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A teary eye.......
How come everytime I hear the song by SUGARLAND/BON JOVI..."MAKE ME BELIEVE", I get teary eyed and all that?
I have the CROSSROAD's special featuring SUGARLAND/BON JOVI in HIGH DEFINITION from my dvr. I usually get tired of a song after I play it back a 100 times or so but not that one!
That JENNIFER NETTLES is a freakin' hottie and she can sing. JON BON JOVI can sing too but he's not my type!
The entire concert is great. If you get a chance, check it out. I'm sure it's available on dvd somewhere, possibly from AMAZON.COM
Anybody like this as I do?
April 5, 2007, 13:50 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
I'm not a Bon Jovi or country music fan , although I respect your right to be one...
I do have allot of memories and emotions attached to some songs,
April 5, 2007, 14:41 |
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Re: Re: A teary eye.......
QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 5, 2007, 14:41)I'm not a Bon Jovi or country music fan , although I respect your right to be one...
I do have allot of memories and emotions attached to some songs,
If you get a chance, give that concert a listen. I'm no country fan either but there's something about that concert........
April 5, 2007, 19:59 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
Ahhhh hell, VB....me listening a Bon Jovi/Sugarland album is as probable as you listening to an entire CD of 50cent.
I have been in the vicinity of new country being played somewhere once in awhile...it has value, of course....it has it's throngs of fans, and high CD, concert ticket sales.
It's the more alternative type of music, bluegrass or blues that stikes an emotional connection with me.
April 5, 2007, 21:49 |
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Re: Re: A teary eye.......
QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 5, 2007, 21:49)Ahhhh hell, VB....me listening a Bon Jovi/Sugarland album is as probable as you listening to an entire CD of 50cent.
I have been in the vicinity of new country being played somewhere once in awhile...it has value, of course....it has it's throngs of fans, and high CD, concert ticket sales.
It's the more alternative type of music, bluegrass or blues that stikes an emotional connection with me.
Well then, I guess you're way too nuanced for me!
April 6, 2007, 05:00 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
Ah VB, I'm just rattling your chain a little!
Truth be told, I will very likely listen to the song you mentioned when I'm online for the purpose of listening to music.
We all have our preferences in what we love to listen to, but I've always made time to listen to something when someone tells me it has great meaning to them.
April 6, 2007, 08:38 |
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Re: Re: A teary eye.......
QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 5, 2007, 14:41)I'm not a Bon Jovi or country music fan , although I respect your right to be one...
I do have allot of memories and emotions attached to some songs,
And as much as I'm not a fanatic...even my six year old LOVE Jon Bon Jovi. There is something very enticing about the sound of Jon and Jennifer together, one of those combinations that just doesn't come along that often...
I try to expose my kids to all types of music, of course being from Texas country is a given but right now in my car CD we are listening to Josh Groban, Justin Timberlake, Kenny Chesney, Hilary Duff (not my choice but when you have a six year old girl it beats princess songs), John Legend, and Carrie Underwood...gotta have musical diversity or I get bored.
April 6, 2007, 08:55 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
OH yeah..I wouldn't know what I like now, if I hadn't listened to something new then....
April 6, 2007, 09:00 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
Actually, since the advent of the music video, a lot of songs seem much different to you if you first were exposed to it in the video form. The song with the video imagery, are interwoven to tell a story, where just the song on cd, gives an entirely different feeling.
What I'm trying to convey is, had I heard that particular SUGARLAND/BON JOVI song on cd and had not seen the video, maybe I wouldn't like it as much. It's all in my perception I guess......
April 6, 2007, 10:51 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
no doubt.. thats why i very seldom watch music videos anymore. i just dont enjoy the music as much with someone elses perception of the song running in my head everytime i hear it.
p.s. what the hell chazzy?? lol i do have a 50cent cd in the same case as sugarland! are they not supposed to go together!?? dont make me tickle you
April 6, 2007, 10:58 |
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Re: Re: A teary eye.......
QUOTE (boredcountryboy @ April 6, 2007, 10:58)no doubt.. thats why i very seldom watch music videos anymore. i just dont enjoy the music as much with someone elses perception of the song running in my head everytime i hear it.
p.s. what the hell chazzy?? lol i do have a 50cent cd in the same case as sugarland! are they not supposed to go together!?? dont make me tickle you
#1...you don't need a reason to tickle me!
#2...you may have both 50cent and Sugarland in your collection, but I'm pretty freakin' sure Voyeurbill doesn't!
April 6, 2007, 11:01 |
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Re: Re: Re: A teary eye.......
QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 6, 2007, 11:01) QUOTE (boredcountryboy @ April 6, 2007, 10:58)no doubt.. thats why i very seldom watch music videos anymore. i just dont enjoy the music as much with someone elses perception of the song running in my head everytime i hear it.
p.s. what the hell chazzy?? lol i do have a 50cent cd in the same case as sugarland! are they not supposed to go together!?? dont make me tickle you
#1...you don't need a reason to tickle me!
#2...you may have both 50cent and Sugarland in your collection, but I'm pretty freakin' sure Voyeurbill doesn't!
Hey, are you trying to insinuate that my musical tastes are stuck in the 80's? Well you don't know me so don't pretend to! As far as my range in music listening, I can listen to hip-hop, R & B, jazz, rock, pop, new age, new wave, ect. I am a complete human being, a today man, a happening' dude!!
To illustrate this statement, if anyone has a spare "50cent" cd they wouldn't mind sending me, I'll gladly take a dump on it and promptly return it to you in a vacuum sealed bag.
April 6, 2007, 11:59 |
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Re: Re: Re: Re: A teary eye.......
QUOTE (voyeurbill @ April 6, 2007, 11:59) QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 6, 2007, 11:01) QUOTE (boredcountryboy @ April 6, 2007, 10:58)no doubt.. thats why i very seldom watch music videos anymore. i just dont enjoy the music as much with someone elses perception of the song running in my head everytime i hear it.
p.s. what the hell chazzy?? lol i do have a 50cent cd in the same case as sugarland! are they not supposed to go together!?? dont make me tickle you
#1...you don't need a reason to tickle me!
#2...you may have both 50cent and Sugarland in your collection, but I'm pretty freakin' sure Voyeurbill doesn't!
Hey, are you trying to insinuate that my musical tastes are stuck in the 80's? Well you don't know me so don't pretend to! As far as my range in music listening, I can listen to hip-hop, R & B, jazz, rock, pop, new age, new wave, ect. I am a complete human being, a today man, a happening' dude!!
To illustrate this statement, if anyone has a spare "50cent" cd they wouldn't mind sending me, I'll gladly take a dump on it and promptly return it to you in a vacuum sealed bag.
LOL maybe she was implying that you're old.
April 6, 2007, 12:32 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
I'm implying that he is very passionate about what he loves...and just as passionate about what he hates!
April 6, 2007, 12:34 |
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Re: Re: A teary eye.......
QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 6, 2007, 12:34)I'm implying that he is very passionate about what he loves...and just as passionate about what he hates!
just thought you could use a little grief in your day... trying to get you in trouble. now back to how you called mr bill old and hard of hearing.
April 6, 2007, 12:37 |
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Re: Re: Re: A teary eye.......
QUOTE (boredcountryboy @ April 6, 2007, 12:37) QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 6, 2007, 12:34)I'm implying that he is very passionate about what he loves...and just as passionate about what he hates!
just thought you could use a little grief in your day... trying to get you in trouble.  now back to how you called mr bill old and hard of hearing.
Aye, what, huh, what was that? Too old? Livin' in the past? I'm a "back in the day" dude? F**k all of a yous!!
Do anyone of you young whipper-snappers have a LAWRENCE WELK album I could borrow? God, I miss him....... "a thanka ya boys".......
April 6, 2007, 13:11 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
OMG - we had to watch mister bubbly (that is what I have always called Lawrence Welk) growing up - I don't need the album though!! LOL!!
April 8, 2007, 03:27 |
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Re: Re: A teary eye.......
QUOTE (CKTC @ April 8, 2007, 03:27)OMG - we had to watch mister bubbly (that is what I have always called Lawrence Welk) growing up - I don't need the album though!! LOL!!
Oh yeh CKTC, my father used to watch LW when I was growing up. Then, I think it was broadcast live! Man, I thought LW was lame then!
As to the issue of whether I'm "OLD", I beg to differ. I think some of WN's forum posters are getting a little senile. My original post was about a particular song but that got lost in the shuffle of who likes what kind of music and such! Old people are the ones who tend to drift afar in their thoughts and conversations. I don't drift off so can I see a show of hands?
April 8, 2007, 09:02 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
Ahhh! I helped take this off topic, and then I did tried to reel it back in again.
I still haven't listend to the song you posted about, but have that mentally posted in my mind to do so when I get a chance.
April 8, 2007, 09:07 |
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Re: Re: A teary eye.......
QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 8, 2007, 09:07)Ahhh! I helped take this off topic, and then I did tried to reel it back in again.
I still haven't listened to the song you posted about, but have that mentally posted in my mind to do so when I get a chance.
If you'll notice, I played the post hijack card too. CHAZZY, you do not need to ever apologize to me for meandering off-topic once in a while. I'm the one that should be apologetic to you and the others! I tend to wander a bit.
And before I forget, Listen to the freakin' song or I'll be forced to come to your house, bend you over my knee........and just stare at you butt for hours!!!!!! I'm serious!!
April 8, 2007, 10:04 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
Here's the deal, if your topic gets hijacked and you don't like it, you politely use the and we all politely respect your wishes with no hard feelings.
Now if you don't mind your topic being hijacked, that's cool and none of my business.
But if we hijack someone else's thread and they do mind and ask us to stay on topic, we should all politely respect that.
Now about that song....I only get computer time in the morning while the unemployed husband is snoozing...so I have to be quiet, so my speakers are turned off,...but when opportunity allows the use of my computer speakers, I will listen to the song...promise!
April 8, 2007, 10:24 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
The song that has always gotten me in tears instantly is "Don't take the girl" - ok it makes me bawl like a baby
April 8, 2007, 13:31 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
Oh...now you are talking CKTC...my Timmy Bear!!!
April 8, 2007, 13:33 |
64 / couple lake elsinore, California, US
Re: A teary eye.......
sarah mclachlan's "angel" ~ waterworks everytime!
April 8, 2007, 15:13 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
Yeh VB, that's one way of listening to it! Through your butt! ha ha
April 9, 2007, 14:08 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
Nilsson's "Without You", reminds me of my grandad, i cry everytime i hear it. I really miss him.
April 9, 2007, 14:18 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
Doesn't bring me to tears, but I always find it to be one of the most haunting instumentals I've ever heard...
Whale & Wasp - by "Alice in Chains"
No need for any lyrics...just knowing the name of the song and the music explains the rest.
April 9, 2007, 15:59 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
Uhhhhh....is there anyone that doesn't cry everytime they hear the classics...Amazing Grace and/or Danny Boy?
April 9, 2007, 17:05 |
80 / male A whoop and a hollar from Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Re: A teary eye.......
QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 9, 2007, 17:05)Uhhhhh....is there anyone that doesn't cry everytime they hear the classics...Amazing Grace and/or Danny Boy?
Especially played on bagpipes. Something about them that adds to the mood of the song. I'm not gonna hide it...get he tears flowing for me. But I'm an "old softie" anyway.
April 9, 2007, 18:35 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
Okay....I remembered someone who's music almost always made me wanna cry...Harry Chapin (He did "Cats in the Cradle"
He wrote and recorded some amazing but soooo depressing songs.
April 12, 2007, 13:02 |
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Re: A teary eye.......
The Dance- Garth Brooks
Can't listen to that song without thinkin' about my mom... I get through about 30 seconds of it and have to change the station.
April 13, 2007, 10:32 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Re: A teary eye.......
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ April 13, 2007, 10:32)The Dance- Garth Brooks
Can't listen to that song without thinkin' about my mom... I get through about 30 seconds of it and have to change the station.
I Know that feeling Moon,
I am the same with the song If Tomorrow never Comes - Ronan Keating, he was my mums favourite singer. Even though its two and half years since we lost her, i still can't listen to it right throughout.
April 13, 2007, 10:58 |