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Guerrilla Marketing..............
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Guerrilla Marketing..............


 User no longer registered.
Guerrilla Marketing..............
I'll assume most of you heard about the two gentlemen arrested in BOSTON on charges the created a panic in that town by hanging some items all around downtown that looked like a light board, but was mistaken for an explosive device. It was supposed to drum up attention to an upcoming movie based on a program on the CARTOON NETWORK. It seems the only people that were hip to exactly what it signified were people who actually watch that program that is on late at night. All others, including just about all others including city officials,local police,state police and of course homeland security officials, had no clue. All law enforcement officials snapped into high gear and rounded up all of these items, only to find out it was all a hoax, created by a local TURNER BROADCASTING station that carries that particular program.

The two gents that were arrested and arraigned on the charges, met the press after their court appearance.

On advice of their attorney, they chose not to answer the press' questions about their legal troubles and instead offered a diatribe on their hairstyles and the hairstyles of the 60's and 70's. They came off as arrogant and smart ass.

In particular, the one gent with the dreadlocks(the main spokesman for the pair), with a giant smirk on his face, went on and on about how he would let his locks grow beyond his knees. 28 y/o, going on stupid he is!!

I had a thought about 'ole DRED. If he were to do some time in the joint, don't you think that his cell mate, BRUTUS, would appreciate the longer locks so he would have more to hold onto as he helps the young lad deal with his constipation issues? I think that would be just the thing to wipe the smart ass smirk off the little prick's face and put a broad smile on mine!!

Do I hear an .....A-M-E-N?????
 February 3, 2007, 11:41

 User no longer registered.
Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
I have heard that these were not only in Boston, but other cities as well. Also, they had been there for two weeks plus. So, isn't it amazing that it took the Boston PD that long to discover them and take action?

The Boston PD did what they should have and CArtoon network/ Turner have admitted responsibility for this. I am sure that Boston will recieve a nice check for the costs involved. Yes, those that placed them there, should also be held for legal charges.

it jut amazes me that these were not discovered sooner and action taken. What if they had been bombs??

 February 3, 2007, 12:07

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ February 3, 2007, 12:07)
I have heard that these were not only in Boston, but other cities as well. Also, they had been there for two weeks plus. So, isn't it amazing that it took the Boston PD that long to discover them and take action?

The Boston PD did what they should have and Cartoon network/ Turner have admitted responsibility for this. I am sure that Boston will receive a nice check for the costs involved. Yes, those that placed them there, should also be held for legal charges.

it jut amazes me that these were not discovered sooner and action taken. What if they had been bombs??

Well actually, no one paid attention to the light boxes as the ones WHO saw them there the week before, thought nothing of them (over 2 weeks). It's thought that the local TURNER BROADCASTING affiliate, with the blessing by some at TURNER in Atlanta, is the one who called authorities with the fake "bomb scare". The local station started to realize their scheme was not drawing enough attention to the late night cartoon show nor the upcoming animated movie, so they thought an anonymous "bomb scare" call might draw some attention.

That it did! That it did!!

 February 3, 2007, 12:48

 64 / couple
 lake elsinore, California, US
Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (voyeurbill @ February 3, 2007, 11:41)

Do I hear an .....A-M-E-N?????

wow, vb - you have some pretty angry hate in you. what's the matter? didn't you get to eat your email friends pussy yet?
 February 3, 2007, 12:49

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (lizonya @ February 3, 2007, 12:49)
  QUOTE (voyeurbill @ February 3, 2007, 11:41)

Do I hear an .....A-M-E-N?????

wow, vb - you have some pretty angry hate in you. what's the matter? didn't you get to eat your email friends pussy yet?

You know LIZ, I am a pretty easy going guy and as such I reserve my anger for just the right situation. I feel mine is directed at the right person or persons in this case. I'll assume you missed the news broadcast of those two smirking turds. I felt like walking up to both of them and kicking them both in the nuts!!!! There, I feel the anger leaving me.............

As for my email sweety, this Tuesday at 9am, I go "down town"!! It's what I call my "low calorie breakfast"!! Up 'til now (4 weeks and 40 emails), she was very nervous about doing this but she now says she's all horned up and ready to spread 'em for "THE PUSSY WHISPERER". All this delay added a whole bunch of mystery to the upcoming encounter!

 February 3, 2007, 13:09

 64 / couple
 lake elsinore, California, US
Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
i'm sorry vb - i couldn't resist. i now how you enjoy the pussy and usually your posts are full of love & lust. i was just taken aback with the anger. you're right, i did miss the news on this subject. so i apologize if i rubbed you the wrong way.
 February 3, 2007, 13:13

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (lizonya @ February 3, 2007, 13:13)
i'm sorry vb - i couldn't resist. i now how you enjoy the pussy and usually your posts are full of love & lust. i was just taken aback with the anger. you're right, i did miss the news on this subject. so i apologize if i rubbed you the wrong way.

LIZ, you could never "rub me" the wrong way!! I caught your drift and as such, I replied very mildly I thought!

If I can be of "service" to you, please email me.

 February 3, 2007, 13:28

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
Well...you can certainly tell those that are over fifty here! They did not perpetrate a hoax, a HOAX means that they were supposed to be mistaken for bombs. They were an advertisment campaigns marketing device. We live in a ridiculous, post 9-11 hysteryia-riddled world...to weigh down our already overextended, ill-advised justice system with this nonsense is absurd! I am out of my mind over this? What the hell kind of backward world are we in when we advocate prison for putting up signs?! The mayor, and officials, for their part, responded only out of the best interests of their people, but...It WAS a mistake! BACK DOWN! get over it! The two guy's acted arrogant because they could not beleive that this foolish charade was going on! I would not be able to take it seriously either...There are so many more important things we could be doing, is'nt Osama still out there???
 February 3, 2007, 16:40

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (voyeurbill @ February 3, 2007, 12:48)
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ February 3, 2007, 12:07)
I have heard that these were not only in Boston, but other cities as well. Also, they had been there for two weeks plus. So, isn't it amazing that it took the Boston PD that long to discover them and take action?

The Boston PD did what they should have and Cartoon network/ Turner have admitted responsibility for this. I am sure that Boston will receive a nice check for the costs involved. Yes, those that placed them there, should also be held for legal charges.

it jut amazes me that these were not discovered sooner and action taken. What if they had been bombs??

Well actually, no one paid attention to the light boxes as the ones WHO saw them there the week before, thought nothing of them (over 2 weeks). It's thought that the local TURNER BROADCASTING affiliate, with the blessing by some at TURNER in Atlanta, is the one who called authorities with the fake "bomb scare". The local station started to realize their scheme was not drawing enough attention to the late night cartoon show nor the upcoming animated movie, so they thought an anonymous "bomb scare" call might draw some attention.

That it did! That it did!!

No one in Philly even noticed...Ahhh Mass., first witch trails, now this! lots of conspiracy theories here! I don't buy it...if Turner Broadcasting did do that, then they deserve every bit of the hassle they get...The thing is, anyone who knows the show, knew who that little alien guy ( moonenite) was...anyone else...not even aimed at them...You mistake, and only through ignorance of the programming in question...is assuming that this is an ordinary marketing scheme...this was, as most adult swim related bric-a-brac...an INSIDE joke. I sincerely doubt that anyone was "realizing their scheme was not drawing enough attention" It was only directed at those who already know...I will kepp listening to the details of this, because I will weigh in on this again, as more things come to light, but...the whole thing IS an Overreaction...
 February 3, 2007, 16:57

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (darkmark666 @ February 3, 2007, 16:57)
  QUOTE (voyeurbill @ February 3, 2007, 12:48)
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ February 3, 2007, 12:07)
I have heard that these were not only in Boston, but other cities as well. Also, they had been there for two weeks plus. So, isn't it amazing that it took the Boston PD that long to discover them and take action?

The Boston PD did what they should have and Cartoon network/ Turner have admitted responsibility for this. I am sure that Boston will receive a nice check for the costs involved. Yes, those that placed them there, should also be held for legal charges.

it jut amazes me that these were not discovered sooner and action taken. What if they had been bombs??

Well actually, no one paid attention to the light boxes as the ones WHO saw them there the week before, thought nothing of them (over 2 weeks). It's thought that the local TURNER BROADCASTING affiliate, with the blessing by some at TURNER in Atlanta, is the one who called authorities with the fake "bomb scare". The local station started to realize their scheme was not drawing enough attention to the late night cartoon show nor the upcoming animated movie, so they thought an anonymous "bomb scare" call might draw some attention.

That it did! That it did!!

No one in Philly even noticed...Ahhh Mass., first witch trails, now this! lots of conspiracy theories here! I don't buy it...if Turner Broadcasting did do that, then they deserve every bit of the hassle they get...The thing is, anyone who knows the show, knew who that little alien guy ( moonenite) was...anyone else...not even aimed at them...You mistake, and only through ignorance of the programming in question...is assuming that this is an ordinary marketing scheme...this was, as most adult swim related bric-a-brac...an INSIDE joke. I sincerely doubt that anyone was "realizing their scheme was not drawing enough attention" It was only directed at those who already know...I will kepp listening to the details of this, because I will weigh in on this again, as more things come to light, but...the whole thing IS an Overreaction...

So, the Boston PD and the rest of us are over reacting. That's an interesting point of view. As for those of us that are over 50, well, all I can say is Thank God!! I say this as this country becomes more like a third world country instead of having the greatness it once had. Why is this? Much from the liberalization. People only carring about thier own petty wishes and getting them put into law. The Boston Pd reacted accordingly in this and those that did this as a "joke" and those that think it are funny should concider what very well could happen. If you think that this post 9/11 era is paranoid, I say this is good and frankly, is warranted. Had this been the outlook before that date, it could have been avoided.

Yes, i am a bit angry that you are so short sighted that you feel all of us "over 50" are apparently foolish. I feel sorry for those younger than myself as the world they are going to live in will not be filled with the wonder and saftey that we have experienced.
 February 3, 2007, 17:57

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ February 3, 2007, 17:57)
  QUOTE (darkmark666 @ February 3, 2007, 16:57)
  QUOTE (voyeurbill @ February 3, 2007, 12:48)
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ February 3, 2007, 12:07)
I have heard that these were not only in Boston, but other cities as well. Also, they had been there for two weeks plus. So, isn't it amazing that it took the Boston PD that long to discover them and take action?

The Boston PD did what they should have and Cartoon network/ Turner have admitted responsibility for this. I am sure that Boston will receive a nice check for the costs involved. Yes, those that placed them there, should also be held for legal charges.

it jut amazes me that these were not discovered sooner and action taken. What if they had been bombs??

Well actually, no one paid attention to the light boxes as the ones WHO saw them there the week before, thought nothing of them (over 2 weeks). It's thought that the local TURNER BROADCASTING affiliate, with the blessing by some at TURNER in Atlanta, is the one who called authorities with the fake "bomb scare". The local station started to realize their scheme was not drawing enough attention to the late night cartoon show nor the upcoming animated movie, so they thought an anonymous "bomb scare" call might draw some attention.

That it did! That it did!!

No one in Philly even noticed...Ahhh Mass., first witch trails, now this! lots of conspiracy theories here! I don't buy it...if Turner Broadcasting did do that, then they deserve every bit of the hassle they get...The thing is, anyone who knows the show, knew who that little alien guy ( moonenite) was...anyone else...not even aimed at them...You mistake, and only through ignorance of the programming in question...is assuming that this is an ordinary marketing scheme...this was, as most adult swim related bric-a-brac...an INSIDE joke. I sincerely doubt that anyone was "realizing their scheme was not drawing enough attention" It was only directed at those who already know...I will kepp listening to the details of this, because I will weigh in on this again, as more things come to light, but...the whole thing IS an Overreaction...

So, the Boston PD and the rest of us are over reacting. That's an interesting point of view. As for those of us that are over 50, well, all I can say is Thank God!! I say this as this country becomes more like a third world country instead of having the greatness it once had. Why is this? Much from the liberalization. People only carring about thier own petty wishes and getting them put into law. The Boston Pd reacted accordingly in this and those that did this as a "joke" and those that think it are funny should concider what very well could happen. If you think that this post 9/11 era is paranoid, I say this is good and frankly, is warranted. Had this been the outlook before that date, it could have been avoided.

Yes, i am a bit angry that you are so short sighted that you feel all of us "over 50" are apparently foolish. I feel sorry for those younger than myself as the world they are going to live in will not be filled with the wonder and saftey that we have experienced.

You state " people only caring about their petty wishes, and them being put into law", I find interesting, as this is EXACTLY what I am talking about...being SO stubborn as to misuse our justice system in such a flippant fashion...I am used to the "let god sort 'em out", Conservative attitude...I find it just as near sighted as the "liberal" vision of "Can't we all get along" No!, we cannot...however, it is a GROSS misuse of our system to punish people for making us look foolish, which is what this comes down to, since, there is no other crime apparent...simply put: it is a waste of time, and money! much like our draconian drug laws. Do not feel sorry for me...FREEDOM...is not safety...freedom is risk! I am sad that many feel the need, in this day and age, to hail: " throw them to the lions!"...what will you do when they throw you? or has your age engendered enough of a feeling of security, to rule that possibility out? I intend NO disrespect, I only wish to have a good old fashioned debate on this, and I feel VERY strongly about it...I say we have better things to sue over, that is my ultimate point.
 February 4, 2007, 00:26

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
You state " people only caring about their petty wishes, and them being put into law", I find interesting, as this is EXACTLY what I am talking about...being SO stubborn as to misuse our justice system in such a flippant fashion...I am used to the "let god sort 'em out", Conservative attitude...I find it just as near sighted as the "liberal" vision of "Can't we all get along" No!, we cannot...however, it is a GROSS misuse of our system to punish people for making us look foolish, which is what this comes down to, since, there is no other crime apparent...simply put: it is a waste of time, and money! much like our draconian drug laws. Do not feel sorry for me...FREEDOM...is not safety...freedom is risk! I am sad that many feel the need, in this day and age, to hail: " throw them to the lions!"...what will you do when they throw you? or has your age engendered enough of a feeling of security, to rule that possibility out? I intend NO disrespect, I only wish to have a good old fashioned debate on this, and I feel VERY strongly about it...I say we have better things to sue over, that is my ultimate point.

The only real unfortuante thing about all of this is simply that two [possibly more] people purposly mislead the authorities in Boston for nothing more than publicizing a show. A tv program. If they were that desperate, then the show must not be worth very much. "no one noticed" So, who is really at fault for this? Not the authorities who responded. So, now it's icorrect to prosecute people for making falkse police reports and wasting that cities resources? Would you like it if this was your money being wasted? Most likely not.

See, your mistake is that you accused another genreation of this entire thing. Not everyone over 50 is as close minded as what you claim. I don't care for many of the newer programs, but that doesn't make me close minded. It makes it my choice. Just as you apparently choose to support those that did this in Boston.

I do agree that there are more important things to sue over. However it is the responsibility of these persons employer [in this case, comedy channel] to reimburse this city for their expenses. All for a waste of resourses that are needed elsewhere. I do not think anyone would be as upset about this had the two arrested not been laughing when they were arrested. It was a joke to them, and I do think that this is what has so many in an uproar about this. Me, poor judgement on the arrested peoples part. Very poor.
 February 4, 2007, 00:55

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
According to everything I can seem to access, the first package was found by a "transit" passenger, and reported by said passenger...under I-93. then, four more were reported, by phone, and the teams went into action. Where, pray tell, did you hear, or dream up the idea that a Multi-Billion(?) dollar company would decide to create a stir for an already successful, (yes, I assure you, it IS, with its target audience!) show by calling in bomb threats? I am sure that they have lawyers advising them, yes? I think that is fairly unbelievable, and I cannot find anything to support this theory. If you can point me to where this info was obtained, I would be more than happy to consider it in my evaluation of this matter. I think America has lost its collective mind!
 February 4, 2007, 07:20

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ February 4, 2007, 00:55)
You state " people only caring about their petty wishes, and them being put into law", I find interesting, as this is EXACTLY what I am talking about...being SO stubborn as to misuse our justice system in such a flippant fashion...I am used to the "let god sort 'em out", Conservative attitude...I find it just as near sighted as the "liberal" vision of "Can't we all get along" No!, we cannot...however, it is a GROSS misuse of our system to punish people for making us look foolish, which is what this comes down to, since, there is no other crime apparent...simply put: it is a waste of time, and money! much like our draconian drug laws. Do not feel sorry for me...FREEDOM...is not safety...freedom is risk! I am sad that many feel the need, in this day and age, to hail: " throw them to the lions!"...what will you do when they throw you? or has your age engendered enough of a feeling of security, to rule that possibility out? I intend NO disrespect, I only wish to have a good old fashioned debate on this, and I feel VERY strongly about it...I say we have better things to sue over, that is my ultimate point.

The only real unfortuante thing about all of this is simply that two [possibly more] people purposly mislead the authorities in Boston for nothing more than publicizing a show. A tv program. If they were that desperate, then the show must not be worth very much. "no one noticed" So, who is really at fault for this? Not the authorities who responded. So, now it's icorrect to prosecute people for making falkse police reports and wasting that cities resources? Would you like it if this was your money being wasted? Most likely not.

See, your mistake is that you accused another genreation of this entire thing. Not everyone over 50 is as close minded as what you claim. I don't care for many of the newer programs, but that doesn't make me close minded. It makes it my choice. Just as you apparently choose to support those that did this in Boston.

I do agree that there are more important things to sue over. However it is the responsibility of these persons employer [in this case, comedy channel] to reimburse this city for their expenses. All for a waste of resourses that are needed elsewhere. I do not think anyone would be as upset about this had the two arrested not been laughing when they were arrested. It was a joke to them, and I do think that this is what has so many in an uproar about this. Me, poor judgement on the arrested peoples part. Very poor.
O.K....#1 I can find NO evidence of false police reports...only MISTAKEN police reports. #2 It IS in effect, MY money being wasted, it is ALL of our money being wasted...you should be mad, too...#3 I did not claim everyone over 50 was closed minded...I merely stated that you could tell who was over 50, and who was'nt...I will not go into the predictability of young or old folks attitudes, here, as it is not pertinent to my argument. Really, it was meant to express the idea of "if you've never ridden a horse, how do you judge a good one?" Or, basically: If you are not familiar with a show, an add campaign, a whole ideology...a...bomb? perhaps, then you are not qualified to make an informed desicion on it, in general, older folks don't seem to watch as much adult swim! I dunno...#4 They were laughing because, most likely, they could not believe the ridiculousness of this much to-do...over nothing...and probably thinking the same thing I have been...WHAT country do I live in again???
 February 4, 2007, 07:41

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
The presiding judge, Paul K. Leary, to Att. General John Grossman: "In order to be charged with a crime, (as per the Hoax device laws) The subjects had to have the intention of causing a panic...It appears the subjects had no such intent" Yep...straight from the judges mouth...Both were reported as being cooperative, and had no prior record...Under overpasses...great place for a bomb! also...A great place for a sign, that you want motorists to SEE! Boston is being a BIG child, from what I can see, at this time...embarrased, at looking foolish, and unwilling to back down, no matter what the cost ( how splendidly American!) , in order to save face...Find me some other evidence, to the contrary, and I will be happy to reveiw it. The Hysteria in this nation is approaching Holocaust levels...Thanks, Dubbya...
And...I am NOT a liberal...

So tell me...really...Is it the dreadlocks???
 February 4, 2007, 07:52

 User no longer registered.
Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
I see both of your perspectives on this. We live in the day and age that has a certain level of fear, we can't blame the president, the government, or two guys that placed some black boxes under overpasses. When 9-11 happened it changed the way we all live our daily lives, when the Oklahoma City bombing happened it changed our lives. Monsters come from outside our country and from within our borders, our society has changed because of our values evolving over the years. While we try to be a society of inclusion, there are still those that feel repressed or left behind and want to get "their message" out there.

I work in an area of our city that after 9-11 became incredibly "secure" and we've had to make adjustments to accommodate our lives around these inconveniences. Honestly, I'd prefer these regulations be in place because I do feel more comfortable. I must admit, I would have freaked out if there were black boxes found posted all over our town and there would have been mass hysteria here too (BTW, Austin was supposedly one of the cities to have the black boxes for the marketing plan too). These guys are arrogant but to be honest, they are getting more publicity for this show then they could have dreamed of and that folks to thank is our media.

We could talk about gun control, we could discuss conservative versus liberal, but the ultimate truth in this is that we've become a reactionary society. We are humans and isn't it great that we live in a country that not only we can show passion for what we believe in, but we have a place like WN to do it.

OK...that being said, I'm going to go drink my coffee. I hope this all made sense, I'm thinking I shouldn't post when taking sinus medications.
 February 4, 2007, 09:48

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
Yup, its definitely the dreads. Brutus will have some real fun with him.
Now for my two cents worth. This whole thing has been blown way out of proportion. If someone actually placed a bomb threat call, they are the ones that should be arrested and charged for this bull shit. I've never heard of this show, and if I had the chance to watch it, I probably wouldn't. However, these cities that had these signs placed in them should look into the advertising ordinances. As the places that had the signs placed where not within the allowable areas where one would have been able to place normal advertising. In most cities, you have to have permits in order to place advertising signage, and these guy's did not. This is the only thing that I could see they might be charged with.

OK I'm done.
 February 4, 2007, 10:19

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (funlovingpair @ February 4, 2007, 10:19)
Yup, its definitely the dreads. Brutus will have some real fun with him.
Now for my two cents worth. This whole thing has been blown way out of proportion. If someone actually placed a bomb threat call, they are the ones that should be arrested and charged for this bull shit. I've never heard of this show, and if I had the chance to watch it, I probably wouldn't. However, these cities that had these signs placed in them should look into the advertising ordinances. As the places that had the signs placed where not within the allowable areas where one would have been able to place normal advertising. In most cities, you have to have permits in order to place advertising signage, and these guy's did not. This is the only thing that I could see they might be charged with.

OK I'm done.

And thats fair enough! based on fact, level headed...reasonable...Conclusion: maybe we DO need a woman president...just not Hillary Clinton. What are you doing for the next four years?
 February 4, 2007, 11:16

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (darkmark666 @ February 4, 2007, 11:16)
  QUOTE (funlovingpair @ February 4, 2007, 10:19)
Yup, its definitely the dreads. Brutus will have some real fun with him.
Now for my two cents worth. This whole thing has been blown way out of proportion. If someone actually placed a bomb threat call, they are the ones that should be arrested and charged for this bull shit. I've never heard of this show, and if I had the chance to watch it, I probably wouldn't. However, these cities that had these signs placed in them should look into the advertising ordinances. As the places that had the signs placed where not within the allowable areas where one would have been able to place normal advertising. In most cities, you have to have permits in order to place advertising signage, and these guy's did not. This is the only thing that I could see they might be charged with.

OK I'm done.

And thats fair enough! based on fact, level headed...reasonable...Conclusion: maybe we DO need a woman president...just not Hillary Clinton. What are you doing for the next four years?

I think that was Pa's response from funloving pair...so, if I'm correct in this assumption, I agree...Pa for President!!!
 February 4, 2007, 11:20

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
Oh, yeah...although I understand ( as of now, according to all I have been able to get my hands on to read about this, anyway ) that those people who called in the reports, were just citizens, who noticed them, and thought they REALLY might have been suspicious. Assuming this to be the case, I would have to say, it would not be fair to persecute them, either...Its all about intent, and...like it or not, EVEN in our "reactionary" society, sometimes, theres NO ONE to blame...sometimes things are just mistakes...blown out of proportion...
 February 4, 2007, 11:23

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (Juilianna @ February 4, 2007, 11:20)
  QUOTE (darkmark666 @ February 4, 2007, 11:16)
  QUOTE (funlovingpair @ February 4, 2007, 10:19)
Yup, its definitely the dreads. Brutus will have some real fun with him.
Now for my two cents worth. This whole thing has been blown way out of proportion. If someone actually placed a bomb threat call, they are the ones that should be arrested and charged for this bull shit. I've never heard of this show, and if I had the chance to watch it, I probably wouldn't. However, these cities that had these signs placed in them should look into the advertising ordinances. As the places that had the signs placed where not within the allowable areas where one would have been able to place normal advertising. In most cities, you have to have permits in order to place advertising signage, and these guy's did not. This is the only thing that I could see they might be charged with.

OK I'm done.

And thats fair enough! based on fact, level headed...reasonable...Conclusion: maybe we DO need a woman president...just not Hillary Clinton. What are you doing for the next four years?

I think that was Pa's response from funloving pair...so, if I'm correct in this assumption, I agree...Pa for President!!!

I'll go with that...
 February 4, 2007, 11:24

 User no longer registered.
Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
Perhaps I can run beneath him...

Oops, I meant be his VP...
 February 4, 2007, 11:31

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (darkmark666 @ February 4, 2007, 11:24)
  QUOTE (Juilianna @ February 4, 2007, 11:20)
  QUOTE (darkmark666 @ February 4, 2007, 11:16)
  QUOTE (funlovingpair @ February 4, 2007, 10:19)
Yup, its definitely the dreads. Brutus will have some real fun with him.
Now for my two cents worth. This whole thing has been blown way out of proportion. If someone actually placed a bomb threat call, they are the ones that should be arrested and charged for this bull shit. I've never heard of this show, and if I had the chance to watch it, I probably wouldn't. However, these cities that had these signs placed in them should look into the advertising ordinances. As the places that had the signs placed where not within the allowable areas where one would have been able to place normal advertising. In most cities, you have to have permits in order to place advertising signage, and these guy's did not. This is the only thing that I could see they might be charged with.

OK I'm done.

And thats fair enough! based on fact, level headed...reasonable...Conclusion: maybe we DO need a woman president...just not Hillary Clinton. What are you doing for the next four years?

I think that was Pa's response from funloving pair...so, if I'm correct in this assumption, I agree...Pa for President!!!

I'll go with that...

You would be correct, it was me, aka Pa.
As for the President thing, NO WAY. I would never fit in to the Washington bureaucracy. They would would tar and feather me within the first week.
 February 4, 2007, 11:31

 User no longer registered.
Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
how about we chocolate sauce and marshmallow you??? that would be more fun!!!
 February 4, 2007, 11:33

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
I'm ready for that.
 February 4, 2007, 11:40

 User no longer registered.
Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
Damn me...I did it again!!!

 February 4, 2007, 11:47

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
Yea you are good, oh so very good. You are more than welcome for that spot under me, I mean the V.P. spot.
 February 4, 2007, 11:49

 User no longer registered.
Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
Yep...that's me...governmental relations is one of my specialties...LOL!!!
 February 4, 2007, 11:51

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (Juilianna @ February 4, 2007, 11:51)
Yep...that's me...governmental relations is one of my specialties...LOL!!!

hmmm...i think i was just appointed a diplomatic position...(doggy is diplomatic)

guess that means i can do whatever i want and plead diplomatic immunity....good concept.
 February 5, 2007, 08:49

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
The news reported that TIme Warner will pay $2 million for the bomb scare in Boston.
 February 5, 2007, 12:23

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (funlovingpair @ February 5, 2007, 12:23)
The news reported that TIme Warner will pay $2 million for the bomb scare in Boston.

Yup, just heard that. So much for no liability.
 February 5, 2007, 18:52

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ February 5, 2007, 18:52)
  QUOTE (funlovingpair @ February 5, 2007, 12:23)
The news reported that TIme Warner will pay $2 million for the bomb scare in Boston.

Yup, just heard that. So much for no liability.

Easier for Ted...whats a couple mill among friends? Also.....and correct me if I'm wrong, here...but, thats the network, paying, yes? Not the guy's who put them up, right...( though I am fairly certain that they will be excommunicated from the networks employ, anyway, just for the gesture of it! ) oh, well...the world needs martyrs...and scapegoats...It really is the dreads, isn't it?
 February 5, 2007, 19:00

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (darkmark666 @ February 5, 2007, 19:00)
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ February 5, 2007, 18:52)
  QUOTE (funlovingpair @ February 5, 2007, 12:23)
The news reported that TIme Warner will pay $2 million for the bomb scare in Boston.

Yup, just heard that. So much for no liability.

Easier for Ted...whats a couple mill among friends? Also.....and correct me if I'm wrong, here...but, thats the network, paying, yes? Not the guy's who put them up, right...( though I am fairly certain that they will be excommunicated from the networks employ, anyway, just for the gesture of it! ) oh, well...the world needs martyrs...and scapegoats...It really is the dreads, isn't it?

Nah, not the dreads. I know I'm over 50 so what I say has no relevance.
 February 5, 2007, 19:02

 53 / male
 millville, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ February 5, 2007, 19:02)
  QUOTE (darkmark666 @ February 5, 2007, 19:00)
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ February 5, 2007, 18:52)
  QUOTE (funlovingpair @ February 5, 2007, 12:23)
The news reported that TIme Warner will pay $2 million for the bomb scare in Boston.

Yup, just heard that. So much for no liability.

Easier for Ted...whats a couple mill among friends? Also.....and correct me if I'm wrong, here...but, thats the network, paying, yes? Not the guy's who put them up, right...( though I am fairly certain that they will be excommunicated from the networks employ, anyway, just for the gesture of it! ) oh, well...the world needs martyrs...and scapegoats...It really is the dreads, isn't it?

Nah, not the dreads. I know I'm over 50 so what I say has no relevance.

It won't be TOO long, and I'll be able to say the same! I'll try to keep my wits for as long as I can, though, with lively discussion, and thoughtful debate! ( oh, yeah...whats that other thing...hmmm, the thing we talk about here alot? OH YEAH! with SEX, too
 February 5, 2007, 19:17

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Guerrilla Marketing..............
  QUOTE (darkmark666 @ February 5, 2007, 19:17)
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ February 5, 2007, 19:02)
  QUOTE (darkmark666 @ February 5, 2007, 19:00)
  QUOTE (JCSOS @ February 5, 2007, 18:52)
  QUOTE (funlovingpair @ February 5, 2007, 12:23)
The news reported that TIme Warner will pay $2 million for the bomb scare in Boston.

Yup, just heard that. So much for no liability.

Easier for Ted...whats a couple mill among friends? Also.....and correct me if I'm wrong, here...but, thats the network, paying, yes? Not the guy's who put them up, right...( though I am fairly certain that they will be excommunicated from the networks employ, anyway, just for the gesture of it! ) oh, well...the world needs martyrs...and scapegoats...It really is the dreads, isn't it?

Nah, not the dreads. I know I'm over 50 so what I say has no relevance.

It won't be TOO long, and I'll be able to say the same! I'll try to keep my wits for as long as I can, though, with lively discussion, and thoughtful debate! ( oh, yeah...whats that other thing...hmmm, the thing we talk about here alot? OH YEAH! with SEX, too

I shows up much more quickly than ya would think. i went to sleep last week and was only 40.
 February 5, 2007, 19:22

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