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Al Gore.........
Al Gore, the Oscar winner for best documentary for AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH, preaches that we have to reduce our energy use as we are causing irreparable harm to the environment. He tells of global warming due to our high energy use.
It was revealed recently that AL Gore's mansion in TENNESSEE, uses 10 times the energy than the average household uses. A big ass carbon footprint fat ass!! How come you don't have solar panels for the heat and hot water and a windmill to power your lights and electricity, AL? How come you tell me I'm a f**kin' polluter with my measly 1800sq/ft abode, when you are just have to have a 6 bedroom home with only you and your wife living in it? Is that being environmentally responsible?
February 27, 2007, 06:28 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Al Gore.........
The anwer is simple. He has no real interet in reducing emissions nor in conserving anything. Just another hipocrite. Same as Nancy Pelosi is going to reduce "greenhouse" gasses by using a 757 to communte to CA.
They can all kiss
February 27, 2007, 14:11 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Al Gore.........
the actor Ed Begley lives in a very environmentally friendly home in CA...gr8 show he has on hgtv or one of those stations..."Livinig with Ed"....but...he pedals a back for 10 minutes to generate enuff power to make toast..
fck that!! I'm hungry..I'm eatin' and not pedaling for 10 friggin minutes to eat...
..unlesss you put Liberal or Moon or one of our resident WN hotties in front of me...then I'm a pedaling maniac!!
I'll toast the "whole loaf"...
February 27, 2007, 14:47 |
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Al Gore.........