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Diagnosed fads
There's something that confuses me....
Does it seem like to anyone else that all of a sudden a very large portion of the population are diagnosed with some ailment that didn't even exist a decade ago? Or are these conditions that always been around, but just never diagnosed or recognized? Does it have anything to do with drug companies just being merchants hawking their wares?
For example....Was there ever such a thing as "restless leg syndrome" 5 or 10 years ago? There are other illness that just seem to have suddenly come out of nowhere, rls is just the only one I can think of off the top of my head right now...
April 18, 2007, 20:31 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Diagnosed fads
They've said frequently that cancer is a new thing that has only affected people in the las few decades. I find it difficult to believe that a condition formed in a biological process that took millions of years to evolve and has suddenly formed in both people and animals. I find it difficult to believe that our bodies have evolved countless defenses against this "new" disease, many of which are built into the fundamental nature of DNA itself. I also find it difficult to believe that the average person gets 10 benign tumors in their lifetime without knowing it, but a hundred years ago this didn't happen. Do you know what the difference is between now and a hundred years ago is?
We know what it is and can document the disease. Just because we don't know that something even exists doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
On the other hand, Doctors get famous for discovering a disease and discovering a cure to a disease. Just imagine the guy that finds the cure to AIDS, Cancer, Herpes, Hepatitis, Ebola...
April 18, 2007, 20:46 |
80 / male A whoop and a hollar from Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Diagnosed fads
A hundred years ago people ate organically grown food and meat, no additives. They planted, cultivated, harvested and processed it themselves getting plenty of exercise in the process. They lived in much less sanitary conditions but many lived to a ripe old age. Far too many present day problems are caused by the food we eat...and the chemicals. Pick up any processed, packaged food item and read the ingredients listed. There will be quite a few you can't pronounce and have no idea what they are. Think about it. This is in addition to massive amounts of fat, salt and sugar in everything. Most meats are injected with salt water to increase its weight before processing.
Add to this scenario the drug companies creating cures to reduce the symptoms or effects of the other drugs you are already taking for another medical condition. And then they advertise these "miracles" to you so you can bug your doctor to write a prescription for you for the new wonder drug you just saw on TV.
We have to endure newly discovered syndromes for the drug manufacturers to be able to increase profit to increase stockholder equity. Unfortunately that seems to be the present "way of the world".
April 19, 2007, 02:43 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Diagnosed fads
QUOTE (smitty6044 @ April 19, 2007, 02:43)A hundred years ago people ate organically grown food and meat, no additives. They planted, cultivated, harvested and processed it themselves getting plenty of exercise in the process. They lived in much less sanitary conditions but many lived to a ripe old age. Far too many present day problems are caused by the food we eat...and the chemicals. Pick up any processed, packaged food item and read the ingredients listed. There will be quite a few you can't pronounce and have no idea what they are. Think about it. This is in addition to massive amounts of fat, salt and sugar in everything. Most meats are injected with salt water to increase its weight before processing.
Add to this scenario the drug companies creating cures to reduce the symptoms or effects of the other drugs you are already taking for another medical condition. And then they advertise these "miracles" to you so you can bug your doctor to write a prescription for you for the new wonder drug you just saw on TV.
We have to endure newly discovered syndromes for the drug manufacturers to be able to increase profit to increase stockholder equity. Unfortunately that seems to be the present "way of the world".
SMITTY, the only problem I have with the statement about people living to ripe old ages is, I've walked through many 200 to 300 year old cemeteries and saw an awful lot of gravestones with people's names, birth dates and deceased dates. Most of them died at a very young age. 20 to 30 years was an average for a lot of the people. They probably died of simple ailments such as influenza, pneumonia, colic, food poisoning, ect. Stuff now that are easily treated and cured or controlled.....Sorry for being off-topic
April 19, 2007, 07:06 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Diagnosed fads
QUOTE (voyeurbill @ April 19, 2007, 07:06) QUOTE (smitty6044 @ April 19, 2007, 02:43)A hundred years ago people ate organically grown food and meat, no additives. They planted, cultivated, harvested and processed it themselves getting plenty of exercise in the process. They lived in much less sanitary conditions but many lived to a ripe old age. Far too many present day problems are caused by the food we eat...and the chemicals. Pick up any processed, packaged food item and read the ingredients listed. There will be quite a few you can't pronounce and have no idea what they are. Think about it. This is in addition to massive amounts of fat, salt and sugar in everything. Most meats are injected with salt water to increase its weight before processing.
Add to this scenario the drug companies creating cures to reduce the symptoms or effects of the other drugs you are already taking for another medical condition. And then they advertise these "miracles" to you so you can bug your doctor to write a prescription for you for the new wonder drug you just saw on TV.
We have to endure newly discovered syndromes for the drug manufacturers to be able to increase profit to increase stockholder equity. Unfortunately that seems to be the present "way of the world".
SMITTY, the only problem I have with the statement about people living to ripe old ages is, I've walked through many 200 to 300 year old cemeteries and saw an awful lot of gravestones with people's names, birth dates and deceased dates. Most of them died at a very young age. 20 to 30 years was an average for a lot of the people. They probably died of simple ailments such as influenza, pneumonia, colic, food poisoning, ect. Stuff now that are easily treated and cured or controlled.....Sorry for being off-topic
I'll go off topic, too, and agree with you on this. Living to a "ripe old age" isn't really the "norm" if you look at our history... American history and beyond. I won't go into details.. anyone who watches the History Channel will know what I'm trying to say.... and if you figure it out, please tell me 'cause I'm startin' to confuse myself!
April 19, 2007, 09:13 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Diagnosed fads
It is true that many new diseases out there are caused by the foods that we eat. When they find the cure for those diseases, they usually find what's causing them, kinda like how they figured out DDT was bad.
Way way long ago, people used to live longer than we do today, and as diseases evolved over time, our lifespans slowly became shorter. It wasn't until medical advancements for fighting the new diseases came out that our lifespans began to grow and continue to grow today.
April 19, 2007, 12:07 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Diagnosed fads
This Repetetive Strain Injury thing,,(RSI)..its not a brand new ailment.....but i was wondering if the massive increase in sufferers, derives from us all a heck of a lot more these days?
(not forgetting that you can get sick leave from work..
AND get compensation?... )
April 19, 2007, 12:31 |
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Re: Diagnosed fads
Chazzy - excellent question - I was just having this discussion with my Hubby the other day in regards to Fibromyalgia. So many have it - why now? Did people have it before and just suck it up or what?
I have trigger points and they come and go in different areas of my arms - extremely painful and very real. I just had never heard of this until the past 5 years or so. Maybe I am just in the dark!!
April 19, 2007, 13:59 |
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Re: Diagnosed fads
Ah ha!! Fibromyalgia!! That is one that I couldn't think of at the time I posted this!!
My father is dealing with the RLS, and it's been a recent thing for him.
It just seems sometimes that an ailment AND a drug for it appear at the same time.
I never hear of the ailment, till a drug is available on the market for it.
April 19, 2007, 17:32 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Diagnosed fads
As our mortality extended from life expectancy to be in its 50's, then 60's, then 70's, now 80's, and 90's we are going to see an increase in diseases that we'd not been familiar with...not to mention that cancer has alot to do with environmental issues...smoking...the junk we put in our bodies, etc...at this point in my life I know way to friggin' much about the big "C".
April 19, 2007, 20:31 |
57 / female In the Sun, Arizona, US
Re: Diagnosed fads
Something else to think about is how much more information is exchanged these days. Over 100 years ago if someone got sick very few people knew exactly what symptoms they had. Now that information goes into many different data banks where any physician with a modem can search.
April 25, 2007, 01:23 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Diagnosed fads
QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 18, 2007, 20:31)There's something that confuses me....
Does it seem like to anyone else that all of a sudden a very large portion of the population are diagnosed with some ailment that didn't even exist a decade ago? Or are these conditions that always been around, but just never diagnosed or recognized? Does it have anything to do with drug companies just being merchants hawking their wares?
For example....Was there ever such a thing as "restless leg syndrome" 5 or 10 years ago? There are other illness that just seem to have suddenly come out of nowhere, rls is just the only one I can think of off the top of my head right now...
I think most of the medical problems were already here they just change the names to make it sound like they discovered something to make them look smart and us look dumb.
Restless leg syndrom the word Syndrom means they are not sure what causes it, But some proffessionals think it appears to be the beginnings of perifial artery disease, where the nerves are affected by poor circulation, due to in some instances a lack of propper exercise and a Mcdonalds/BurgerKing diet.
April 25, 2007, 06:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Diagnosed fads
It's my opinion that the drug companies are inventing many of these 'ailments. This is why they never exsisted years ago.
The restless legs can be more easily solved by using better shoes and back exercizes.
April 25, 2007, 17:37 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Diagnosed fads
Restless Leg Syndrome is just a symptom that is the result of one of two conditions: Poor blood circulation in the legs has damaged the pain receptors in the nervous system of the legs, or two of the vertebrae in the lower back are pinching the nerves in the spinal column.
Both conditions cause pain in the legs, which the only unmedicated comfort the patient receives is from repeatedly moving the legs. Hence the name Restless Legs Syndrome. Its not made up, but they're advertising the crap out of the new medication for it because people will pay for drugs and doctors will give out prescriptions to get nagging patients to leave them alone. And here's the best part...
I'll soon be working in this field!
April 25, 2007, 17:50 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Diagnosed fads
QUOTE (Mooant @ April 25, 2007, 17:50)Restless Leg Syndrome is just a symptom that is the result of one of two conditions: Poor blood circulation in the legs has damaged the pain receptors in the nervous system of the legs, or two of the vertebrae in the lower back are pinching the nerves in the spinal column.
Both conditions cause pain in the legs, which the only unmedicated comfort the patient receives is from repeatedly moving the legs. Hence the name Restless Legs Syndrome. Its not made up, but they're advertising the crap out of the new medication for it because people will pay for drugs and doctors will give out prescriptions to get nagging patients to leave them alone. And here's the best part...
I'll soon be working in this field!
Yup! This why good shoes to help keep the back aligned and back exercises are important.
I have had back problems my entire life but this doesn't prevent me from doing anthing.
April 25, 2007, 17:57 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Diagnosed fads
yeah, but once the damage is done, it's hard to reverse.
April 25, 2007, 18:29 |
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