47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Has anyone here had one? If so..Is sex the same really?
September 2, 2004, 20:49 |
User no longer registered.
Re: hysterectomy
Good Morning tease,,,, I've never had one, but I overheard one woman at a party tell another woman to make sure your doctor installs the playpen after removing the craddle.
On a serious note my daughterinlaw just had the procedure done a few days ago at the age 0f 37 she had lots of cysts every where and a constant period, her doctor said it would be the best thing to do, guess now she will have to take hormones to keep her system in balance.
September 3, 2004, 05:51 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: hysterectomy
I seriosly had no choice...Had to have one...But I feel different inside...and dont know if it feels different to men...or if orgasms are the same..I mean the gspot is right by the cervix..well I dont have one anymore sooooo.....
September 3, 2004, 12:36 |
User no longer registered.
Re: hysterectomy
I not sure if that is were the G spot is? Go to "gennyspray.com" that explains exactly where it is got that fron chazzy back a few posts.
September 3, 2004, 13:10 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: hysterectomy
QUOTE (hothands @ September 3, 2004, 13:10)I not sure if that is were the G spot is? Go to "gennyspray.com" that explains exactly where it is got that fron chazzy back a few posts.
Yup I read up on it...Thats where it is
September 3, 2004, 13:11 |
User no longer registered.
Re: hysterectomy
Dont want to start an argument, but the way I read, sounds like the G-spot is before the cevix right behind the mound maybe an inch and a half in from the vaginal opening on the upper portion of the canal. luv ya hothands.
September 3, 2004, 15:00 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: hysterectomy
How I read it was just on the inside of the cervix....Maybe we are both wrong? Or got bad info...who the hell knows...Thats why I was asking!
September 3, 2004, 15:21 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: hysterectomy
The naughty library says.....
Where can I find the G-Spot?
The G-Spot is not easily located. Sometimes women have a hard time finding it and do not even believe they have one. Here is an easy method to finding it.
To explore this area, have your partner lie down, knees bent and feet flat on the bed, with a small pillow under her buttocks. Insert the length of your lubricated fingers into her vagina towards her navel. This will be about two inches inside the vagina. Press with one or two fingers against the front wall of her vagina. Because it's surrounded with tissue and is deep in the vaginal wall, you may want to apply a little more pressure than usual.
When you stimulate the right spot, it will swell the way your penis does. Slide your fingers from side to side. Have your partner tell you when you hit the right place. She will be able to tell. When you find the sensitive spot, continue stimulating it and you may find that it becomes firm and swells much like the erectile tissue in your penis.
Now dont get mad abs....I had to show I was wrong
September 3, 2004, 15:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: hysterectomy
If I were there I could show you luv,,,,
September 3, 2004, 15:32 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: hysterectomy
QUOTE (hothands @ September 3, 2004, 15:32)If I were there I could show you luv,,,,
So cum over and show me?!
September 3, 2004, 15:32 |
User no longer registered.
Re: hysterectomy
what probably is confusing is that it is deep in the vaginal "wall",,,, Not deep in the canal.
September 3, 2004, 15:35 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: hysterectomy
QUOTE (Tease @ September 3, 2004, 15:32) QUOTE (hothands @ September 3, 2004, 15:32)If I were there I could show you luv,,,,
So cum over and show me?!  Id love to,,,we would both probably learn a thing or two!
September 3, 2004, 15:38 |
User no longer registered.
Re: hysterectomy
Then I could also work on your back ach/pain?
September 3, 2004, 15:41 |
User no longer registered.
Re: hysterectomy
Where did you go?? you didnt leave me to search for your G-spot did you????
September 3, 2004, 15:42 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: hysterectomy
QUOTE (hothands @ September 3, 2004, 15:42)Where did you go?? you didnt leave me to search for your G-spot did you???? 
I was seriously thinkin bout it then one of my kids came in the house and changed my mind quick...Actually I was reading the old threads on here....And yes lets work on that back pain!
September 3, 2004, 16:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: hysterectomy
The g-spot is NOT near the cervix, there is, I hear claimed, another spot up toward the cervix, the g-spot is near the top edge of your pubic bone, which is much lower that you are looking. Let me pass your question on to someone I know, he has allot of knowledge in this area. And I'll get back to you when he answers.
September 3, 2004, 16:12 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: hysterectomy
QUOTE (Chazzy @ September 3, 2004, 16:12)The g-spot is NOT near the cervix, there is, I hear claimed, another spot up toward the cervix, the g-spot is near the top edge of your pubic bone, which is much lower that you are looking. Let me pass your question on to someone I know, he has allot of knowledge in this area. And I'll get back to you when he answers.
Can you have him cum and find it for me too? Thank you chazzy
September 3, 2004, 16:13 |
User no longer registered.
Re: hysterectomy
Hi chazzy,,,,,nice to see you!
September 3, 2004, 16:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: hysterectomy
Chazzy,,,,,your like the fairy godmother, or the good witch from the north, you pop in for a moment, then you dissapear!
September 3, 2004, 16:27 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: hysterectomy
QUOTE (hothands @ September 3, 2004, 16:27)Chazzy,,,,,your like the fairy godmother, or the good witch from the north, you pop in for a moment, then you dissapear! 
Shes like the nice witch in the wizard of OZ...She is trying to catch the mean old ugly green witch!
September 3, 2004, 17:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: hysterectomy
I'm sending him an email right now! Got interupted earlier, go figure!
September 3, 2004, 18:39 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: hysterectomy
QUOTE (Chazzy @ September 3, 2004, 18:39)I'm sending him an email right now! Got interupted earlier, go figure!
hup too! Tell him I reallllllllllllly wanna know...I hate being wrong!!!
September 3, 2004, 18:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: hysterectomy
A friend of mine has had one and she claims that sex is much the same as before, but she takes longer to get excited and needs to use lubricant now. Other than those little problems she still tastes just fine........
September 3, 2004, 22:14 |
User no longer registered.
Re: hysterectomy
Just waiting for his reply now,
September 3, 2004, 22:18 |
User no longer registered.
Re: hysterectomy
..and here it is for you,,and anyone else that may benefit (also sending you further infor you asked for!)
In the past few years I have had three women, post-hysterectomy. The g spot
AND deeper spot both work great. In fact, they all are very, very horny
women, it seemed to them to have raised there need for sex. They were all
multiorgasmic in the dozens. Tell her sex will be as good, if not better
with a good lover.
September 3, 2004, 22:54 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: hysterectomy
QUOTE (Chazzy @ September 3, 2004, 22:54)..and here it is for you,,and anyone else that may benefit (also sending you further infor you asked for!)
In the past few years I have had three women, post-hysterectomy. The g spot
AND deeper spot both work great. In fact, they all are very, very horny
women, it seemed to them to have raised there need for sex. They were all
multiorgasmic in the dozens. Tell her sex will be as good, if not better
with a good lover.
Ty hun! Much appreciated...
September 3, 2004, 22:55 |
47 / female small town, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: hysterectomy
QUOTE (Chazzy @ September 3, 2004, 22:54)..and here it is for you,,and anyone else that may benefit (also sending you further infor you asked for!)
In the past few years I have had three women, post-hysterectomy. The g spot
AND deeper spot both work great. In fact, they all are very, very horny
women, it seemed to them to have raised there need for sex. They were all
multiorgasmic in the dozens. Tell her sex will be as good, if not better
with a good lover.
He has contacted me via email and helped me with many questions! Thanks again soooo much! I appreciate it!
September 5, 2004, 18:58 |