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Baby, it's cold outside........
I hear that AL GORE is getting really animated at his global warming lectures. He is actually raising his voice so as to impress those mush-like minds that attend his "lectures". I'm sure he does them out of kindness of his heart and an actual concern for the unnatural warming of the earth's atmosphere. He wouldn't go to those conferences and charge an appearance fee, would he? Of course not! His mode of transportation to and from these lectures is probably some sort of a non-polluting vehicle; something solar powered or wind powered. At least mass transit! I can tell by the shape he's in, he probably pedals a bike to and from the lectures on occasion. He wouldn't dare use transportation that would add more carbon dioxide (carbon footprint) to the atmosphere, such as maybe a private jet, would he? Of course not!!! That would make him two-faced and no way he's two-faced!!
February 26, 2007, 13:46 |
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Baby, it's cold outside........