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Brave little soldiers!
Are you? Are you one tough cookie, or a brave little soldier when it comes to doing something very, very unpleasant?
I have a dentist appointment coming up in about two weeks, and I'm already, sweating, swearing, and whining about it...it seems my mind is working over time on its own feeding me all kinds of lame excuses as to why I should postpone or cancel it(does you mind work that way too, or am I just freakin' that weird?)...I know it's just putting off the inevitable and I should go as soon as possbile and just get it over with!
April 6, 2007, 14:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Brave little soldiers!
QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 6, 2007, 14:44)Are you? Are you one tough cookie, or a brave little soldier when it comes to doing something very, very unpleasant?
I have a dentist appointment coming up in about two weeks, and I'm already, sweating, swearing, and whining about it...it seems my mind is working over time on its own feeding me all kinds of lame excuses as to why I should postpone or cancel it(does you mind work that way too, or am I just freakin' that weird?)...I know it's just putting off the inevitable and I should go as soon as possible and just get it over with!
I'm the world's biggest chicken when it comes to getting something unpleasant done to me i.e. dentist, blood work, colonoscopy, amputation, gender reassignment surgery, ect!
I'm one to call the doctor and request of him an immediate appointment. If I have to wait, I'll chicken out and not go at all.
April 6, 2007, 15:02 |
64 / couple lake elsinore, California, US
Re: Brave little soldiers!
i am definitely a tough cookie battling ovarian cancer and for having just had a hysterectomy ta boot. not fun having chemo infusions but whataya gonna do? it's all mental. you gotta find the good in everything and keep a stiff upper lip.
good luck chazzy at the dentist!
April 6, 2007, 16:58 |
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Re: Brave little soldiers!
QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 6, 2007, 14:44)Are you? Are you one tough cookie, or a brave little soldier when it comes to doing something very, very unpleasant?
I have a dentist appointment coming up in about two weeks, and I'm already, sweating, swearing, and whining about it...it seems my mind is working over time on its own feeding me all kinds of lame excuses as to why I should postpone or cancel it(does you mind work that way too, or am I just freakin' that weird?)...I know it's just putting off the inevitable and I should go as soon as possible and just get it over with!
When is your appointment? Do you want me to go with you and hold your hand or maybe something else that may take your mind off the dentist's work? Just say the word, I'm there......
April 6, 2007, 17:34 |
56 / couple valley, Oregon, US
Re: Brave little soldiers!
Liz, , bows Respectfully.
April 6, 2007, 17:36 |
66 / female Richmond, Missouri, US
Re: Re: Brave little soldiers!
QUOTE (lizonya @ April 6, 2007, 16:58)i am definitely a tough cookie battling ovarian cancer and for having just had a hysterectomy ta boot. not fun having chemo infusions but whataya gonna do? it's all mental. you gotta find the good in everything and keep a stiff upper lip.
 good luck chazzy at the dentist!
To you Liz! I guess I'm one tough cookie too. Was really sick for 14 years. Finally found out that I had tumors in my uterus that were not malignant. Thank goodness! Went through a lot those 14 years before doctors finally decided to do a hysterectomy. Now I'm back to 100%. But I will tell ya that when it comes to the dentist, I have found myself being a brave little soldier. Don't know why the dentist scares me when the things I had to go through all those years with being poked and prodded by doctors didn't bother me. Good luck to you Chazzy!
April 6, 2007, 18:28 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Brave little soldiers!
Chazzy you aren't so bad. there is a guy here in town that is so afraid of dentist, that he actually drills out & fills his own teeth, No kiddin. Even though they can knock him out, he won't go to a dentist
April 6, 2007, 18:35 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Brave little soldiers!
OK...the only thing that scares me when I go to the dentist is when you have to pay when you walk out. I've had a root canal and my dentist was great...no problem with it at all...as for all the regular maintenance stuff, I love having my teeth cleaned, they feel so good when it is over but I am one of those people that walks around with dental floss hanging out of her mouth and brushes my teeth three times a day...
April 7, 2007, 01:32 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Brave little soldiers!
I absolutely detest the dentist, and the doctor. They have no real concept of pain management. Now if they would let me do a couple procedures on them, they just might reconsider things. I did, almost, let one doctor have it with my fist, and the doctor knew it. Don't remember what he was doing but, I do remember clinching my fist and getting ready for the wind up. The doctor decided it would be better for him to find another way. I just had a root canal about 3 weeks ago, no problems, life is great. Now of course he is doing a post and crown. so I know the next visit is going to be a little more uncomfortable. He has to work under the gum line, so he said that he would give me some Novocain. I had to have some oral surgery. All they could give me was Novocain, they had no choice, otherwise they wanted to put me to sleep. If they couldn't complete it, I would have had to go to the hospital to have other surgery. Luckily for me that found what they where looking for.
April 7, 2007, 02:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Brave little soldiers!
Dentists have never bothered me, me and the boys go every six months, we went on Wednesday. My youngest has to have a baby tooth out, that just wants to stay where it is. He has a severe needle phobia, so that will be a good appointment!!!
I have a high pain level, so not much worries me.
Hope all goes well at the dentist Chazzy,
and Liz you are more then a brave little soldier, you are amazing.
April 7, 2007, 06:30 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Brave little soldiers!
QUOTE (NRG4U @ April 6, 2007, 18:35)Chazzy you aren't so bad. there is a guy here in town that is so afraid of dentist, that he actually drills out & fills his own teeth, No kiddin. Even though they can knock him out, he won't go to a dentist
OMG!!!!! Don't know what else to say about that guy!!!
The last dentist I went to, was just a wee bit stingy with the novacaine, and I said things like "ouch" allot...I use to be pretty good about the dentist...now I'm a little freaked!
April 7, 2007, 10:43 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Brave little soldiers!
Okay...got a BIG dentist appointment Thursday, got to have several back teeth extracted all at once...and I'm soooooo going for the gas!(nitros oxide)
So...if I log in Thursday,and start posting before the gas has worn off...I'll just apologize now...
April 17, 2007, 18:27 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Brave little soldiers!
We love ya anyway......We'll understand!!
April 17, 2007, 19:50 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Brave little soldiers!
Okay....I'll be online Thursday...whining and whining...then ya'all are suppose to say things like..."Ahhhh poor baby!!".....that's the deal, let's stick to it...
April 17, 2007, 19:56 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Brave little soldiers!
I'll start early, awwwww poor baby, OMG Chazzy are you ok, anything i can do??
You poor poor girl!!!
April 17, 2007, 20:26 |
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Re: Re: Brave little soldiers!
QUOTE (NRG4U @ April 17, 2007, 20:26)I'll start early, awwwww poor baby, OMG Chazzy are you ok, anything i can do??
You poor poor girl!!!
Oh that's sooooo much better than what I'm actually gonna hear in my house Thursday....all I'm really gonna hear from my husband is stuff like "I'm hungry fix me a sammitch" or "rub my feet"....and if it's rainy it'll be "go out and roll up my truck windows" ...
April 17, 2007, 20:29 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Brave little soldiers!
Damn, now I'm gonna say it with sencerity, poor baby, you deserve a break hon.
April 17, 2007, 21:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Brave little soldiers!
It seems it should work both ways...If it's his toys and he wants you to take care of them, then it is only fair as a loving spouse that he takes care of your needs. It's a mutual thing....Take care of his stuff but he should garnish you in return...seems fair.. What do i know?
April 18, 2007, 03:08 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Brave little soldiers!
Oh CHAZZY, if SHMOO only knew the truth, huh?
April 18, 2007, 03:22 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Brave little soldiers!
Actually I do...and she is awesome...
April 18, 2007, 03:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Brave little soldiers!
QUOTE (Shmoo @ April 18, 2007, 03:24)Actually I do...and she is awesome...
Well then, she has at least two very good friends that understand her plight!
April 18, 2007, 03:33 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Brave little soldiers!
I'm with you, Chazzy. I hate going to the dentist. I have to go pretty soon and have a broken wisdom tooth extracted....joy.
I'm gonna make 'em knock me out to do it and there's probably a root canal in my future, too.
I swear, if I ever win the lotto I will have them all pulled and implants put in, then I don't ever have to worry about it again!
April 18, 2007, 07:37 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Brave little soldiers!
I'm a chicken shit when it comes to going to any doctor myself.... I'm only a "brave little soldier" when I have to take my kids... then I come home and break down when they're not looking.
April 18, 2007, 09:19 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Brave little soldiers!
I'm with both of you, Chazzy and Pepper. I brokea tooth about year ago, but never went in to get it fixed. Now I'm in the process of the root canal and post & crown. Thank goodness only one more visit to go, but still have to pay for it. But then I still need to get more work done.
April 18, 2007, 14:54 |