47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Monthly Romantic
September How many languages can you say 'pillow talk' in? This month, get ready to learn a new one. If a stranger with a slow-burning accent is going to whisper something in your ear, it will most likely happen at the beginning or the tail end of the month. Speaking of communication, an old love could send an email the 6th or the 7th. Don't trash it, but don't fall for it, either. Maybe there's a non-confrontational way to say 'my inbox is full'? Cooking could heat things up (and not in the microwave!) the 11th. And a sexy someone with another country's passport shows up -- again! -- around the 20th. Be spontaneous -- just don't sign anything (i.e. marriage papers) the 26th through 28th. The 29th, go ahead and check -- is that a (foreign?) chocolate lying on your pillow? Mmm. Dee-licious.
Didn't your mother tell you to shop around? Well, you're hearing it again -- so make sure you want what's in your cart before you pull into the checkout line. Returns are such a nasty business. And just because you're a big, sexy bull, it doesn't mean you have to stay in the same old china shop. Check out a couple of other locales! Don't be afraid to break a few teacups in your search for true love -- especially the 6th and 7th , when you shouldn't be making any big commitments. Which isn't to say you should charge through breakables (fine china and other peoples' hearts are included in this category) wantonly: talk about it (nicely!) through the 12th. Things could get pretty intense the 18th and 19th, and your potential partners might not be the only ones feeling moody. Stay grounded, open, talkative -- and uncommitted.
The impish prankster in Gemini loves times like these, so go out and demonstrate what a funny jokester you are. Just make sure that the lover you choose to joke around with has a sense of humor, least you discover that they really weren't amused at all. All eyes are on you from the 7th on, so you might finally capture the attention of that special someone. The 11th is your romantic peak and single Geminis could encounter their next main squeeze. Lay low on the 14th however, as you may be coming off as more aggressive than you realize. A smoother approach will prove a more successful route to seduction. This month's end is choice for you. Change your appearance in some way and you'll turn heads
September 21, 2004, 22:42 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: Horoscopes
September 21, 2004, 22:44 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: Horoscopes
You got lucky, baby. Good love (or the potential for it) is hard to find. So whether you've got it, or you've got somebody special you'd like to have it with, spend the first few days of the month giving the old emotions some real elbow grease. Ask this person how they feel, then tell them what's going on with you. And -- for goodness' sake -- be honest. Ever heard of fixing a car using a broken part? It just doesn't work. The good news is that by the 4th, you and that special someone will have moved into a new phase. Watch out for a whole lot of harmony -- it should be positively magnetic. You'll be on the same page, both romantically and intellectually on the 6th and 7th, but might hit a rough patch on the 8th. You've been here before -- stick it out. Feeling overwhelmed by the little things -- how can you get in touch if they left their cell phone in the cab again? The 16th and 17th will make up for it with some intense 'you got lucky, baby' romance. The rest of the month is a little up and down, and it's going to wind up the way it started -- with a couple of days of inter-relationship parts inspections.
There are a number of things you can do if your heart starts acting up. You -- who like to take a proactive approach -- might try to break it, burn it or tear it out. Instead, why not try to resist the more extreme impulses that could rear their heads at the beginning and the end of the month? Take a deep breath and nurture your heart -- you just might learn something about what it needs. By the 4th, the information your heart gave you (if you were listening!) will come in handy as you negotiate an intense and rather polarizing romantic interaction. If you go out somewhere a little -- ahem -- exotic the 10th, you'll probably get what you want. Don't let your ego get the best of you afterwards -- the weekend of the 11th you'll do best if you don't flaunt the fact that you got what you wanted (and that it was so easy!). Don't forget (especially on the 16th) that if you've tuned out your heart, it will send you subliminal messages anyway. Getting any? These could help you make a difficult decision. The 18th and 19th, the stars give you a double dose of energy -- kind of a spiritual defibrillation -- that's going to keep you ticking through the end of the month.
For you, love is less like a battlefield and more like a county fair. There's a Ferris wheel, cotton candy, those games where you try to hit the bull's-eye to win a stuffed animal, clowns on stilts and a roller coaster or two. As the month gets going, there will be all this -- and more -- in store. You're going to be doing the romantic version of face painting, fortune telling, finger painting, donkey rides, body painting ... you get the idea. Just don't eat too much candy corn. The 6th you might turn your attention to the spiritual side of love -- it will be interesting, but you won't get that far with it. The 8th might shine a little light on a mismatch (does your date prefer opera to Ye Olde Countye Faire?). Be flexible -- opera is nice, too. Get ready to travel (wait, did you join the circus?) for love the 11th, and don't worry if you're pooped the 27th. You've had a big month, and it's going to end the way it began -- with a bull's-eye and a big stuffed animal for a prize.
September 21, 2004, 22:45 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: Horoscopes
September 21, 2004, 22:47 |
64 / female mesa, Arizona, US
Re: Horoscopes
QUOTE (Tease @ September 21, 2004, 22:42)
The impish prankster in Gemini loves times like these, so go out and demonstrate what a funny jokester you are. Just make sure that the lover you choose to joke around with has a sense of humor, least you discover that they really weren't amused at all. All eyes are on you from the 7th on, so you might finally capture the attention of that special someone. The 11th is your romantic peak and single Geminis could encounter their next main squeeze. Lay low on the 14th however, as you may be coming off as more aggressive than you realize. A smoother approach will prove a more successful route to seduction. This month's end is choice for you. Change your appearance in some way and you'll turn heads
damn! stayed home on the 11th.
September 21, 2004, 22:48 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: Horoscopes
For those who dont know what they are....
Aries March 21-April 19
Taurus April 20-May 20
Gemini May 21-June 21
Cancer June 22-July 22
Leo July 23-August 22
Virgo August 23-September 22
Libra September 23-October 22
Scorpio October 23 - November 21
Sagittarius November 22-December 21
Capricorn December 22-January 19
Aquarius January 20-February 18
Pisces February 19-March 20
September 21, 2004, 22:49 |
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