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Legends and Myths
I've heard 'em, you've heard 'em, we've all heard 'em, now let's share 'em....
I remember one in my little home town, about a girl that was fucking an Oscar Mayer weiner and it broke off, got stuck and it took a trip to the emergency room to remove the remaning broken frankfurter, and then everyone called her "Weiner Woman" from that day forward...
September 27, 2004, 19:41 |
64 / female mesa, Arizona, US
Re: Legends and Myths
actualy,i have seen something simualer. only it was a man and with a vibrator stuck.
i wanted to ask him if he wanted it out, or just change the batteries.
this was told to me as the absolute truth. the government is recruiting people who can speak klingon fluently. to be used as "code talkers" if need be.
yes, there is a language, grammer and all. one of the staff of the star trek shows has a masters in lingustics and he wrote it all up.
and i thought i had too much time on my hands. 
"Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam"
September 27, 2004, 21:07 |
64 / male OHIO, Ohio, US
Re: Legends and Myths
woman was using a glass pop bottle for her toy, got to excited with it, created too much suction and it got stuck. trip to emergency room to have glass bottle removed.
September 28, 2004, 03:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Legends and Myths
Man using anal "inflation" for self pleasure, switches from small hand pump to air compressor and internally explodes his own colon and intestines. Major surgery follows.
September 28, 2004, 05:12 |
57 / male Manhattan, New York, US
Re: Legends and Myths
... gay man is rushed to the emergency room after allowing a gerbil to crawl into his rectum.He originally was holding it by the tail so it would just sort of burrow in slightly which supposedly was to set off an orgasmic response.The gerbils tail slipped loose.
...never did find out whether he achieved orgasm..
Peace and Blessings,
September 28, 2004, 06:46 |
69 / male McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: Legends and Myths
what I heard about the gerbil was two guys had a tube inserted to get the gerbil in, it went too far wouldnt come out , the second guy held a lighter close hoping it would come towards the light. the guy had bad gas , result , severely burned inside his rectom, killed the gerbil , had to be removed by the doctor.
September 28, 2004, 12:03 |
69 / male McGaheysville, Virginia, US
Re: Legends and Myths
I forgot , the guy with the lighter got his face severely burned , his eyebrows and mustache , were burned off completely
September 28, 2004, 12:06 |
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Re: Legends and Myths
September 28, 2004, 13:20 |
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Re: Legends and Myths
BTW, a friend of mine lit her pantyhose on fire doing that. I wouldn't recommend trying it. 
And before anyone says it... YES!! It was my friend. Not me!! I'm not that hard up for entertainment!
September 28, 2004, 13:22 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Legends and Myths
Rotflmao moon... "my friend" would never try that either.....
September 28, 2004, 13:55 |
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Re: Legends and Myths
September 28, 2004, 14:06 |
64 / female mesa, Arizona, US
Re: Legends and Myths
ya'll remember "the hook", about the crazy man with a hook instead of a hand, and had escaped from the hospital for the crimally insane? and the couple at lover's lane, when they got to her house there was a hook caught on the door handle?
apparently this story is so old it was told back during the roman empire. only the hook was caught on the horses reins.
September 28, 2004, 15:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Legends and Myths
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ September 28, 2004, 13:22)BTW, a friend of mine lit her pantyhose on fire doing that. I wouldn't recommend trying it.
And before anyone says it... YES!! It was my friend. Not me!! I'm not that hard up for entertainment! 
Can I assume alcohol was also involved in this incident?
September 29, 2004, 11:37 |
64 / female mesa, Arizona, US
Re: Legends and Myths
i don't know if this is a legend or a myth or what.
about 15-20 years ago, a dps officer (state police) was shot and killed up on i-10.
sometimes he will be seen sitting by the side of the road, in his patrol car. he has also changed tires, and put water in radiators.
dps has gotten thank you notes from people, giving times and dates when the officer assigned there was documented to be somewhere else.
September 29, 2004, 13:41 |
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Re: Re: Re: Legends and Myths
QUOTE (Chazzy @ September 29, 2004, 11:37) QUOTE (MoonHowler @ September 28, 2004, 13:22)BTW, a friend of mine lit her pantyhose on fire doing that. I wouldn't recommend trying it.
And before anyone says it... YES!! It was my friend. Not me!! I'm not that hard up for entertainment! 
Can I assume alcohol was also involved in this incident?
Funny you should ask that. We were playing poker and betting with vodka. Can't drink the stuff to this day thanks to that incident!
September 29, 2004, 13:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Legends and Myths
Well, I can understand, I would be afraid of ever mixing alcohol and pantyhose again !!
September 29, 2004, 20:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Legends and Myths
a Colonel Parker for the Union Army in the civil War apparently made off with a large sum of payroll gold. Parker lived and died a wealthy man in northern Pennsylvania, and is buried in a crypt at the start of the valley bearing his name. The Gold was never accounted for and rumor states that it is buried in somewhere in the valley. Hundreds have looked over the last century, with no success. The amount would come to millions in today's dollars.
September 29, 2004, 21:01 |
64 / female mesa, Arizona, US
Re: Legends and Myths
the "lost dutchman gold mine" is supposed to be in the superstition mountians. (about 10 miles from me) there are maps and directions supposedly left by jacob waltz.
back in the 1850's, he used to come into phoenix every so often. always had freshly mined gold, almost pure. when ever money ran low, he would take a trip, be gone about 2 wks, and come back with more gold. nobody ever managed to follow him.
just before he died, he made a map and gave it, and verbal directions to the woman who was taking care of him.
since then, literaly thousands of people have come here to look for it. several people looking for it have been murdered over the years. if you're looking for it, best have eyes in the back of your head. the last death was about 10 years ago. never solved.
the area had been dug up and dynamited, before it became part of the tonto national forrest.
the ex-attorney general, tom corbitt, has spent his life,looking for it on weekends and vacations. and still does.
but, if it was found today, the gold would belong to the federal governmant. (if you told them.)
incidentaly, superstition mountian, is absolutly gorgeous. if your ever in arizona, its worth seeing.
September 29, 2004, 22:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Legends and Myths
So that's where they Flying Dutchman came from in Spongebob!!!
September 30, 2004, 05:18 |
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Re: Re: Legends and Myths
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ September 30, 2004, 05:18)So that's where they Flying Dutchman came from in Spongebob!!!

Sponge Bob Rules the Ocean! Now drop to the floor and flop like a fish!
September 30, 2004, 05:36 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Legends and Myths
I read that wrong..... thought you said "drop your drawers!"..... sorry.....
September 30, 2004, 08:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Legends and Myths
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ September 30, 2004, 08:53)I read that wrong..... thought you said "drop your drawers!"..... sorry.....

Hum, that sounds even better! Like your new pictures too!
September 30, 2004, 09:26 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Legends and Myths
There's the one about the lady who went grocery shopping, she put her bags in the back seat and climbed bedhind the wheel, but before starting her car, there was a loud pop, she felt something hit her head,she reaches behind and feels what she is sure is a severe head injury, she keeps one hand on her injury while dialing 911 on her cell phone, telling the dispatcher she had just been shot. The paramedics and police arrive to find her hand full of biscuit dough, apparently, the roll in her shoping bag had "exploded" and hit her in the back of her head.
October 5, 2004, 14:25 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Legends and Myths
i pulled this one up again too...
did you hear about this? a guy was having trouble breathing. he went to see his dr., and they discovered that he had a pea growing in his lung. apparently, he was eating dinner one night, and was wolfing his food down so fast, that a pea went down his windpipe and got lodged in his lung.
October 14, 2010, 13:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Legends and Myths
I have personally responded to a fire alarm ..medical emergency. A couple was well versed in anal play and decided to try a large austi spumanti bottle. bottle buckled under the pressure and exploded in her ass... what a fucking mess......fuck.
October 16, 2010, 01:21 |