User no longer registered.
Got 'Cha...........
I'm sure you've heard about the NEW JERSEY SIX. Them, being the six terrorist wanna-bes that were training to storm FORT DIX in New Jersey and kill as many soldiers as possible. The group had video taped their training exercises and one of the six ventured into a CIRCUIT CITY to inquire on the feasibility of one of the clerks transferring the tape onto a DVD. The clerk, after watching the tape, called the local police to report what he saw. The police then contacted the FBI.
After the SIX were arrested, the wanna-bes have threatened to sue that good samaritan clerk for civil rights violations. WTF?
That lawsuit threat is undoubtedly, a desperate attempt to get that clerk to dummy up and forget what he witnessed so he cannot be used by the prosecution at trial.
Only in AMERICA!!!!!!
May 12, 2007, 07:55 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Got 'Cha...........
I used to do that stuff at Circuit City. We are required by law to report any information we see on a computer that is illegal, like kiddy porn and terrorist acts.
May 12, 2007, 22:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Got 'Cha...........
QUOTE (Mooant @ May 12, 2007, 22:24)I used to do that stuff at Circuit City. We are required by law to report any information we see on a computer that is illegal, like kiddy porn and terrorist acts.
Thank goodness...
May 12, 2007, 22:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Got 'Cha...........
I believe, not quite sure but I think utility workers and postal workers are required to report any suspicious activity at any house they may service?
So if a guy fills your propane tank, or comes to read your electric or water meter, or the postman delivers your mail and spots something (I'm sure they are trained in some way as to what is a red flag) they are expected to report it.
Good rule really, but I guess I would still be pissed if my home got all tore up in a search over something that was completely harmless and innocent, but just mistaken for a "red flag"...pissed, but I'd understand.
May 13, 2007, 14:45 |