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There's a book on this, titled "The Secret" that claims that emitting negative energy will attract more negative energy, and positive will attract positive things.
How much do you think our lives and destiny are affected by our negative or positive thinking?
(Has anyone read this book yet?)
Can having positive thoughts and outlook, affect what happens to us, or is it just that positive thinking people tend to handle things in a positive way, and making it appear that they have an easier path in life?
April 22, 2007, 10:07 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Positive/negative
My wife always complained that I didn't take anything seriously, that things came to me too easily, because of my positive attitude. She has this obsessive need for control, so she had to make strict plans for everything she did, and if it didn't go the way she wanted, she would get extremely upset. However, I always played things by ear and they usually worked out for me.
I guess we were opposites that attracted...
April 22, 2007, 10:22 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Positive/negative
I'm an incredibly positive person and face adversity as learning experiences. In the hardest times of my life I have learned to be thankful and grateful because how I face the experience defines who I am. Life gives us good and bad situations and it is up to us to decide if we overcome the moment or let it control our lives. I make the choice every day to get out of bed and put a smile on my face. I surround myself with people like me, perhaps positive does meet positive. I need to read that book, it would be interesting.
April 22, 2007, 10:34 |
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Re: Positive/negative
I love positive people, but I won't limit myself to them, I think there may be a reason why they say "oposites attract"
It's all the ying and yang thing, if we didn't have "bad", we wouldn't know how good "good" is...
I have several negative people in my life, positive people don't need me near as much as the negative ones do...
There are the extreme negatives, the "poison people"...it's alway a good thing to keep some distance with them, they poison and rot everything they come into contact with.
It's almost like good things wither them, bad things nourish them.
April 22, 2007, 10:47 |
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Re: Positive/negative
I don't limit myself to positive people and am hopefully an influence in the lives of those that are difficult. I don't like being around people that talk adversely about others, I believe it is counterproductive. I listen if there is truly a problem but if it is about bashing others to make yourself feel better then I'm not likely to stick around and be part of the the conversation.
There is a group of women at work that take it upon themselves to critique people and the way they dress, etc. They are really nice to my face but the things they've said about me when I'm not around have filtered back to me...I see people joining in with them so they aren't the target of their negative comments, they have created a group of people just like themselves. I'm always incredibly nice and helpful to each of them...my high heel shoes evidently bother them and what they don't realize is that at the end of they day they are bothering me too...LOL!!!
April 22, 2007, 11:12 |
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Re: Positive/negative
Ewww! I've had to deal with those kinda women too! Gawd, they had something negative to say about everyone, from how they parked their cars in the lot, to what they were wearing...I could never keep myself from making my own comments like..."hmmm...let me think....no, I can't say that what she is wearing today directly affects me or my life at all in any way...hmmmm"
April 22, 2007, 11:28 |
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Re: Positive/negative
Exactly Chazzy, if I wasn't comfortable in my own skin I could see how those types of women could just rip your world apart. It is interesting that most of these women have worked at our office much longer than I have and are still in entry level positions. Kind of the negative attracting the negative again, it makes you sit back and wonder if they are creating their own destiny by how they make the choice to live their lives...
I have to admit...when I know I'm going to be around them for an event at work I make certain to wear my highest heels, a skirt that has a slit in in that shows more leg than normal and my blouse may be a little lower than I would normally wear to the office...I stir the cauldron so to speak 'cause it is so much fun!!!
April 22, 2007, 11:36 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Positive/negative
Fortunatly at most places I was in a position to "make a few rules"....
I didn't hestiate to state loudly to the entire room..."Hey!! WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT OUR CO-WORKERS WHEN THEY LEAVE THE ROOM!!!!"
I did add that they could outside, in the parking lot, on their own time.
April 22, 2007, 11:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Positive/negative
Well, I'm in a fairly influential position and fortunately these women don't work in the same department to do this during work time. They are doing this it is at lunch or at employee events. Upper level management is aware of the issues but because it happens when they are off the clock there isn't much that can be done. One of the women actually applied for a job in my department and when I didn't select her for an interview took it upon herself to angrily enter my office to "discuss" it with me. I was honest with her and told her that my department is very close knit and when selecting someone for the position I needed someone that was a team player and because of the nature of the people we deal with had to be highly professional. I said the other candidates had impeccable references and demonstrated teamwork and leadership qualities which I felt she had yet to develop in her current position...
April 22, 2007, 11:59 |
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Re: Positive/negative
I just don't understand why some people don't find the concept of solidarity more appealing!
April 22, 2007, 12:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Positive/negative
Yes, solidarity is the motto of my department...from my boss, to my volunteers, to the people that work for me, they know I won't put up with BS, it takes an active effort from EVERYONE to maintain professionalism and we have to lead by example!!!
Plus, how much can you accomplish if you sit around thinking about bad stuff all day long?
April 22, 2007, 12:11 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Positive/negative
make note to self:
- visit Jules at a function
- have her in her 'extra' high heels and see if she can walk the rope?
- with the extra high slit up her dress just to see more thigh (oh yea!)
- and the low cut blouse. BUT Jules, wear a push-up bra to showcase that wonderful chest of yours...
AND then
-wear some bright lipstick to accentuate your mouth
I bet the girls would be a-buzz now! ha ha
April 24, 2007, 16:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Positive/negative
QUOTE (ptr61dhn @ April 24, 2007, 16:19)make note to self:
- visit Jules at a function
- have her in her 'extra' high heels and see if she can walk the rope?
- with the extra high slit up her dress just to see more thigh (oh yea!)
- and the low cut blouse. BUT Jules, wear a push-up bra to showcase that wonderful chest of yours...
AND then
-wear some bright lipstick to accentuate your mouth
I bet the girls would be a-buzz now! ha ha
You should have been at work with me today...everything but the rope...event - check...push-up bra - check, low cut blouse - check, substitute short skirt for skirt with slit - check, and high heels - check (that's a given).
When the photographer showed up he asked my assistant to describe me, she said, "She's the hot red head in the high heels..." I could not believe she said that to him...then she embarrassed me by asking him in front of me how she described me...see, even my staff picks on me...
April 24, 2007, 21:20 |
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