70 / male
 Winder, Georgia, US
Re: Re: Drug testing...
But why is it that all those on welfare don't have to submit to a drug test to get their welfare checks?

Because the government can't compel you to incriminate yourself. I can already hear the argument that the state makes you take drug tests at work. In that case the state is acting as your employer, and if they demand a drug test, it's done with no governmental authority. In the case of wefare. It is a state agency acting with full governmental authority.
 May 16, 2007, 19:14

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Re: Drug testing...
  QUOTE (DirtyDaddy @ May 16, 2007, 19:14)
But why is it that all those on welfare don't have to submit to a drug test to get their welfare checks?

Because the government can't compel you to incriminate yourself. I can already hear the argument that the state makes you take drug tests at work. In that case the state is acting as your employer, and if they demand a drug test, it's done with no governmental authority. In the case of wefare. It is a state agency acting with full governmental authority.

You are partly correct. The government cannot compel you to self incrimination, however they can compel you to give DNA, urine, breath, fingerprint samples and the likes. This is called physical evidence. They cannot, however make you vocalize a self incriminating statement.
 May 16, 2007, 23:35

 70 / male
 Winder, Georgia, US
Re: Re: Re: Re: Drug testing...
  QUOTE (funlovingpair @ May 16, 2007, 23:35)
  QUOTE (DirtyDaddy @ May 16, 2007, 19:14)
But why is it that all those on welfare don't have to submit to a drug test to get their welfare checks?

Because the government can't compel you to incriminate yourself. I can already hear the argument that the state makes you take drug tests at work. In that case the state is acting as your employer, and if they demand a drug test, it's done with no governmental authority. In the case of welfare. It is a state agency acting with full governmental authority.

You are partly correct. The government cannot compel you to self incrimination, however they can compel you to give DNA, urine, breath, fingerprint samples and the likes. This is called physical evidence. They cannot, however make you vocalize a self incriminating statement.

You're leaving out one important part of the argument. Probable cause. Without it you can't be compelled to give so much as a dirty look. There are some Grey areas like fingerprints, but even then, the high courts of some states have ruled that even your fingerprints are protected by the fifth amendment.
 May 17, 2007, 00:07

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Drug testing...
Actually I didn't it leave it out. But I did mix the apples with the oranges, and that's my fault. The Fifth Amendment deals mostly with the criminal cases. We are talking about civil cases, in which the Fifth Amendment would not apply. At least in my opinion.
 May 17, 2007, 00:50

 57 / female
 In the Sun, Arizona, US
Re: Drug testing...
There is the other side of drug and alcohol. I lived with an alcoholic and they truly believe they are trying or that they aren't doing any harm, so they lie. People in general lie about drug use because it is not something acceptable. If you choose a job that has random drug testing then you take that chance, but honestly alcohol destroys more lives then all the drugs put together. There isn't any job that you can do that you can do high. Janitors can leave a cigarette next to flammables if they aren't thinking, lawn people could trim the bushes and not watch for the many children running around. Pretty much the only thing that you can do safely high is sit in your own house without cooking anything and not having any kids around. As for coming from another country that allows drug use, remember you can buy some prescriptions without a doctor's script in other countries and this country will still prosecute you, so it won't be a decent defense.
 May 17, 2007, 23:18

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Drug testing...

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