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Another in our midst.......
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Another in our midst.......


 User no longer registered.
Another in our midst.......
On the news, there was a report of a website that caters to child molesters on where to find little girls and how to get away with any abuse brought upon those girls. In the report, it shows an interview with the creator of the website where he tells how he spots potential victims, what he looks for, all the sick sh*t that a perv would think about.

The battle is brewing on trying to shut he website down, but of course, the ACLU is chiming in yet again on the "rights" of the website to exist.

As a human being, I for one would use persuasion or coercion to "dissuade" that sick-ass puke, from keeping that website up and running. What a legal threat can't do, I'm sure a 35in LOUISVILLE SLUGGER can. You'd be surprised how little attention he can pay to his "hobby" when he's looking over his shoulder all the time for that bat coming at his head. And of course he'll have all that physical therapy and the emergency room visits. That will definitely cut into his "fun" time.......
 April 4, 2007, 12:42

 User no longer registered.
Re: Another in our midst.......
I would not swing the bat at this pervert's head. I would aim where it really hurts, right at his genitals and more than once too. I would strike both balls real well. A home run with them both.
 April 4, 2007, 12:48

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Another in our midst.......
  QUOTE (skrr6689 @ April 4, 2007, 12:48)
I would not swing the bat at this pervert's head. I would aim where it really hurts, right at his genitals and more than once too. I would strike both balls real well. A home run with them both.

Ouch, that would hurt so good!!!

I would be one that would probably miss my intended target so he would not know what to cover up. Commenting on my swing, BOB UEKER would say "juuuuust a bit outside'!!!!!! It might not be a home run but an occasional double is just as good. I swing for average........
 April 4, 2007, 13:02

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Another in our midst.......
  QUOTE (voyeurbill @ April 4, 2007, 13:02)
  QUOTE (skrr6689 @ April 4, 2007, 12:48)
I would not swing the bat at this pervert's head. I would aim where it really hurts, right at his genitals and more than once too. I would strike both balls real well. A home run with them both.

Ouch, that would hurt so good!!!

I would be one that would probably miss my intended target so he would not know what to cover up. Commenting on my swing, BOB UEKER would say "juuuuust a bit outside'!!!!!! It might not be a home run but an occasional double is just as good. I swing for average........

Mine would be grand slams and the sick bastard would get what he damn well deserves.
 April 4, 2007, 13:06

 63 / male
 Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Another in our midst.......
I still say burn them alive
a gallon of gas is cheap
 April 4, 2007, 13:40

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Another in our midst.......
  QUOTE (NRG4U @ April 4, 2007, 13:40)
I still say burn them alive
a gallon of gas is cheap

Which grade of gasoline do you fancy? Have you tried the new blends with ethanol? You know, the new blends are more environmentally friendly.

You also should be aware of the "mileage" factor here. One gallon of ethanol blended gasoline reduces one turd from the environment!! Thems good numbers bro........
 April 4, 2007, 15:26

 User no longer registered.
Re: Another in our midst.......
Take'em out nail their balls to a stump set the stump on fire and give them a dull knife.
 April 4, 2007, 16:57

 57 / male
 wild and wonderful, West Virginia, US
Re: Re: Another in our midst.......
  QUOTE (SmolderSilence @ April 4, 2007, 16:57)
Take'em out nail their balls to a stump set the stump on fire and give them a dull knife.

Knife hell let him rip it off
 April 4, 2007, 22:45

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Another in our midst.......
  QUOTE (SmolderSilence @ April 4, 2007, 16:57)
Take'em out nail their balls to a stump set the stump on fire and give them a dull knife.

Somehow, I don't think junking his junk will change his MO. He doesn't do what he does for sex. You need to alter his attitude. That's where a bat or a gallon or so of a flammable liquid, such as a petroleum by-product (gasoline) would cure this man of his bad habit.
 April 4, 2007, 23:06

 User no longer registered.
Re: Another in our midst.......
I'm sorry i have to say, you can't hit him between the legs with a bat, whats wrong with you guys...............??
You need a blunt knife and just keep HACKING away at it until it's cut off!!!!! Then feed it to the dirty bastard.
 April 5, 2007, 05:50

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Another in our midst.......
  QUOTE (hotbubblegum @ April 5, 2007, 05:50)
I'm sorry i have to say, you can't hit him between the legs with a bat, whats wrong with you guys...............??
You need a blunt knife and just keep HACKING away at it until it's cut off!!!!! Then feed it to the dirty bastard.

You know HOT, your method of "attitude adjustment" would probably hasten my thinking about possibly getting another "hobby", if I was a no good, child abusing, puke-sh*t.....

You would have done well as a torturer in the medieval times. Hell, you would have been a superstar!!!!
 April 5, 2007, 07:20

 User no longer registered.
Re: Another in our midst.......
There has to be a biological defect in these people, they just aren't normal, and while many of us have a quirk or two that others could view as weird, this just goes way, way beyond that.
They are criminally insane. Some of these people struggle knowing this, and do these horrible things anyway.
As much as I hate them too, and want to join the rest of the villagers with burning torches and pitchforks, a small part of me wonders if us, the sane are doing enough to study, and diagnos these monsters. Especiallly the ones that appear to have had a normal good life but still act on this unnatural urges.
The ones that were abused themselves and carry out the sick cycle, I don't think there's anything or any way to rehabilitate them.
But maybe, I think, I would like to see much more thought put into what possible physical, biological, hormonal brain stuff brings about this horrible side of adults who hurt children.
Charles Whitman knew something awful was wrong with him, he knew there was a right and a wrong and he knew something was pushing him over the line, inspite of knowing better, and not wanting to do it...he still climbed that tower on the Texas campus with a rifle and did it anyway, leaving behind a note pleading for a complete study of his brain. (which did reveal a medical reason for his lethal rampage)
Don't get pissed, I'm not defending any that harm children, sure...lock them up, give them the sentencing they deserve, monitor their every move, display thier names on lists so we can be aware of any monster that lives in our midst.
But no one, no one here can say they understand why they do what they do...and maybe it's time we did just that, deep studies on these freaks to gain an understanding of them will help us spot them early on, when they are young, and hopefully prevent a sick person from becoming a serial killer.
Sure ...sentence them to death, then ship thier brains (and body) off to the lab. They are defective humans that do unspeakable things to the most innocent.
 April 5, 2007, 09:18

 User no longer registered.
Re: Another in our midst.......
Chazzy, I would quote you, but it's too long.

Agree to a variety: first, the ol baseball swing for the long ball.
Then, once they balloon up, the ol dull knife...
Then, the fuel.
A little bit at a time.
Sick bastards!

And did you just hear about the guy who was molesting kids at his wife's daycare center. Would do it when she went out to run errands.
 April 5, 2007, 11:32

 User no longer registered.
Re: Another in our midst.......
I know my post was long, sorry about that, I can sum it up like this...we all agree it's sick, we all agree we hate it, and we hate those that hurt children....and this is what we all say over and over and over...

We don't understand how anyone could do such a thing...

 April 5, 2007, 11:37

 User no longer registered.
Re: Another in our midst.......
Okay...ya'all gotta go to CNN's website, then hit the tab "law" and read this story...Are they seriously trying to gain our sympathy for these offenders?
Florida housing sex offenders under bridge

 April 8, 2007, 13:24

 User no longer registered.
Re: Another in our midst.......
How about they house them under a concrete slab...
 April 8, 2007, 13:26

 User no longer registered.
Re: Another in our midst.......
hell I will take my tractor to dig the hole, so we can build them a dungeon, oops we forgot to include a door before we closed it up....... Damn shame on us.....
 April 8, 2007, 13:31

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Another in our midst.......

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