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Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
It seems to me that firing the guy was a face saving effort by some chicken shit network suits. Advertisers willingly spent money to be heard on his show. Now with now show, theres also no audience at all to advertise to. The guy made a stupid remark, I'll agree, but it was in no way bad enough to warrant anything more than a heartfelt apology, which I believe he did. He seemed genuinely remorseful for his words. A Good Morning America Poll showed that 75% of responders disagreed with his dismissal.
I've never personally listened to or watched the guy, but its my understanding that he raises alot of money for various charitable organizations.
Personally, I hope is show is picked up by another network and that he comes back stronger than ever.
And Im sure that VB will agree, things that come out of Rosie O'Fatass's mouth are far more venomous than Imus's remark.
April 16, 2007, 10:37 |
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Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
The thing with Imus and all the "Freedom of Speech" thing is this....if you have a boss, you know that there's a risk of being fired...if he owned the station , then he's free to say whatever he wants, and handle the consequences of his actions and words. But he doesn't own it, he has a boss or two, or more...and the bosses always have the last word, and the right to deal with such problems and issues in order to guarantee them a profit, not a loss...the bosses aren't always right, but we all know that often doesn't matter, it's the bottom line, what's best for the business.
It doesn't matter what he said as much as it matters who owned the microphone he said it into..
As far as the rap/hip hop music connections, hey...their bosses allow it, it's profitable.
I hated what he said, just hated it. I don't like that type of shock jock bullshit, and I am NOT a fan of Howard Stern either. But it's all just business stuff...
April 16, 2007, 10:43 |
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Re: Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 16, 2007, 10:43)The thing with Imus and all the "Freedom of Speech" thing is this....if you have a boss, you know that there's a risk of being fired...if he owned the station , then he's free to say whatever he wants, and handle the consequences of his actions and words. But he doesn't own it, he has a boss or two, or more...and the bosses always have the last word, and the right to deal with such problems and issues in order to guarantee them a profit, not a loss...the bosses aren't always right, but we all know that often doesn't matter, it's the bottom line, what's best for the business.
It doesn't matter what he said as much as it matters who owned the microphone he said it into..
As far as the rap/hip hop music connections, hey...their bosses allow it, it's profitable.
I hated what he said, just hated it. I don't like that type of shock jock bullshit, and I am NOT a fan of Howard Stern either. But it's all just business stuff...
I agree with everything you said. However, do you think the punishment fit the crime?
April 16, 2007, 11:16 |
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Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
I'll admit that is a question difficult for me to answer...I can't imagine being his boss, or hiring people like him and paying them to do what they do...
The whole mouthy shock jock thing I just find kinda sleazy and offensive in general...
April 16, 2007, 11:35 |
81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
my thoughts on the Imus dabacle,hmmmm lets see.... i firmly support his being fired,because what he said was degrading to a particular group of people. young women that had fought against heavy odds all season. their color really didnt matter, i am sure that asshole would have said nasty things about a bunch of caucasian girls too. i simply believe that you CANNOT unring a bell. once a word is said, it CANT be unsaid. he was wrong , and very much deserved what happened to him......
April 16, 2007, 12:44 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 16, 2007, 11:35)I'll admit that is a question difficult for me to answer...I can't imagine being his boss, or hiring people like him and paying them to do what they do...
The whole mouthy shock jock thing I just find kinda sleazy and offensive in general...
I agree with both of you. I am of two minds as to his firing, after all, he did apologize. He was stupid and shot off his mouth.
As to his being fired, well, they have that right, whether it is right or not can be debated without resolution for a long time to come.
I don't care for shock jocks in general. Refuse to listen to Howard Stern and his ilk. Not worth my time to get mad at every word they say. Their right to say it, but that doesn't mean I have to hear or watch it. That's what a TV/Radio dial is for.
April 16, 2007, 12:47 |
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Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
I'm sooo with Pepper on turning the dial! I choose not to listen or view Imus, Stern, and O'Donnel...
However, when Imus fucked up, it went from just being his audience that chose to listen to him....to be a headline news story that we all ended up being exposed to!
April 16, 2007, 16:01 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
OVERexposed to!
April 16, 2007, 18:05 |
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Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
I TOTALLY agree with Chazzy and Pepper. Ive heard Stern's show before and choose not to listen to him. Imus, Ive never heard. Ive seen a few seconds here and there on PMSNBC in the morning, but not enough to make me a want to listen or watch. If its not something that I care to know about, I flip the dial or channel. I just dont think what he said (and I DO agree it was wrong) was bad enough to cost him his job from a network that he's made millions for. Lets face it, we've all done something that was a mistake on jobs that we've been good employees at. Me personally, Ive never been fired because my strengths have always out-weighed the mistake. Im just sayin', where's the loyalty?
April 16, 2007, 19:05 |
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Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
And Im sure that VB will agree, things that come out of Rosie O'Fatass's mouth are far more venomous than Imus's remark.
Hey FREE, I'm in total agreement with you! What he said in jest, though wrong, is minuscule to what 'ole P-H says practically every day on THE VIEW. Where does she get these stupid ideas that she feels have to be brought to light? She had to reach waaaaaaay back into her lower intestine to come up with the statement "terrorists are moms and dads too"!!! WTF does that mean?
April 16, 2007, 20:03 |
80 / male A whoop and a hollar from Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
Imus wasn't funny, but he thought he was. I listened/watched on occasion but wasn't amused or entertained. The local radio station (and there are about 60 in this market) dropped him and no one picked him up. That was almost a year ago. He wasn't pulling in much audience so he got axed in this market anyway. It was a stupid remark to make and racism really doesn't have a place in today's "mixed" population. Caucasians will soon be a minority anyway, why the "superior" attitude? It was too much attention to the raving of an idiot and I feel he got what he deserved for the remark...it wasn't the first time he did this type of thing. Just picked a set of targets who stood up and made a lot of noise....bad choice! But his choice to make the sexist, racist remark....pay the price buddy!
April 17, 2007, 02:51 |
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Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
I don't tolerate what Imus said and I think he should receive some sort of punishment. What I don't understand though is why should he should pay for his comments while these hip hop, rap and punk rock performers constantly use racial slurs in their material without as much as any uproar. If Imus should pay for what he says these other so called entertainers should be made to pay also.
April 19, 2007, 10:55 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
but they're doing it under "artistic license"
April 19, 2007, 14:32 |
70 / male Miller Beach, Indiana, US
Re: Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
QUOTE (pepper @ April 19, 2007, 14:32)
That was a good point Pepper. Must be 2 sets of rules, 'ey? --RE: the "miss-speaks" in the past like Jesse Jackson's "Heimies" & Al Sharpton's "Crackers" and they weren't tarred & feathered for it. Equality my a**!
April 19, 2007, 16:53 |
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Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
Rap and hip hop? Either a recording label accepts thier style and content and signs them, or they don't, you can listen or buy their CD's ...or not...
It's like I said before, it's up to the boss, bosses, stockholders as to what they want to allow.
Just like every website, the site owner can make whatever rules they want and it does not fall under censorship or any double standard....UNLESS the Imus's bosses are also owners of Rap record labels...then ya got yourself a double standard.
April 19, 2007, 17:29 |
55 / male any, Tennessee, US
Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
He actually made two comments. The fist was how cute and attractive the Tennessee women's basketball team was. Which I am in agreement with. The second was calling Rutger's women's team (a bunch of nappy headed Ho's). Their hair is not attractive and I don't know if they are (Ho's) or not. I don't think he should have been fired for the comment. I think the original two week suspension would have been enough. He did apologize for his comment. We should be a forgiving society. My opinion is that the Rutger's coach and team looked just as bad. When they said that they didn't think they would accept his apology.
April 20, 2007, 09:17 |
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Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
In my opinion, the real problem with this whole situation is the ability of Al Sharpton to influence and intimidate advertisers. As I said before, what Imus said was wrong and flat out stupid. But with out Sharpton dogging it, I think his apology and suspnsion would have been adequate. But Sharpton wouldnt stop till he ruined him. In my opinion, its people like him, Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrekon (sp?) that keep racism alive. I know many of you will disagree with me on this, but its how I feel. They act like we're still in the age of slavery.
April 20, 2007, 11:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
Yep....the punishment was very harsh, but I can't help but to think that a grown up old white man who's been in the business for decades, should have known better to say what he said, on the air, and should understand the repercussion that would come from such an insensitive comment.
April 20, 2007, 11:58 |
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Re: Re: Gotta Ask - Whaddy'all think about Imus?
QUOTE (freensleazy @ April 20, 2007, 11:19)In my opinion, the real problem with this whole situation is the ability of Al Sharpton to influence and intimidate advertisers. As I said before, what Imus said was wrong and flat out stupid. But with out Sharpton dogging it, I think his apology and suspnsion would have been adequate. But Sharpton wouldnt stop till he ruined him. In my opinion, its people like him, Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrekon (sp?) that keep racism alive. I know many of you will disagree with me on this, but its how I feel. They act like we're still in the age of slavery.
I'm not a big fan of any of these guys...Imus, Sharpton, Jackson or Farrekon...the squeaky wheel gets the oil folks. Imus was wrong, and the rest of them stir up controversy and take away from the important problems that face our world...I turn the dial, you couldn't pay me to watch or listen to any of these guys...ADVERTISERS BEWARE...we aren't listening to their programs anyway...why don't you put some of your huge advertising dollars behind Breast Cancer Awareness or the Walk for a Cure...hell, I'd buy whatever you are selling if you'd support a real worthy cause!!!
April 20, 2007, 22:10 |