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Date Line NBC
"Date Line NBC To Catch A Predator"What's your thoughts?
February 22, 2007, 15:37 |
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Re: Date Line NBC
When it comes to taking child predators off the streets...anything goes!
I'm sorry to say, and it'll proably piss off a few parents but I cringe at the thought of children spending many, many private hours in thier rooms with their computers.
I know most are so sure they can trust their children but it's not a matter of trust.
You don't leave your children at home alone for hours and hours with all the doors and windows unlocked. A computer with internet access is like one big ass unlocked door.
February 22, 2007, 17:52 |
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Re: Date Line NBC
The name of that show should be "To Catch An Idiot," as many times as that darn show has run you would think these guys would wise the hell up, although I'm glad they don't.
The internet is a bad place for kids to be unsupervised. A friend of mine's daughter has a friend that was being stalked by a predator online, her Mom just happened to have that software that tracks who she talks to, etc. She reported him to the police and it turned out he had been convicted of molestation and served time two times for aggrivated sexual assualt and exposing himself to a minor under the age of 12. These people are spineless wonders to prey on children!!!
February 22, 2007, 21:59 |
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Re: Date Line NBC
The only time my kids are EVER on the internet are when they're at school or I'm sitting right here with them. So many security features on the computers at school and I'M security at home! They have their own "child" account on AOL and absolutely NO type of messenger whatsoever!
February 23, 2007, 09:08 |
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Re: Re: Date Line NBC
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ February 23, 2007, 09:08)The only time my kids are EVER on the internet are when they're at school or I'm sitting right here with them. So many security features on the computers at school and I'M security at home! They have their own "child" account on AOL and absolutely NO type of messenger whatsoever!
I do think that's the way to do it, Moon! Geez, I would hate to know how many kids spend hours unsupervised online with chat, IM and webcams.
It's like dressing your kid up in a babyseal costume and letting them go swiming with sharks....
February 23, 2007, 09:15 |
81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: Date Line NBC
my thoughts are simple : they are taking chid predators down.....where is the down-side ????
February 23, 2007, 09:44 |
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Re: Date Line NBC
February 23, 2007, 10:10 |
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Re: Date Line NBC
The case with the librarian is a great example for schools to crack down on this sort of stuff. I know that the computers won't let you on any site with even so little as a message board. Last time my computer went down, I tried to log on to my "neopets" account at the high school library. I wouldn't even let me do that! If anyone here knows what the "neopets" are all about, you'll understand. I trust the security in our school... I just wish that other schools would follow suit
February 23, 2007, 10:17 |
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Re: Date Line NBC
Oh yeah...you won't find child predators and pediphiles on an adult site, their hunting grounds are children's sites.
So...just keeping your children off of adult sites is really not going to protect them from molestors and sex offenders.
They are most in danger on G-rated, parent approved, age appropriate sites.
February 23, 2007, 10:26 |
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Re: Date Line NBC
Thanks for the info since I have two who play on the computer.
AND I think those who do this should be in jail for the bad boys there can play with them. See how they like it.
February 23, 2007, 11:02 |
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Re: Date Line NBC
The misunderstood thing is...that good parents often think that since they are good parents that raise good children, that they can trust their children to use the internet without being supervised. It's not that you can't trust your children but you can trust that all children have a natural curiousity, and children can be conned by adults.
February 23, 2007, 11:23 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Date Line NBC
I have no plans on losing any sleep when those morons get caught. We as the adults, need to make sure that our kids are in the site. One of my kid used to be schooled via the Internet. We had to log on to their site and then he was able to do lessons, search for information, etc... But I also found that the schools security was a little off. But it was OK, they error on the side of caution. If the site had any type of bad language, or any sexually suggested photo's, or content, they were not allowed in to the site. Even if it was for a school project. I had to do the searching for him. But it's not just these predators. We have another page at a site that is very popular with everyone. I looked in my mailbox the other day, and lone and behold, there is a note from this 14 yoa boy that wants to befriend me. I had to decline him, and won't correspond with anyone that isn't at least in their mid 20's, not that anyone would lie about their age. Now it is possible that it was a set-up, but I will not take the chance. So it is very possible that some of these kids are looking for friends in all the wrong places, with out regard to the age of the other person, or the without the possible ramifications of what they are doing. It is the same mentality that a lot of us have, this stuff only happens to the other guy. So we all have to vigilant to we are talking to, but who are kids are talking to.
February 23, 2007, 13:18 |
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Re: Date Line NBC
I think it's a good thing what NBC is doing using their show to catch the predators and some are dumb as shit because they see the show and still get caught and that's great! it's on again this Tuesday I think but I can't remember what city they will be catching them in.Three Cheers For NBC!!
February 23, 2007, 16:17 |
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Re: Re: Date Line NBC
QUOTE (Chazzy @ February 22, 2007, 17:52)When it comes to taking child predators off the streets...anything goes!
I'm sorry to say, and it'll probably piss off a few parents but I cringe at the thought of children spending many, many private hours in their rooms with their computers.
I know most are so sure they can trust their children but it's not a matter of trust.
You don't leave your children at home alone for hours and hours with all the doors and windows unlocked. A computer with internet access is like one big ass unlocked door.
You're right on the money, as usual! F**kin-a, the internet is one big ass potential problem for young teens. Hey, it ain't no baby sitter! Come on moms and dads, step up and be parents!! Along with that title comes r-e-s-p-o-n-s-i-b-i-l-t-y! That means watching those little bastards, 24/7! Get involved in their lives. If they don't like it, tough sh*t! Your a parent, not their buddy. Get in their face, let 'em know you'll keep your eye on them. No computers with internet access, in their bedroom, period. Family areas only!! Checkup on them regularly. They might not like it but they'll respect you for it.
February 24, 2007, 08:13 |
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Re: Date Line NBC
My children are NEVER on the computer without one of us in the room. Disney is the only site they are allowed to visit and at school the teachers are right over their shoulders as they work online. Children are a precious commodity and should be treated as such, we are their guardians...
February 24, 2007, 08:50 |
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Re: Date Line NBC
I wouldn't trust "nanny" software to do the job either.
The software is easy for savvy kids to get around it.
I've seen all kinds of postings on forums on the Internet with explicit instructions on how to get around parent control software, spy software, and school filters.
Kids figure it all out and cover their Internet tracks and post it so other kids can follow.
There is no substitute for parents, it's a tough job that's for sure.
February 24, 2007, 10:58 |
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Re: Date Line NBC
I saw that dateline and what i thought was sick was that they had caught some of those folks more than once really disturbing
February 24, 2007, 11:06 |
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Re: Date Line NBC
All of it is really disturbing. This guy that used to work for my husband is serving time in jail for having kiddie porn on his computer. He had a preteen daughter and her friends were in and out of that house all the time. He had thousands of images of children on that computer in various states of undress and actually having sex acts performed on them, the investigators nailed him because he had used his credit card twenty or more times to purchase the porn. Every time I see that show I wonder what it takes for someone to take that next step from looking at kiddie porn on the internet to seeking out some innocent youth to molest. The shocking part to me is that his wife is still standing by his side and will welcome him home.
February 24, 2007, 11:39 |
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Re: Re: Date Line NBC
QUOTE (bulrfush @ February 24, 2007, 11:06)I saw that dateline and what i thought was sick was that they had caught some of those folks more than once really disturbing
Yeh, really stupid to get caught a second time, but I'm glad he was caught.
Which makes me go: "Hmmmm."
Why wasn't he thrown 'under' the jail the first time?
February 26, 2007, 11:20 |
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Re: Re: Re: Date Line NBC
QUOTE (ptr61dhn @ February 26, 2007, 11:20) QUOTE (bulrfush @ February 24, 2007, 11:06)I saw that dateline and what i thought was sick was that they had caught some of those folks more than once really disturbing
Yeh, really stupid to get caught a second time, but I'm glad he was caught.
Which makes me go: "Hmmmm."
Why wasn't he thrown 'under' the jail the first time?
There are a few state court systems that believe in "restorative justice". What that means is the court feels they must attempt to cure the criminal and not punish him, even when all evidence to the contrary indicates that pedophiles can not be cured. After they are released into society, they do re-offend. The peoples republic of VERMONT is one such state. They're so nuanced and f**ked up!!!!!
February 26, 2007, 22:45 |
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Re: Date Line NBC
Many of these men start out on legit sites with titles and phrases like "just legal" etc .... sites that use legal age models who portray themselves as much younger, then they may move on to chatrooms where teens frequent thinking they will just further their fantasy by just "talking" to underage chatters, but once they come across one that is home alone, vulnerable...they will carry their fantasy out.
February 27, 2007, 18:06 |
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Re: Date Line NBC
Hey All,
I just want to personally thank Chazzy for taking some time and getting me info on what sites to go to to learn about what teens are doing to by-pass parents: like by-passing spyware, etc.
Chazzy, you should post this for all of us.
February 28, 2007, 11:58 |
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Re: Re: Date Line NBC
QUOTE (ptr61dhn @ February 28, 2007, 11:58)Hey All,
I just want to personally thank Chazzy for taking some time and getting me info on what sites to go to to learn about what teens are doing to by-pass parents: like by-passing spyware, etc.
Chazzy, you should post this for all of us.
I can't post the link I sent you, I can tell ya'all it's a site I do like to visit every so often just to keep up with what's going on in the world.
It's very popular with teens....mostly teen boys and it amazes and frightens me to see what's going on in their minds!!
February 28, 2007, 18:37 |
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Re: Date Line NBC
Let me add this....if you use parental control software and have teens in the house, yep...it's pretty common thing that computer security savvy teens to know how to get around it.
Just google using key word searches like "bypassing parental control software" and other relevant terms.
February 28, 2007, 18:48 |
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