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Good Salesmanship........
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Good Salesmanship........


 User no longer registered.
Good Salesmanship........
Have you noticed that the purveyors of the "global warming" hysteria, lay low when the temps are colder than normal. This theory is a tough sell when that happens. As soon as the summer arrives, and it will, the temps will get hot. All of a sudden, they'll blame that on 'global warming".

WTF? Somehow they got a bunch of egghead scientists to proclaim that ocean levels will rise 20 feet, in 10 years, due to melting glaciers in the north Atlantic. They forget to tell you about the glaciers that are growing in another part of the north Atlantic.

Funny, how all of a sudden, there are so many people on board with this fake prediction. It's now very hip to say the word "global warming"!!

Any comments or additions?
 April 13, 2007, 13:38

 User no longer registered.
Re: Good Salesmanship........
I don't doubt that we have a whole in the ozone, or that all the crap we pumped into our atmosphere has degraded it.
I also know that unusual weather patterns have been recorded since....well...since weather patterns have been recorded!
Bottom line for me? Our earth, enviroment and atmosphere should be a priority for protection.
 April 13, 2007, 13:42

 User no longer registered.
Re: Good Salesmanship........
It has been proved that the hole in the ozone has shrunk and the main global problem is air travel.
But over here they want to get us out of our cars and onto public transport, even though the trains don't run on time, they get cancelled and are very over crowded. Some places haven't got a station, let alone a bus route.
They don't seem to care whether a bus or train gets you no-where near where you work, or that you have to leave two hours earlier. It doesn't even seem to matter if you have to carry tools ect which you can't on public transport, just as long as there are a few less cars on the road, but extra buses and trains to take the over load!!!! Is it only me who see's the irony there????
Mmmmmmmmm, less cars, but we can have lots more buses and trains to help with the pollution instead!!!!
 April 13, 2007, 14:21

 User no longer registered.
Re: Good Salesmanship........
Over here the people that are telling us plain dumb-ass folk, we have to give up our SUV's and cars in general, but not them!! Oh no, they have to have they're big SUV's. How would it look if someone saw them on public transportation?

Do you really think that AL GORE is gonna stuff his fat ass into a little hybrid? Are you sh*ting me? Hell, when he goes around the nation spouting off how we f**ked up the environment, how do you think he gets to those rallys? By private jet and big SUV convoys, that's how. None of these are solar powered, wind powered or environmentally friendly. Not a one!!!!!They leave a big 'ole carbon footprint just like his fat ass does in any seat he sits in!

You'd think, to set a good example for his cause, he'd at least take a train or some other mode of public transportation, wouldn't you? Nah, that would be too gauche......
 April 13, 2007, 14:42

 42 / male
 New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Good Salesmanship........
Here's some science for you: (don't ask me how they got these numbers, I don't know)

The global warming gases are what traps energy in the Earth's atmosphere. CO2 only traps 0.0005% of the energy retained by all of the global warming gases. H2O traps almost 95% of the energy retained by global warming gases. Do you think burning fossil fuels is really going to make a difference?

We still need to find alternative fuels or renewable energy because we will eventually run out of gas, and our economies will come to a crash when it happens.
 April 14, 2007, 01:22

 User no longer registered.
Re: Good Salesmanship........
Ya know, I caught a documentary on the theory that the big "G" is using jet plane exhaust (contrails)to pump gases into the atmosphere that will reflect sunlight back up away from the earth....can't say I'm ready to buy into this theory...I like my open mind to have a tint of skepticism...
 April 14, 2007, 11:01

 64 / couple
 lake elsinore, California, US
Re: Good Salesmanship........
i used to work in an alternative fuel company. we have the technology. the problem is putting up new fueling stations and big brother won't let anything interfere with the big oil business. so long as there is oil, we will always feel the pinch.

and btw, global warming is the main cause for ice ages. the extreme flucuation of temps is the culprit. i don't think it is solely due to our mistreatment of the earth, as there have been ice ages documented thousands of years ago due to volcanic activity. still, i do believe in taking better care of eachother and our planet.

my two cents...

 April 14, 2007, 12:04

 User no longer registered.
Re: Good Salesmanship........
I just hope to GOD, that this GLOBAL WARMING curse hurries to fruition. It's freezin' cold up here in NEW ENGLAND.

Have you noticed that all the beautiful people and some regular folk, are reciting the words "I am concerned about GLOBAL WARMING"! Not one of them say "I'll gladly give up my ozone depleting, gas hogging sign of the corrupt AMERICA, today and start taking public transportation starting tomorrow"! ......Not one person has done that except to utter the words "I'm concerned"! That is the phrase that's hip!

From now on, I will use that general phrase as much as possible. Hell, I'd love to be considered "beautiful".......
 April 15, 2007, 00:51

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Good Salesmanship........

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