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Stuff, stuff everywhere!
How much stuff do you have? Do you have one room that acts as a "catch all"...or maybe one closet, drawer?
Do you have to rent a storage shed for all your stuff?
Do you have one area of your home that acts as the daily "catch all" like the kitchen table?
Just some place where the minute you or anyone else that comes through the door, puts down their stuff?
Is there a closet, cabinet or drawer where you toss all your stuff when you know you only have very little time before company comes over?
April 26, 2007, 12:02 |
64 / couple lake elsinore, California, US
Re: Stuff, stuff everywhere!
i've been cleaning stuff out since i've been on disability. my closet is so much better now and easier to navagate. even the barn and all the stuff i had in storage. most of it is gone. trying to minimize my junk to a low growl.
April 26, 2007, 12:35 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Stuff, stuff everywhere!
I've got one room full of my husband's furniture...lesson learned....marriage often means...my better tasteful stuff moves in...your old bachelor crap goes!!
(Yard sale this weekend!)
April 26, 2007, 13:10 |
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Re: Stuff, stuff everywhere!
Our basement is our "collection" point for the stuff we don't use everyday. I will actually throw stuff away that I feel is no longer of any use......without my wife's knowledge of course!!!
April 26, 2007, 13:17 |
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Re: Stuff, stuff everywhere!
Right now, I'm thinking of the one closet in our spare room, that is filled to the hilt with old computer parts, they are all sorted and labeled in boxes, but most of this crap is outdated...really need to just put it all out in the freakin' trash to be picked up!!
April 27, 2007, 13:16 |
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Re: Stuff, stuff everywhere!
I have a large collection of Coca-Cola stuff in a room by itself,but it's beginning to spread to other rooms,I'd like to build a place in my yard to put all of it,like a 24x24 building so I can show it to other people.Then make it larger as the collection grows.
April 27, 2007, 16:11 |
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Re: Stuff, stuff everywhere!
Just finished a walk-in closet in the master bedroom...tons of room now..his and her sides..time to tackle the basment..night mare
April 27, 2007, 19:58 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Stuff, stuff everywhere!
My outdoor shed is a total mess! It just overwhelms me everytime I think of cleaning it up.
April 28, 2007, 10:16 |
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Re: Stuff, stuff everywhere!
I would hate to think about trying to clean my shed out...We also have a room mostly for her sewing stuff. I think she had 3 sewing machines..and piles and piles of material for quilting.
April 28, 2007, 10:25 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Stuff, stuff everywhere!
I have stuff all over. House and garage. I just know i have to save this thing 'cause i know I'll usse it later for--something.
April 28, 2007, 10:26 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Stuff, stuff everywhere!
QUOTE (JCSOS @ April 28, 2007, 10:26)I have stuff all over. House and garage. I just know i have to save this thing 'cause i know I'll usse it later for--something. 
Right there with you....I've got things I might use someday that has is almost as old as my youngest daughter. But do I throw it away?? Hell no..I might need it some day.
April 28, 2007, 10:29 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Stuff, stuff everywhere!
Stuff drives me batty...the areas I have control over stay pretty neat...the ones I don't, now that is an entire other story...tomorrow will be a day of purging and I'm taking a week off this summer (while everyone is away, I like to hit the house alone and organize!!!)
I do need to go through some of my shoes but that is like getting rid of old friends.
April 28, 2007, 18:52 |
80 / male A whoop and a hollar from Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Stuff, stuff everywhere!
I'm a "pack rat" but I'm turning over a new leaf this spring. I've put quite a few things in the trash and keep loading up more junk to toss. Some of this stuff is museum quality techie junk like a 110 baud acoustic modem and I tested it...it still works! It used to be the wonder of the age. That and assorted modems. video cards, and XT memory expansion cards, not to mention a few now bare bones early PCs need to leave home for good. Maybe I can sell it on Ebay. A central closet and a storage closet are filled with all kinds of junk and stuff that dates back to way before some of you were born. I've gotten a few surprises and even more laughs working through them. It has amazed me how much stuff accumulates over the years....maybe it's time to move and thin it out!
April 28, 2007, 21:42 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Stuff, stuff everywhere!
Ugh!! Every time my husband does even the smallest of house hold jobs here, my kitchen table ends up looking like a badly organized work bench...I just spent 20 minutes or so putting away all his tools and materials.
April 29, 2007, 20:30 |
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Stuff, stuff everywhere!