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Home wrecking
Do you think that its possible for someone to stray away from a solid stable relationship, to be drawn away and seduced by temptation?
Or must there already be problems, cracks in the relationship's foundation for an outsider to "seep" into?
December 28, 2006, 10:58 |
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Re: Home wrecking
QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 28, 2006, 10:58)Do you think that its possible for someone to stray away from a solid stable relationship, to be drawn away and seduced by temptation?
Or must there already be problems, cracks in the relationship's foundation for an outsider to "seep" into?
I think it is human nature to be curious however I also think that if one has a truly solid relationship which includes a regular sexual relationship with said partner,the likelyhood of being lead astray would be greatly reduced.
December 28, 2006, 12:25 |
64 / couple lake elsinore, California, US
Re: Home wrecking
no solid foundation in a relationship would merit a big slip like that, therefore, i would have to say that there were underlying issues to begin with.
December 28, 2006, 15:57 |
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Re: Home wrecking
my rather inexperienced opinion is that a person is only as faithful as their options.
December 28, 2006, 16:46 |
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Re: Home wrecking
To many factors involved here, Alcohol, drugs, spouse not taking care of them selves, lax in personal hygene, lax in taking care of partners needs, I do not think there are cracks or flaws in any relation ship, you either do your homework or flunk out,,this BS I had five babies thats why Im out of shape is all crap your out of shape cus your lazy, sit on you F.. A.. and eat junk food all day. Same goes for hubbie,,,any flaws in a marriage are put there by you and your spouse.
December 28, 2006, 17:31 |
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Re: Home wrecking
I believe there must be underlying issues in a relationship before someone strays. A "happily" married indivudual that is being fulfilled mentally, sexually, and lovingly wouldn't be the likely candidate to stray.
Here's where my issue comes in, if there is a problem and the partner does not let the other know there is a problem in the relationship..."I haven't been happy for a long time" is a personal favorite...well, if you haven't been happy then step it up and say something before you start those eyes wondering and that fidelity pointing in the wrong direction.
December 28, 2006, 19:58 |
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Re: Home wrecking
What are you living in a dream world, how do you know when to step-up women are great one day then the next day the whole world for them is upside down.
December 28, 2006, 20:16 |
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Re: Re: Home wrecking
QUOTE (hothands @ December 28, 2006, 20:16)What are you living in a dream world, how do you know when to step-up women are great one day then the next day the whole world for them is upside down.
Dream World? LOL
Perhaps the women you know are up one day and down the next or perhaps the men in their lives aren't providing the stability and trust in a relationship for them to thrive in. Relationships only work when two people communicate. I can tell you from experience when my husband strayed it wasn't because I was laying around on a couch on my ass eating junk food or letting myself go...I was busy with my career, raising children, cleaning house, working out several times a week and being a single parent while he traveled. My husband needed his ego stroked and instead of talking to me about the problems in our relationship he found someone else to talk to which led to his affair. If once he'd said, "Hey baby, let's take some time for us, I really miss you," I would have been on the fast track to making it happen...instead he sought out one of his best friend's wives and found out that she was a lazy lush, an awful mother and emotionally inept...two years of hell for our family could have been avoided by a simple conversation, so I'd say that my world is harsh reality and if they were dreams they were nightmares that were created by his inability to just simply ask for a little attention.
December 28, 2006, 21:21 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Home wrecking
QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 28, 2006, 10:58)Do you think that its possible for someone to stray away from a solid stable relationship, to be drawn away and seduced by temptation?
Or must there already be problems, cracks in the relationship's foundation for an outsider to "seep" into?
Isn't that why most of us are here in the first place..to be seduced and tempted ???
M Lev...
December 28, 2006, 21:56 |
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Re: Re: Home wrecking
QUOTE (Leviathan4u @ December 28, 2006, 21:56) QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 28, 2006, 10:58)Do you think that its possible for someone to stray away from a solid stable relationship, to be drawn away and seduced by temptation?
Or must there already be problems, cracks in the relationship's foundation for an outsider to "seep" into?
Isn't that why most of us are here in the first place..to be seduced and tempted ???
I personally like the term poked and prodded...
M Lev...
December 28, 2006, 22:10 |
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Re: Re: Re: Home wrecking
QUOTE (Juilianna @ December 28, 2006, 22:10) QUOTE (Leviathan4u @ December 28, 2006, 21:56) QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 28, 2006, 10:58)Do you think that its possible for someone to stray away from a solid stable relationship, to be drawn away and seduced by temptation?
Or must there already be problems, cracks in the relationship's foundation for an outsider to "seep" into?
Isn't that why most of us are here in the first place..to be seduced and tempted ???
I personally like the term poked and prodded...
M Lev...
I personally like the term poked and prodded... 
That was from me...LOL...I have problems with the box breaks sometimes...Juils
December 28, 2006, 22:11 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Home wrecking
I think it depends on the people involved - you can have everything right there - mentally, physical, etc. and still have the need to seek something somewhere else. I don't condone it but I know how my mind works and I have been very straightforward with my sweetie and he with me - right from the get go we said yes we want to be exclusive - however we both understand the need to seek the forbidden so to speak. So, I think that yes, you can still stray even though you have everything you need right there in front of you - unless of course - you happen to be the Levs - then you just say hey Baby - move over we have company lol 3some .gif">
December 28, 2006, 22:45 |
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Re: Home wrecking
That commitment needs to be there in the beginning..Hubby and I have been married for almost 30 yrs. Before we even got married we told each other that this was forever and there were no options, i.e. divorce. Thrue the hard times and good times we stuck it out. Everyone goes thrue hard times, no day is ever perfect. But you learn to work everything out. I couldn't see myself with anyone else through everything we have been through.
December 28, 2006, 23:05 |
81 / male somewhere, Nebraska, US
Re: Home wrecking
December 28, 2006, 23:28 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Home wrecking
it does not matter whether or not a person is getting enough personal attention or what ever they are in need of, if you are truly in love with someone, then you should be able to resist temptation (although you must be strong willed to do this!!)....i know this from personal experience, as my ex-wife gave me very little personal attentions that i soooo needed...i thought about straying but that is all i could ever do, as i was fearful of hurting her, i loved her very, very, very much!!!!!
lack of attention is the thing that caused us to continually argue, which ultimately led to our divorce!!
never ever did i do more than wonder what would happen if that girl next door offered to have an affair.....
December 29, 2006, 01:01 |
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Re: Home wrecking
Coming from one that was accused of having an affair, I can say that it is easy to get emotionally involved with someone, and never have it get physical. Women know how to play men as well as a man knows how to play a women. They know how to say all the right things, and in my case, I really did not think there was anything more than a very good friendship . But as I look back on it, I can see where I was emotionally attached to this woman, which is something I regret ever happened. I lost what I thought was a good friendship , but I did realize that I needed to be at home where it really mattered most. With my wife and family. I needed to make things right and take care of the things that I had at home. The one thing that I could never do at home, is communicate with my spouse, which we have been working on, and have come a very long way. However we do have a ways to go, but we are so much better today than we were then. If my wife ever happens to read this, I just want her to know that I LOVE her very much.
December 29, 2006, 18:22 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Home wrecking
QUOTE (xtrafun @ December 28, 2006, 23:05)That commitment needs to be there in the beginning..Hubby and I have been married for almost 30 yrs. Before we even got married we told each other that this was forever and there were no options, i.e. divorce. Thrue the hard times and good times we stuck it out. Everyone goes thrue hard times, no day is ever perfect. But you learn to work everything out. I couldn't see myself with anyone else through everything we have been through.
That is my theory too. If and whenever I get married I see it as in its a lifetime thing and we're going to get through it thick and thin. My parents have been divorced and I would personally never want to go through that dramatic mess.
December 29, 2006, 21:06 |