63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Christmas Traditions
Do you or your family have a certain tradition, or routine you follow year after year, or do you just wake up & tear open your presents.. For my family, we all show up at mom & dads at 5:00pm on Christmas eve, then we go to the Church Services. After Church, it's back to my parents house, where we have our choice of chili, or oyster soup. I always eat just as slow as I possibly can, having 2-3 bowls. The nephews & nieces are finished in 45 seconds, sitting by the tree, giving us those sad eyes.But I do not falter, I savor every drop, taking my time to enjoy. Then I ask mom if she made my pie for me, which I already know she did. That brings a lot of groans from the young ones. So we finally go to the tree, but first, Mom will read the Christmas Story from the Bible, just as she has done for 47 years. Then the youngsters hand out the presents,which more closely resembles a shuttle pass in football. Then open the goodies. Whats your Christmas like.??
December 19, 2006, 20:47 |
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Re: Christmas Traditions
Christmas at the in-laws on Christmas Eve then at 11:00pm I and the kids head to church for the Christmas Eve service at midnight the bell's toll and I love that!! Christmas day is spent with all of my family with traditional dishes - the deserts are the best steamed cranberry pudding with hard sauce and suet pudding!!
December 19, 2006, 23:28 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Christmas Traditions
Every year at Christmas Eve it's off to one of my siblings or mom's, wherever they decide to come together. It's a staple lasagna dinner with my fave, "Stuffed Jumbo Shrimp" I could eat, and have been known to, eat a whole tray myself (about 50 give or take two). Then the kids go through the presents like maniacs on leave from the assylum, which always ends up in balled up, gift wrap, throwing fight, which I usually always win (cat like reflexes). Then I will head out the upstairs bathroom window and stomp around on the roof, until the little ones hear me. Then I will grab the cell phone and call the house, and give a few, well placed, HO, HO, HO's, and like greased-lightning, the place will empty out. It's kind of funny watching the little ones pushing the parents to get their shit together, so they can go home and go to bed. I'm usually the last to leave, after I make up a dogggy-bag fit for an army...
December 20, 2006, 01:10 |
57 / female In the Sun, Arizona, US
Re: Christmas Traditions
I usually work in the ER on Christmas Eve to meet this wonderful man (Santa) and his family who bring gifts to all the kids in the hospital. It is very special he comes at midnight just for these kids with gifts that his family purchases.
December 20, 2006, 15:12 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Christmas Traditions
Its kinda up in the air, but usually its at my parents house. With me working until 6:30 or so, providing the children behave themselves, but usually its 10pm, and then my oldest will be working until about 8pm. So its going to be a late one this year. Sounds like my Mom is really pissed at my brother's wife this year. They said they wanted to get together on the Eve, but then after everything was arranged, they changed their minds and wanted on Christmas Day. Mom just said too bad, we getting together on Christmas Eve. But then we sit down for all the finger food that mom has fixed, no big formal dinner or anything. Just snacks and sandwichs, sloppy joes, different kinds of meats, cheeses, etc... Now that everyone is adults, sorta of, there is no feeding frenzy under the tree anymore, have to wait for grand kids and great grand kids to show up. But dad usually reads the Christmas story from the Bible, and then the orderly opening of gifts begins, usually by age, and we do still get my parents something and they get something for all the kids and grandkids, but my brother and I don't exchange anymore. We don't exchange presents anymore, brothers wife finally got her way, bitch. But now I am really starting to cherrish these times with my folks, as I know that since they are getting up there in age, there won't be too many more gatherings like this, so I just take everything in stide., no matter what family event it is.
December 20, 2006, 15:38 |